Monthly Archives: November, 2017

IBM’s processor pushes quantum computing … –

Quantum computers work much differently than regular supercomputers, taking advantage of weird quantum physics principals like "superposition." In theory, they can run specific programs, like encryption-cracking algorithms, many, many times faster than regular computers. The 50 qubit system (shown below) is a significant leap toward practical quantum computers

DOJ: Strong encryption that we dont have access to is …

Enlarge / US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein delivers remarks at the 65th Annual Attorney General's Awards Ceremony at the Daughters of the American Revolution Constitution Hall October 25, 2017 in Washington, DC. Just two days after the FBI said it could not get into the Sutherland Springs shooter's seized iPhone, Politico Pro published a lengthy interview with a top Department of Justice official who has become the "governments unexpected encryption warrior." According to the interview, which was summarized and published in transcript form on Thursday for subscribers of the website, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein indicated that the showdown between the DOJ and Silicon Valley is quietly intensifying.

FBI cant break the encryption on Texas shooters smartphone

Getty Images | Peter Dazeley The Federal Bureau of Investigation has not been able to break the encryption on the phone owned by a gunman who killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday. "We are unable to get into that phone," FBI Special Agent Christopher Combs said in a press conference yesterday (see video). Combs declined to say what kind of phone was used by gunman Devin Kelley, who killed himself after the mass shooting."I'm not going to describe what phone it is because I don't want to tell every bad guy out there what phone to buy, to harass our efforts on trying to find justice here," Combs said.

DOJ Fires Up New War With Apple Over Encryption

The DOJ and FBI have been in a bit of a cold war with Apple and the tech community ever since the controversy in 2015 over unlocking the San Bernardino shooters iPhone. This week, the war heated up again with the FBI and Apple exchanging words about encryption, and on Thursday, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States stepped into the fray

‘$300m in cryptocurrency’ accidentally lost forever due to bug …

More than $300m of cryptocurrency has been lost after a series of bugs in a popular digital wallet service led one curious developer to accidentally take control of and then lock up the funds, according to reports. Unlike most cryptocurrency hacks, however, the money wasnt deliberately taken: it was effectively destroyed by accident.

Amazon might want in on cryptocurrency –

Image: Jakub Kaczmarczyk/Epa/REX/Shutterstock Amazon is not-so quietly shaping the future around its ever-expanding business, so it makes sense they'd want to get in on cryptocurrency, too. The company wants to build a fleet of package-delivering drones

Quantum computing –

A full stackWith Mundies backing, Freedman set up a lab in Santa Barbara, California, and began recruiting some of the worlds pre-eminent condensed-matter and theoretical physicists, materials scientists, mathematicians and computer scientists to work on building the topological qubit. That team now boasts many leading quantum experts who have joined Microsoft as employees in the past year, including Leo Kouwenhoven, Charles Marcus, David Reilly and Matthias Troyer. To create the infrastructure for a full computing platform, Microsoft has simultaneously worked on building hardware, software and programming languages for topological quantum computing