Category Archives: Quantum Computer

Trolling IBM’s Quantum Processor Advantage With A Commodore 64 – Hackaday

The memory map of the implementation, as set within the address space of the Commodore 64 about 15kB of the accessible 64kB RAM is used.

Theres been a lot of fuss about the quantum advantage that would arise from the use of quantum processors and quantum systems in general. Yet in this high-noise, high-uncertainty era of quantum computing it seems fair to say that the advantage part is a bit of a stretch. Most recently an anonymous paper (PDF, starts at page 199) takes IBMs claims with its 127-bit Eagle quantum processor to its ludicrous conclusion by running the same Trotterized Ising model on the ~1 MHz MOS 6510 processor in a Commodore 64. (Worth noting: this paper was submitted to Sigbovik, the conference of the Association for Computational Heresy.)

We previously covered the same claims by IBM already getting walloped by another group of researchers (Tindall et al., 2024) using a tensor network on a classical computer. The anonymous submitter of the Sigbovik paper based their experiment on a January 2024 research paper by [Tomislav Begui] and colleagues as published in Science Advances. These researchers also used a classical tensor network to run the IBM experiment many times faster and more accurately, which the anonymous researcher(s) took as the basis for a version that runs on the C64 in a mere 15 kB of RAM, with the code put on an Atmel AT28C256 ROM inside a cartridge which the C64 then ran from.

The same sparse Pauli dynamics algorithm was used as by [Tomislav Begui] et al., with some limitations due to the limited amount of RAM, implementing it in 6502 assembly. Although the C64 is ~300,000x slower per datapoint than a modern laptop, it does this much more efficiently than the quantum processor, and without the high error rate. Yes, that means that a compute cluster of Commodore 64s can likely outperform a please call us for a quote quantum system depending on which linear algebra problem youre trying to solve. Quantum computers may yet have their application, but this isnt it, yet.

Thanks to [Stephen Walters] and [Pio] for the tip.

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Trolling IBM's Quantum Processor Advantage With A Commodore 64 - Hackaday

French quantum computing powerhouses Pasqal and Welinq announce partnership –

Today, two French quantum computing companies,PasqalandWelinq, announced a partnershipsetto bring new standards to thequantum computingindustry.

Pasqal builds quantum processors from ordered neutral atoms in 2D and 3D arrays to give its customers a practical quantum advantage and address real-world problems. It was founded in 2019 out of the Institut d'Optique by Georges-Olivier Reymond, Christophe Jurczak, Professor Dr Alain AspectNobel Prize Laureate Physics, 2022, Dr Antoine Browaeys, and Dr Thierry Lahaye. To date, Pasqal has secured more than 140 million in financing.

Welinq develops and commercialises quantum links based on laser-cooled neutral atom quantum memories to interconnect quantum computers, drastically increasing their computational power and ensuring their deployment in clusters on customer premises.

The company spun out from Sorbonne Universit, CNRS and PSL-University and was founded in 2022 by Tom Darras, Prof Julien Laurat, Dr Eleni Diamanti and Jean Lautier-Gaud.

The next-generation Quantum Processing Units (QPUs)are expectedto execute quantum algorithms relying on a large number of qubits while applying error correction, which would necessitate an even more significant number.

Welinq harnesses a unique solution to interconnect multiple QPUs, significantly enhancing computational power. This facilitates scaling up the number of qubits and optimised QPU deployment and establishes the foundation for expansive quantum networks.Welinq's world-leading quantum memories are central to this breakthrough,whichare essential in creating these pivotal quantum links.

The two companies aim to push the boundaries of quantum processing unit (QPU) interconnectivity. Welinq brings their full-stack, turnkey quantum links to the partnership and the world's most efficient quantum memories based on cold neutral atoms, promising to provide the scalability necessary for achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Pasqal offers expertise in quantum computing with neutral atoms, featuring full-stack capabilities from hardware design and development to software solutions.

By the end of 2024, Welinq targets an industrial prototype of their neutral atom quantum memory with cutting-edge efficiency, storage time, and fidelity. Pasqal aims for a breakthrough in 2024 with 1000-qubit QPUs. T

he roadmap peaks in the 2026-2027 horizon with projected 10,000-qubit QPUs and high-fidelity two-qubit gates.

By 2030, they aim to foster a thriving quantum computing ecosystem, driving significant scientific and commercial advancements.

Multiple Pasqal neutral atom quantum processors will be interconnected for the first time, significantly boosting computing power. This represents a substantial step toward developing a complete, fault-tolerant quantum computing architecture that supports distributed computing.

Georges-Olivier Reymond, CEO and co-founder Pasqal commented:

"The partnership between Pasqal and Welinq is a strategic step towards practical quantum computing.

Our collaboration is centred on creating tangible solutions by integrating Pasqal's precision in quantum processing with Welinq's innovative networking and quantum memory systems.

This is quantum advancement with real-world application in mind, striving to solve complex problems with greater efficiency and reliability."

According to Tom Darras, CEO & Co-founder of Welinq:

"I am delighted to see that Welinq's unique vision for the scale-up of quantum computing is in alignment with quantum computing leaders like Pasqal,

This is a landmark for boosting the global quantum community towards achieving practical quantum computing in networked quantum computer architectures."

Lead image: Dynamic Wang.

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French quantum computing powerhouses Pasqal and Welinq announce partnership -

Quantum Computing Could be the Next Revolution – Fair Observer

Every few decades, the world witnesses technological revolutions that profoundly change our lives. This happened when we first invented computers, when we created the Internet and most recently when artificial intelligence (AI) emerged.

Today, experts frequently speculate that the next revolution will involve technologies grounded in the principles of quantum mechanics. One such technology is quantum computing. Harnessing the unique properties of quantum mechanics, quantum computers promise to achieve superior computational power, solving certain tasks that are beyond the reach of classical computers.

Quantum computers can potentially transform many sectors, from defense and finance to education, logistics and medicine. However, we are currently in a quantum age reminiscent of the pre-silicon era of classical computers. Back then, state-of-the-art computers like ENIAC ran on vacuum tubes, which were large, clunky, and required a lot of power. During the 1950s, experts investigated various platforms to develop the most efficient and effective computing systems. This journey eventually led to the widespread adoption of silicon semiconductors, which we still use today.

Similarly, todays quantum quest involves evaluating different potential platforms to produce what the industry commonly calls a fault-tolerant quantum computer quantum computers that are able to perform reliable operations despite the presence of errors in their hardware.

Tech giants, including Google and IBM, are adapting superconductors materials that have zero resistance to electrical current to build their quantum computers, claiming that they might be able to build a reasonably large quantum computer by 2030. Other companies and startups dedicated to quantum computing, such as QuEra, PsiQuantum and Alice & Bob, are experimenting with other platforms and even occasionally declaring that they might be able to build one before 2030.

Until the so-called fault-tolerant quantum computer is built, the industry needs to go through an era commonly referred to as the Noisy Intermedia-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. NISQ quantum devices contain a few hundred quantum bits (qubits) and are typically prone to errors due to various quantum phenomena.

NISQ devices serve as early prototypes of fault-tolerant quantum computers and showcase their potential. However, they are not expected to clearly demonstrate practical advantages, such as solving large scale optimization problems or simulating sufficiently complex chemical molecules.

Researchers attribute the difficulty of building such devices to the significant amount of errors (or noise) NISQ devices suffer from. Nevertheless, this is not surprising. The basic computational units of quantum computers, the qubits, are highly sensitive quantum particles easily influenced by their environment. This is why one way to build a quantum computer is to cool these machines to near zero kelvin a temperature colder than outer space. This reduces the interaction between qubits and the surrounding environment, thus producing less noise.

Another approach is to accept that such levels of noise are inevitable and instead focus on mitigating, suppressing or correcting any errors produced by such noise. This constitutes a substantial area of research that must advance significantly if we are to facilitate the construction of fault-tolerant quantum computers.

As the construction of quantum devices progresses, research advances rapidly to explore potential applications, not just for future fault-tolerant computers, but also possibly for todays NISQ devices. Recent advances show promising results in specialized applications, such as optimization, artificial intelligence and simulation.

Many speculate that the first practical quantum computer may appear in the field of optimization. Theoretical demonstrations have shown that quantum computers will be capable of solving optimization problems more efficiently than classical computers. Performing optimization tasks efficiently could have a profound impact on a broad range of problems. This is especially the case where the search for an optimized solution would usually require an astronomical number of trials.

Examples of such optimization problems are almost countless and can be found in major sectors such as finance (portfolio optimization and credit risk analysis), logistics (route optimization and supply chain optimization) and aviation (flight gate optimization and flight path optimization).

AI is another field in which experts anticipate quantum computers will make significant advances. By leveraging quantum phenomena, such as superposition, entanglement and interference which have no counterparts in classical computing quantum computers may offer advantages in training and optimizing machine learning models.

However, we still do not have concrete evidence supporting such claimed advantages as this would necessitate larger quantum devices, which we do not have today. That said, early indications of these potential advantages are rapidly emerging within the research community.

Simulating quantum systems was the original application that motivated the idea of building quantum computers. Efficient simulations will likely drastically impact many essential applications, such as material science (finding new material with superior properties, like for better batteries) and drug discovery (development of new drugs by more accurately simulating quantum interactions between molecules).

Unfortunately, with the current NISQ devices, only simple molecules can be simulated. More complex molecules will need to wait for the advent of large fault-tolerant computers.

There is uncertainty surrounding the timeline and applications of quantum computers, but we should remember that the killer application for classical computers was not even remotely envisioned by their inventors. A killer application is the single application that contributed the most to the widespread use of a certain technology. For classical computers, the killer application, surprisingly, turned out to be spreadsheets.

For quantum computers, speculation often centers around simulation and optimization being the potential killer applications of this technology, but a definite winner is still far from certain. In fact, the quantum killer application may be something entirely unknown to us at this time and it may even arise from completely uncharted territories.

[Will Sherriff edited this piece.]

The views expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observers editorial policy.

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Quantum Computing Could be the Next Revolution - Fair Observer

Exploring the Power of Quantum AI: What You Need to Know – Scioto Valley Guardian

Quantum AI is a fascinating field that combines the power of quantum computing with artificial intelligence to unlock new possibilities and revolutionize industries. In this article, we will delve into the basics of quantum computing, explore the next frontier of quantum AI algorithms, examine cutting-edge applications across various industries, discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with this technology, and speculate on the future of quantum AI. Whether youre a seasoned tech enthusiast or simply intrigued by the potential of groundbreaking innovations, the emergence of platforms likequantumai.counderscores the growing importance and accessibility of quantum AI in shaping the technological landscape of tomorrow.

The field of quantum computing represents a fundamental change in computational approach, moving away from classical computings binary logic and towards the probabilistic domain of quantum mechanics. Fundamentally, quantum computing uses quantum bits, or qubits, to alter data by utilizing the laws of superposition and entanglement. Qubits are different from classical bits in that they can exist in more than one state at once. This allows for the processing of information in parallel and exponentially increases computer capacity. Shors algorithm for integer factorization and Grovers algorithm for database search are two examples of these algorithms that highlight the revolutionary potential of quantum computing in resolving intricate issues that are beyond the scope of classical systems.

The cutting edge of computational innovation is embodied in AI algorithms, which combine the intelligence of artificial neural networks with the capabilities of quantum computing. Equipped with the concepts of quantum parallelism and superposition, these algorithms go beyond the limitations of traditional machine learning models by enabling quick data processing and improved optimization methods. The field of these artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms is expanding at an unprecedented rate, with ground-breaking developments ranging from quantum-inspired optimization algorithms such as the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) to quantum neural networks for pattern recognition and classification. These algorithms present unmatched prospects for propelling scientific research and expanding technological boundaries.

Quantum AI has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of sectors by spurring creativity and altering long-standing paradigms. By utilizing these optimization algorithms to negotiate complicated market dynamics and open up new paths for profit maximization, quantum AI in finance empowers algorithmic trading tactics, risk management protocols and portfolio optimization procedures. Quantum AI in healthcare heralds a new era of precision medicine and tailored medicines by streamlining drug discovery pipelines, facilitating genome sequencing and analysis, and enabling personalized treatment regimens. This AI also improves inventory management systems, expedites route optimization, and boosts demand forecasting skills in logistics and supply chain management, all of which maximize operational effectiveness and resource utilization.

Although quantum AI has countless potential, there are manydifficulties and barriersin the way of its actualization. One of the biggest obstacles in the way of effective computing is still the search for fault-tolerant quantum hardware that can maintain stable qubits and reduce quantum decoherence. In addition, interdisciplinary cooperation and coordinated research efforts are required for the development of scalable quantum algorithms and error correction codes to overcome current obstacles and realize the full potential of quantum AI. However, these difficulties also present previously unheard-of chances for creativity, teamwork, and societal effect, highlighting the revolutionary potential of quantum AI in reshaping both technology and humankind.

Quantum AI is expected to evolve through a trajectory of rapid innovation, revolutionary breakthroughs, and paradigm shifts in computational approaches as we move towards a future driven by quantum energy. From ground-breaking studies in quantum information theory to industrial applications in quantum computing and artificial intelligence, the field of quantum AI is changing at a rate never seen before, changing entire industries, transforming scientific research, and advancing humankind to new heights of comprehension. The potential of quantum AI to surpass imagination and usher in an unprecedented era of technical growth and societal upheaval is contingent upon sustained investment, collaboration, and inventiveness.

To sum up, quantum AI is a cutting-edge technical advancement that embodies a stunning combination of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, with the potential to redefine human achievement. By exploring the complexities of artificial intelligence with quantum mechanics, we can open up new possibilities outside the scope of traditional computing paradigms. We set out on a voyage of exploration and invention as we negotiate the difficulties of quantum AI, driven by the unquenchable quest for knowledge and advancement.

The field of quantum AI is constantly growing, offering numerous chances for groundbreaking discoveries, cross-disciplinary cooperation and societal influence. Quantum AI is a progress accelerator that will lead us to a future filled with limitless potential and unimaginable possibilities, revolutionizing everything from industries to scientific frontiers to solving urgent global concerns. As we approach the dawn of a quantum-powered era, let us seize the opportunity presented by quantum AI and use its revolutionary potential to create a better, more promising future for coming generations.

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Exploring the Power of Quantum AI: What You Need to Know - Scioto Valley Guardian

‘Almost very close’ to nuclear weapon: Federal cyber officials brace for quantum computing surprise – Washington Times

Federal cybersecurity officials are preparing for a quantum computing surprise that requires the largest change in encryption ever to safeguard Americans data from foreign hackers.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agencys Garfield Jones said Tuesday that the emergence of a cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer will upend digital security in unprecedented ways and that people need to prepare immediately.

Such a device, dubbed CRQC, would be capable of breaking encryption to expose government secrets and peoples personal information to anyone who uses the machine, according to cyber officials.

Nations will rush to develop the tech and keep it hidden from public view in order to steal their enemies data while upending information security in the process, according to Mr. Jones, CISA associate chief of strategic technology.

When it drops, its not going to be, I dont think its going to be a slow drop, Mr. Jones told cyber officials assembled at the U.S. General Services Administration. I think once someone gets this CRQC, none of us will know.

Quantum computers promise speeds and efficiency that todays fastest supercomputers cannot match, according to the National Science Foundation. Classical computers have more commercial value now because quantum computers have not yet proven capable of correcting errors involving encoded data.

A cryptanalytically relevant quantum computer, the CRQC, will be capable of correcting errors, according to Mr. Jones, and perform tasks that other computers cannot approach.

Preparations for defense against such technology are underway across the federal government.

Art Fuller, who is leading the Justice Departments post-quantum cryptography efforts, said developing secure systems presents a huge challenge that cannot be solved by flipping a switch.

This is the largest cryptographic migration in history, Mr. Fuller told officials at Tuesdays event.

Estimates on the timing of the creation of such a quantum computer vary, but Mr. Jones said large-scale quantum computers remain in the early stages of research and development and could still be a ways off.

Regardless, Mr. Jones cautioned digital defenders against delaying preparation for the arrival of such technology.

He described the environment surrounding the development of the CRQC as almost very close to a nuclear weapon, with nations competing to obtain the machine and keep it top secret.

You never know, three years from now, you might have a CRQC but I think planning and getting that preparation in place will help you protect that data, Mr. Jones said.

The National Security Agency similarly fears the arrival of a CRQC in the hands of Americas enemies.

NSA Director of Research Gil Herrera said last month that teams around the world are building with different technologies and could develop something representing a black swan event, an extremely unexpected occurrence with harsh consequences.

If this black swan event happens, then were really screwed, Mr. Herrera said, citing potential damage to everything from financial transactions to sensitive communications for nuclear weapons.

Mr. Herrera did not forecast precisely when a nation could develop such a device in remarks at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance event but indicated it may take a long time to achieve.

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'Almost very close' to nuclear weapon: Federal cyber officials brace for quantum computing surprise - Washington Times

Future quantum computers will be no match for ‘space encryption’ that uses light to beam data around with the 1st … –

By converting data into light particles and beaming them around the world using satellites, we could prevent encrypted messages from being intercepted by a superpowerful quantum computer, scientists claim.

Currently, messaging technology relies on mathematical, or cryptographic, methods of protection, including end-to-end encryption. This technology is used in WhatsApp as well as by corporations, the government and the military to protect sensitive data from being intercepted.

Encryption works by scrambling data or text into what appears to be nonsense, using an algorithm and a key that only the sender and recipient can use to unlock the data. These algorithms can, in theory, be cracked. But they are designed to be so complex that even the fastest supercomputers would take millions of years to translate the data into something readable.

Related: World's 1st fault-tolerant quantum computer launching this year ahead of a 10,000-qubit machine in 2026

Quantum computers change the equation. Although the field is young, scientists predict that such machines will be powerful enough to easily break encryption algorithms someday. This is because they can process exponentially greater calculations in parallel (depending on how many qubits they use), whereas classical computers can process calculations only in sequence.

Fearing that quantum computers will render encryption obsolete someday, scientists are proposing new technologies to protect sensitive communications. One field, known as "quantum cryptography," involves building systems that can protect data from encryption-beating quantum computers.

Unlike classical cryptography, which relies on algorithms to scramble data and keep it safe, quantum cryptography would be secure thanks to the weird quirks of quantum mechanics, according to IBM.

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For example, in a paper published Jan. 21 in the journal Advanced Quantum Technologies, scientists describe a mission called "Quick3," which uses photons particles of light to transmit data through a massive satellite network.

"Security will be based on the information being encoded into individual light particles and then transmitted," Tobias Vogl, professor of quantum communication systems engineering at TUM and co-author of the paper, said in a statement. "The laws of physics do not permit this information to be extracted or copied."

That's because the very act of measuring a quantum system changes its state.

"When the information is intercepted, the light particles change their characteristics," he added. "Because we can measure these state changes, any attempt to intercept the transmitted data will be recognized immediately, regardless of future advances in technology."

The challenge with traditional Earth-based quantum cryptography, however, lies in transmitting data over long distances, with a maximum range of just a few hundred miles, the TUM scientists said in the statement. This is because light tends to scatter as it travels, and there's no easy way to copy or amplify these light signals through fiber optic cables.

Scientists have also experimented with storing encryption keys in entangled particles meaning the data is intrinsically shared between two particles over space and time no matter how far apart. A project in 2020, for example, demonstrated "quantum key distribution" (QKD) between two ground stations 700 miles apart (1,120 km).

When it comes to transmitting photons, however, at altitudes higher than 6 miles (10 kilometers), the atmosphere is so thin that light is not scattered or absorbed, so signals can be extended over longer distances.

The Quick3 system would involve the entire system for transmitting data in this way, including the components needed to build the satellites. The team has already tested each component on Earth. The next step will be to test the system in space, with a satellite launch scheduled for 2025.

They will probably need hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of satellites for a fully working quantum communications system, the team said.

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Future quantum computers will be no match for 'space encryption' that uses light to beam data around with the 1st ... -

Top Academics: Here’s How We Facilitate the Next Big Leap in Quantum Computing – PCMag Middle East

Table of Contents From Quantum Physics to Quantum Computing Grand Challenges and Error Correction The Road to Quantum Advantage Education and Workforce Development The Quantum Bottom Line

In advance of the ribbon-cutting for its new IBM System One quantum computer, the first one on a college campus, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) last week hosted a quantum computing day which featured several prominent speakers who together provided a snapshot of where the field is now. I've been writing about quantum computing for a long time, and have noted some big improvements, but there are also a host of challenges that still need to be overcome.

Here are some highlights.

The first plenary speaker was Jay M. Gambetta, Vice President of Quantum Computing at IBM, who gave an overview of the history and progress of quantum computing, as well as the challenges and opportunities ahead. He explained that quantum computing is based on exploiting the quantum mechanical properties of qubits, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computations that are impossible or intractable for classical computers. He talked about watching the development of superconducting qubits, as they moved from single qubit systems in 2007, to 3-qubit systems in 2011, and now with IBM's Eagle chip, which has 127 qubits and is the heart of the Quantum System One.

He then asked how we could make quantum computing useful. His answer: We need to keep building larger and larger systems and we need to improve error correction.

"There are very strong reasons to believe there are problems that are going to be easy for a quantum computer but hard for a classical computer, and this is why we're all excited," Gambetta said. He discussed the development of quantum circuits and that while the number of qubits was important, equally important was the "depth," detailing how many operations you can do and the accuracy of the results. Key to solving this are larger and larger systems, and also error mitigation, a topic that would be discussed in much greater detail later in the day.

To get to "quantum utility"which he said would be reached when a quantum computer is better than a brute force simulation of a quantum computer on a classical machineyou would need larger systems with at least 1000 gates, along with improved accuracy and depth, and new efficient algorithms.

He talked about quantum algorithmic discovery, which means finding new and efficient ways to map problems to quantum circuits. For instance, a new variation on Shor's algorithm, which allows for factorization in much faster time than would be possible on a classical computer. "The future of running error-mitigated circuits and mixing classical and quantum circuits sets us up to explore this space, " he said.

In a panel discussion that followed, James Misewich from Brookhaven National Laboratory discussed his interest in using quantum computing to understand quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions between quarks and gluons. QCD is a hard problem that scales well with the number and depth of qubits, and he is looking at entanglement between jets coming out of particle collisions as a possible avenue to explore quantum advantage.

Jian Shi and Ravishankar Sundararaman from RPI's Materials Science and Engineering faculty talked about computational materials science, and applying quantum computing to discover new materials and properties. Shi noted there was a huge community now doing quantum chemistry, but there is a gap between that and quantum computing. He stressed that a partnership between the two groups will be important, so each learns the language of the other and can approach the problems from a different perspective.

One of the most interesting talks was given by Steve M. Girvin, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Yale University, who discussed the challenges of creating an error-correction quantum computer.

Girvin described how the first quantum revolution was the development of things like the transistor, the laser, and the atomic clock, while the second quantum revolution is based on a new understanding of how quantum mechanics works. He usually tells his students that they do the things that Einstein said were impossible just to make sure that we have a quantum computer and not a classical computer.

He thought there was a bit too much hype around quantum computing today. quantum is going to be revolutionary and do absolutely amazing things, but it's not its time yet. We still have massive problems to solve.

He noted that quantum sensors are extremely sensitive, which is great for making sensors, but bad for building computers, because they are very sensitive to external perturbations and noise. Therefore, error correction is important.

Among the issues Girvin discussed were making measurements to detect errors, but he said we also need calculations to decide if it truly is an error, where it is located, and what kind of error it is. Then there is the issue of deciding what signals to send to correct those errors. Beyond that, there is the issue of putting these together in a system to reduce overall errors, perhaps borrowing from the flow control problems used in things like telephony.

In addition to quantum error detection, Girvin said there are "grand challenges all up and down the stack," from materials to measurement to machine models and algorithms. We need to know how to make each layer of the stack more efficient, using less energy and fewer qubits, and get to higher performance so people can use these to solve science problems or economically interesting problems.

Then there are the algorithms. Girvin noted that there were algorithms way before there were computers, but it took time to decide on the best ones for classical computing. For quantum computing, this is just the beginning, and over time, we need people to figure out how to build up their algorithms and how to do heuristics. They need to discover why quantum computers are so hard to program and clever tools to solve these problems.

Another challenge he described was routing quantum information. He noted that having two quantum computers that can communicate classically is exponentially less good than having two quantum computers that can communicate with quantum information, entangling with each other.

He talked about fault tolerance, which is the ability to correct errors even when your error correction circuit makes errors. He believes that fact that it's possible to do that in a quantum system, at least in principle, is even more amazing than the fact that if you had a perfect quantum computer, you could do interesting quantum calculations.

Girvin described the difficulty in correcting errors, saying you have an unknown quantum state, and you're not allowed to know what it is, because it's from the middle of a quantum computation. (If you know what it is, you've destroyed the superposition, and if you measure it to see if there's an error, it will randomly change, due to state collapse.) Your job is that if it develops an error, please fix it.

"That's pretty hard, but miraculously it can be done in principle, and it's even been done in practice," he said. We're just entering the era of being able to do it. The basic idea is to build in redundancy, such as building a logical qubit that consists of multiple physical qubits, perhaps nine. Then you have two possible giant entangled states corresponding to a logical Zero and a logical One. Note the one and zero aren't living in any single physical qubit, both are only the superposition of multiple ones.

In that case, Girvin says, if the environment reaches in and measures one of those qubits, the environment doesn't actually learn what it knows. There's an error, but it doesn't know what state, so there's still a chance that you haven't totally collapsed anything and lost the information.

He then discussed measuring the probability of errors and then seeing whether it exceeds some threshold value, with some complex math. Then correcting the errors, hopefully quicklysomething that should improve with new error correction methods and better, more precise physical qubits.

All this is still theoretical. That's why fault tolerance is a journey with improvements being made continuously. (This was in opposition to Gambetta, who said systems are either fault tolerant or they aren't). Overall, Girvin said, "We still have a long way to go, but we're moving in the right direction."

Later in the morning, Austin Minnich, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Physics, Caltech described "mid-circuit measurement" and the need for hybrid circuits as a way of finding, and thus mitigating errors.

In a discussion that followed, Kerstin Kleese van Dam, Director of the Computational Science Initiative at Brookhaven National Laboratory, explained that her team was looking for answers to problems, whether solved on traditional or quantum machines. She said there were problems they can't solve accurately on a traditional computer, but there remains the question of whether the accuracy will matter. There are areas, such as machine learning, where quantum computers can do things accurately. She predicts that quantum advantage will come when we have systems that are large enough. But she also wondered about energy consumption, noting that a lot of power is going into today's AI models, and if quantum can be more efficient.

Shekhar Garde, Dean of the School of Engineering, RPI, who moderated this part of the discussion, compared the status of quantum computing today to where traditional computing was in the late 70s or early 80s. He asked what the next 10 years would bring.

Kleese van Dam said that within 10 years, we would see hybrid systems that combine quantum and classical computing, but also hoped we would see libraries that are transferred from high-performance computing to quantum systems, so a programmer could use them without having to understand the way the gates work. Aparna Gupta, Professor and Associate Dean of RPI's Lally School of Management would bet on the hybrid approach offering more easy access and cost-effectiveness, as well as "taking away the intrigue and the spooky aspects of quantum, so it is becoming real for all of us"

Antonio Corcoles, Principal Research Scientist, IBM Quantum, said he hoped users who don't know quantum will be able to use the system because the complexity will become more transparent, but that can take a long time. In between, they can develop quantum error correction in a way that is not as disruptive as current methods. Minnich talked about "blind quantum computing" where many smaller machines might be linked together.

One of the most interesting talks came from Lin Lin, Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, who discussed the theoretical aspects and challenges of achieving quantum advantage for scientific computation. He defined quantum advantage as the ability to solve problems that are quantumly easy but classically hard, and proposed a hierarchy of four levels of problems.

Lin said that for the first two levels, a lot of people think quantum advantage will be achieved, as the methods are generally understood. But on the next two levels, there needs to be a lot of work on the algorithms to see if it will work. That's why this is an exciting time for mathematicians as well as physicists, chemists, and computer scientists.

This talk was followed by a panel during which Lin said that he is interested in solving quantum many-body problems, as well as applying quantum computing to other areas of mathematics, such as numerical analysis and linear algebra.

Like Garde above, Lin compared where quantum is today to the past, going even further to say it's where classical computing was 60 or 70 years ago, where error correction was still very important. Quantum computing will need to be a very interdisciplinary field, in that it will require people to be very good at building the machines, but it will always produce errors, so it will require both mathematical and engineering ways to correct these.

Ryan Sweke from IBM Research noted that one of the things that has allowed classical computing to develop to the point it is at is the various levels of abstraction, so if you want to work on developing algorithms, you don't have to understand how the compiler works. If you want to understand how the compiler works, you don't have to understand how the hardware works.

The interesting thing in the quantum regime, as seen in error mitigation for example, is that people who come out of the top level of abstraction have to interact with people who are developing the devices. This is an exciting aspect of the time we're in.

Di Fang, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Duke University, said now was a "golden time for people who work on proving algorithms." She talked about the varying levels of complexity, and the need to see where new algorithms can solve theoretical problems, then look at the hardware and solve practical problems.

Brian McDermott, Principal R&D Engineer at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory, said he was looking at this in reverse, seeing what the problems are and then working backward toward the quantum hardware and software. His job involved matching applications of new and emerging computing architectures to the types of engineering problems that are important to the lab's mission for new nuclear propulsion.

The panelists discussed where quantum algorithms could have the most impact. McDermott talked about things like finite elements and computational fluid dynamics, going up to material science. As a nuclear engineer, he was first attracted to the field because of the quantum properties of the nucleus itself moving predicting behaviors in astrophysics, the synthesis of nuclei in a supernova, and then with engineering, into nuclear reactors and things like fusion. Lin discussed the possibilities for studying molecular dynamics.

Olivia Lanes, Global Lead and Manager for IBM Quantum Learning and Education gave the final talk of the day, where she discussed the need for workforce development in the quantum field.

Already the US is projected to face a shortfall of nearly two million STEM workers by next year. She quoted Carl Sagan, who said "We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology," and agreed with him that this is a recipe for disaster.

She noted that not only do very few people understand quantum computing, very few actually understand how classical computers work. She cited a McKinsey study which found that there are three open jobs in quantum for every person qualified to fill those positions. It's probably just going to get worse from here to 2026.

She focused on upskilling and said it was unrealistic to expect that we'll make everyone into experts in quantum computing. But, there were a lot of other jobs that are part of the quantum ecosystem that will be required, and urged students to focus on the areas they are particularly interested in.

In general, she recommended getting a college degree (not surprising, since she was talking at a college), considering graduate school, or finding some other way to get relevant experience in the field, and building up rare skills. "Find the one thing that you can do better than anybody else and market that thing. You can make that thing applicable to any career that you really want for the most part," she said. "Stop letting the physicists hog quantum; they've had a monopoly here for too long and that needs to change."

Similar concepts were voiced in a panel that followed. Anastasia Marchenkova, Quantum Researcher, Bleximo Corporation, said that there was lots of pop science, and lots of research, but not much in the middle. She said we need to teach people enough so they can use quantum computing, even if they aren't computer scientists.

Richard Plotka, Director of Information Technology and Web Science, RPI, said it was important to create middleware tools that can be applied to quantum so that the existing workforce can take advantage of these computers. He also said it was important to prepare students for a career in the future, with foundational knowledge, so they have the ability to adapt because quantum in five or ten years won't look like it does today.

All told, it was a fascinating day of speakers. I was intrigued by software developers explaining the challenge in writing languages, compilers, and libraries for quantum. One explained that you can't use traditional structures such as "ifthen" because you won't know "if." Parts of it were beyond my understanding, and I remain skeptical about how quickly quantum will become practical and how broad the applications may be.

Still, it's an important and interesting technology that is sure to get even more attention in the coming years, as researchers meet some of the challenges. It's good to see students getting a chance to try out the technology and discover what they can do with it.

Read more from the original source:
Top Academics: Here's How We Facilitate the Next Big Leap in Quantum Computing - PCMag Middle East

Quantum Computing: A Glimpse of the Future at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – yTech

Summary: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has recently magnified its technological landscape by inaugurating the IBM System One quantum computer, the first on a college campus. Echoing this milestone, RPI organized a Quantum Computing Day featuring insights from renowned experts who assessed the state of quantum computing, its strides, and the roadblocks yet to be navigated.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) stands on the forefront of computational innovation with the introduction of IBMs pioneering quantum computer, IBM System One, to a college setting. In celebration of this leap, RPI called upon industry leaders and academics during its Quantum Computing Day. Jay M. Gambetta of IBM articulated quantum computings reliance on quantum mechanics to surpass classical computing limitations. With IBMs advancement from rudimentary qubits to the 127-qubit Eagle chip, he underscored the necessity of scaling systems and enhancing error correction. Quantum utility, he suggested, will only be achievable with the orchestration of larger systems, precision, and innovative algorithms.

Speakers such as James Misewich from Brookhaven National Laboratory highlighted quantum computings potential to unravel the complexities of quantum chromodynamics. Moreover, RPIs own Jian Shi and Ravishankar Sundararaman shed light on quantum computings applications in materials science, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between this field and quantum chemistry for breakthrough discoveries.

Keynote speaker Steve M. Girvin from Yale University provided a reality check amidst quantum computings surrounding hype. He detailed the quantum sensors predicamenthigh sensitivity yields exceptional detection but also vulnerability to interference, making error correction a crucial function. Beyond error rectification, Girvin laid out the expansive challenges encompassing everything from algorithmic development to efficient quantum information routing, marking the emerging quantum era as one filled with innovation as well as intricate hurdles to overcome.

Expanding on the Technological Landscape of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is currently one of the most rapidly evolving fields in the tech industry. With entities like IBM bringing advancements to the table, such as the IBM System One, the industry is witnessing significant milestones. The installation of this quantum computer at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) stands as a testament to the increasing collaboration between academia and the tech industry, a symbiosis that aims to spur innovation and bridge the gap between theoretical and applied quantum mechanics.

As discussions during RPIs Quantum Computing Day revealed, quantum computing holds vast potential but also faces a multitude of challenges. The quantum industry is expected to grow considerably in the coming years. Market research forecasts point to a booming quantum computing market due to the high demand for quantum computing in banking, finance, pharmaceuticals, and even the energy sector. Analysts predict that the industry could reach billions of dollars as more practical and industry-specific applications are developed.

The potential applications in materials science, as discussed by Jian Shi and Ravishankar Sundararaman from RPI, are particularly promising. Researchers are optimistic about the role quantum computers will play in drug discovery, complex molecular modeling, and the development of new materials, with corresponding implications for sustainability and technological innovation.

However, the enthusiasm is tempered by the issues laid out by keynote speaker Steve M. Girvin from Yale University. The high sensitivity of quantum sensors, while beneficial for detection, also introduces greater susceptibility to interference, necessitating advanced error correction techniques. This underscores a broader set of challenges the industry faces, including the need for more robust quantum algorithms, the construction of scalable systems, and the development of infrastructure to support efficient quantum information routing. Addressing these challenges will be essential for quantum computing to transition from a largely experimental phase to broader practical utility.

In conclusion, while the quantum computing industry is poised for remarkable growth, hurdles such as error correction, system scalability, and the development of practical algorithms remain formidable. As highlighted by the events at RPI, the juxtaposition of rapid technological progress and the persistent hurdles provides a nuanced picture of an industry at the cusp of a potentially revolutionary technological era. For those interested in following the evolution of quantum computing, keeping an eye on institutions like Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and industry leaders like IBM is critical. To learn more about how IBM is shaping the future of quantum computing, visit IBMs official website.

Natalia Toczkowska is a notable figure in digital health technology, recognized for her contributions in advancing telemedicine and healthcare apps. Her work focuses on developing innovative solutions to improve patient care and accessibility through technology. Toczkowskas research and development in creating user-friendly, secure digital platforms have been instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of remote medical consultations and patient monitoring. Her dedication to integrating technology in healthcare has not only improved patient outcomes but also streamlined healthcare processes, making her a key influencer in the field of digital health innovation.

See the original post:
Quantum Computing: A Glimpse of the Future at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - yTech

A New Dawn for Quantum Computing: Major Advancements on the Horizon – yTech

Recent research by a global consortium of scientists has reached a pivotal milestone in quantum physics that may usher in a new era of computing and technological innovation. Their study could dramatically change the landscape of everyday technology by incorporating quantum attributes into nonmagnetic materials using light at ambient conditions. This paves the way for practical quantum computing in day-to-day life.

The typically frigid realm of quantum mechanics has made a significant leap toward practical application. Scientists have discovered how to induce magnetic properties in nonmagnetic materials with light, remarkably, without requiring subzero temperatures. Considering their potential for enabling superconductivity and extraordinary magnetism in everyday materials, these findings signify an impending revolution, particularly in quantum computing applications.

The impact of this discovery is far-reaching, potentially altering every facet of technological development, from data security enhancements to magnetic-based medical technologies like MRI scanners. The notion of a quantum computer in every household, once seen as science fiction, is now a viable future prospect.

However, adapting this breakthrough to consumer-level technology is not without its challenges. Producing quantum states outside of strict laboratory settings remains a significant hurdle, and advances in production and infrastructure will be necessary to sustain this quantum leap.

This breakthrough underscores a pivotal period in technological progress and highlights the need for thoughtful deliberation on the implications of widespread quantum computing, including ethical, safety, and privacy issues. Industry experts and research institutions, such as IBM and government initiatives like, continue to lead the path towards harnessing these quantum advancements.

Summary: With quantum computing set to revolutionize industries and infrastructures, scientists have made a breakthrough by inducing magnetism in nonmagnetic materials using light at room temperature. This advancement could simplify quantum computer designs and reduce costs, leading to a more practical and commercially viable technology. The excitement around this development is tempered by challenges in maintaining quantum coherence outside of lab conditions, talent shortages, and potential cybersecurity risks. Nonetheless, this transformative period in computing is poised to offer innovative solutions and a wealth of technological advancements.

Introduction to Quantum Computing Industry

Quantum computing is poised to be the next great leap in computational power, capable of addressing problems that are currently intractable for classical computers. Unlike conventional computers, which use bits that represent either a 0 or a 1, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits that can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously through a property known as superposition. This, combined with entanglement and quantum interference, allows quantum computers to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds.

Market Forecasts

The quantum computing market is projected to grow significantly in the coming years. According to recent market research, the global quantum computing market size is expected to reach multi-billion-dollar levels by the end of the decade, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 20%. This growth is fueled by increasing investments from governments and private sectors in quantum technologies and research and development activities.

Industry Applications and Challenges

Industries ranging from finance and pharmaceuticals to automotive and aerospace are anticipated to benefit from quantum computing capabilities, particularly in optimization problems, machine learning applications, and simulations of molecular and chemical processes. In the financial sector, quantum computing could transform risk analysis and fraud detection, while in medicine, it could accelerate drug discovery and the personalization of treatments.

However, there are significant issues facing the industry as it moves toward commercialization. The production of qubits and the maintenance of their coherence require exacting conditions, such as extremely low temperatures and vacuum environments. One of the key challenges is to develop technology that can operate at ambient conditions while preserving quantum states, which the current breakthrough aims to address.

In addition, there are concerns about cybersecurity, as the ability of quantum computers to break traditional encryption methods could render current safety protocols obsolete. This has led to considerable interest in developing quantum-safe encryption techniques. Furthermore, integrating quantum computing into current infrastructures will require considerable development of new algorithms and software capable of exploiting quantum computational advantages.

Conclusion and Related Links

The achievement of inducing magnetism in nonmagnetic materials using light at room temperature is a considerable step toward making quantum computing more accessible and cost-effective. If these early scientific triumphs can be transitioned into practical applications, we may see quantum computing move from the realm of research labs to commercial reality.

This progress in quantum computing foreshadows an era of accelerated innovation with wide-ranging positive implications for various sectors. For further understanding of the domain and industry insights, you are encouraged to visit the main domains of leading institutions and initiatives in this field:

IBM Research for its pioneering work in quantum computing for details on the United States National Quantum Initiative

Continued research and investment are essential to overcoming the remaining technical barriers, and with the combined efforts of the scientific community and industry partners, the full potential of quantum computing may soon be realized.

Iwona Majkowska is a prominent figure in the tech industry, renowned for her expertise in new technologies, artificial intelligence, and solid-state batteries. Her work, often at the forefront of innovation, provides critical insights into the development and application of cutting-edge AI solutions and the evolution of energy storage technologies. Majkowskas contributions are pivotal in shaping the future of sustainable energy and intelligent systems, making her a respected voice in both academic and industrial circles. Her articles and research papers are a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike, seeking to understand the impact and potential of these transformative technologies.

See the rest here:
A New Dawn for Quantum Computing: Major Advancements on the Horizon - yTech

Quantum Encryption Advances at Oxford University Physics – yTech

Oxford researchers have made a significant leap in quantum security, which may lead to the safe deployment of quantum computing in domestic settings. The team, directed by postdoctoral research assistant Peter Drmota at Oxford University Physics, has successfully demonstrated a blind quantum computing technique on a trapped-ion quantum processora technology touted for its scalable quantum computing prospects.

This new approach marries quantum computing with quantum cryptography in a manner that hasnt been achieved before. It does so by ensuring that both the processed data and the algorithms used remain hidden from both the server and potential eavesdroppers. The concept relies on the principles of quantum mechanics, which state that attempting to observe or duplicate a quantum state will inevitably alter it.

In practical terms, the teams experiments used a standard fiber network to link a quantum computing server with a simplistic device used for detecting light particles at a separate client computer. This allowed the client to perform computations remotely on the server without the server having access to any of the data or the algorithms being used.

Drmota finds great potential in the blind aspect of this technology, particularly in verifying the correctness of computations done by a remote quantum computer. This is crucial for problems that are beyond the scope of classical computing. The relative simplicity and scalability of the Oxford approach, incorporating existing technology like fiber networks and photon detectors, herald a future where cloud-hosted quantum servers could engage with clients worldwide to process sensitive data securely.

The research is a stride towards enabling secure, confidential quantum computations by clients with minimal resources, thereby potentially bringing quantum computings formidable power to everyday users. This development was made possible thanks to collaborative efforts funded by UKs Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub and contributions from various international institutions. Insights from this study appear in the distinguished Physical Review Letters journal.

Advancements in Quantum Computing and Quantum Security

The groundbreaking research conducted by Oxford University is a notable achievement in the rapidly expanding field of quantum computing. Quantum computing is an emerging industry that boasts the potential to revolutionize various fields by performing complex computations much faster than current classical computers can. Given that quantum computing involves processing and storing information in quantum states, it brings forward not only unprecedented computational power but also unique challenges concerning data security and privacy.

Quantum security is particularly crucial as quantum computers have the potential to break current encryption methods, which would jeopardize data integrity and privacy. The blind quantum computing technique developed by Dr. Peter Drmota and his team adds an additional layer of security, allowing computations to take place without revealing the data or the algorithms to the server, thus ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Market Forecasts and Industry Growth

The global quantum computing market has been projected to grow significantly in the coming years, fueled by investments from both public and private sectors. Market analysts foresee that with continued advancements and reductions in cost, quantum computing services could become widely accessible through cloud-based models, similar to how classical computing services are offered today.

Industry Challenges and Potential Issues

Despite the optimism surrounding quantum computing, the industry is not without its challenges. One of the major hurdles lies in the current technological limitations which include error rates and quantum decoherence that can affect the stability of quantum states. Moreover, securing quantum communications to safeguard against potential quantum attacks is an ongoing area of investigation, highlighted by advancements such as the one from Oxford researchers.

Addressing the broader concerns, there is also the need to develop new standards and protocols for quantum security to ensure compatibility and protection across the various platforms and networks that may emerge. Furthermore, the issue of accessibility and education must be addressed, as the complexity of quantum computing could create a barrier for entry for many users and businesses.

As the quantum computing industry evolves, companies, governments, and educational institutions must work collaboratively to establish an ecosystem that not only fosters innovation but also ensures a secure and equitable framework for its use. Partnerships and funding, such as those from the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub in the UK, are pivotal in supporting research that bridges the gap between theoretical quantum computing and practical, secure applications.

For readers seeking to stay updated on the latest in this transformative field or to learn more about the market and its influencers, reputable sources include the official websites for quantum technology development and research centers. One may find these sources at the main domains without any specific subpage links:

Oxford University Physics Department: Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub: Physical Review Letters Journal:

These platforms often provide insights and updates on current research, industry trends, and market forecasts, helping individuals and businesses to navigate the complexities of quantum technologies and their implications for the future.

Roman Perkowski is a distinguished name in the field of space exploration technology, specifically known for his work on propulsion systems for interplanetary travel. His innovative research and designs have been crucial in advancing the efficiency and reliability of spacecraft engines. Perkowskis contributions are particularly significant in the development of sustainable and powerful propulsion methods, which are vital for long-duration space missions. His work not only pushes the boundaries of current space travel capabilities but also inspires future generations of scientists and engineers in the quest to explore the far reaches of our solar system and beyond.

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Quantum Encryption Advances at Oxford University Physics - yTech