Category Archives: Artificial Super Intelligence

Transhumanist author predicts artificial super-intelligence, immortality, and the Singularity by 2045 – TechSpot

Dystopian Kurzweil: As Big Tech continues frantically pushing AI development and funding, many users have become concerned about the outcome and dangers of the latest AI advancements. However, one man is more than sold on AI's ability to bring humanity to its next evolutionary level.

Raymond Kurzweil is a well-known computer scientist, author, and artificial intelligence enthusiast. Over the years, he has promoted radical concepts such as transhumanism and technological singularity, where humanity and advanced technology merge to create an evolved hybrid species. Kurzweil's latest predictions on AI and the future of tech essentially double down on twenty-year-old predictions.

In a recent interview with the Guardian, Kurzweil introduced his latest book, "The Singularity Is Nearer," a sequel to his bestselling 2005 book, "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology." Kurzweil predicted that AI would reach human-level intelligence by 2029, with the merging between computers and humans (the singularity) happening in 2045. Now that AI has become the most talked-about topic, he believes his predictions still hold.

Kurzweil believes that in five years, machine learning will possess the same abilities as the most skilled humans in almost every field. A few "top humans" capable of writing Oscar-level screenplays or conceptualizing deep new philosophical insights will still be able to beat AI, but everything will change when artificial general intelligence (AGI) finally surpasses humans at everything.

Bringing large language models (LLM) to the next level simply requires more computing power. Kurzweil noted that the computing paradigm we have today is "basically perfect," and it will just get better and better over time. The author doesn't believe that quantum computing will turn the world upside down. He says there are too many ways to continue improving modern chips, such as 3D and vertically stacked designs.

Kurzweil predicts that machine-learning engineers will eventually solve the issues caused by hallucinations, uncanny AI-generated images, and other AI anomalies with more advanced algorithms trained on more data. The singularity is still happening and will arrive once people start merging their brains with the cloud. Advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are already occurring. These BCIs, eventually comprised of nanobots "noninvasively" entering the brain through capillaries, will enable humans to possess a combination of natural and cybernetic intelligence.

Kurzweil's imaginative nature as a book author and enthusiastic transhumanist is plain to see. Science still hasn't discovered an effective way to deliver drugs directly into the brain because human physiology doesn't work the way the futurist thinks. However, he remains confident that nanobots will make humans "a millionfold" more intelligent within the next twenty years.

Kurzweil concedes that AI will radically change society and create a global automated economy. People will lose jobs but will also adapt to new employment roles and opportunities advanced tech brings. A universal basic income will also ease the pain. He expects the first tangible transformative plans will emerge in the 2030s. The inevitable Singularity will enable humans to live forever or extend our living prospects indefinitely. Technology could even resurrect the dead through AI avatars and virtual reality.

Kurzweil says people are misdirecting their worries regarding AI.

"It is not going to be us versus AI: AI is going inside ourselves," he said. "It will allow us to create new things that weren't feasible before. It'll be a pretty fantastic future."

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Transhumanist author predicts artificial super-intelligence, immortality, and the Singularity by 2045 - TechSpot

AI Coin Price: Will Artificial Superintelligence Alliance Have Bullish Impact? – Bankless Times

The SingularityNET,, and Ocean Protocol-led, Artificial Superintelligence Alliance, have announced the first-ever token launch in the AI space, combining the AGIX, OCEAN, and FET tokens into a new token.

This merger is predicted to establish a fully decentralized AI platform and aim to improve overall organizational efficacy in using AI while adhering to the most transparent and ethical AI advancement criteria.

Together,, SingularityNET (AGIX), and Ocean Protocol comprise the Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Alliance. The alliance seeks to expedite the development of decentralized Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and, eventually, Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) as the largest open-sourced, independent body in AI research and development.

The alliance's three technological partners will produce products using each project's unique ecosystem-specific features to ensure ethical AI development.

Notably, on July 1, 2024, the three tokens will unite as part of phase one of the project. There will be no disruption to FET trading after the merger. In the meantime, exchanges will begin to delist the current AGIX and OCEAN tokens.

For a seamless transaction during the ASI's rebranding process on all major and minor cryptocurrency platforms, the first phase will concentrate on data aggregator websites and exchanges.

The second phase will concentrate on ASI and community development. Migration contracts for the unconverted tokens across several blockchains will be accessible during this period.

Additionally, during the next upgrade, all FET mainnet tokens will automatically adhere to ASI. The duration of this process is set for several years to provide users and investors enough time to convert their holdings.

Though not very sensitive to broader market news, AI Coins and the segment pick industry-based news to find bullish or bearish signals. The recent rise in Nvidia's market cap, as previously reported by Bankless Times, was an excellent example of this.

Bullish momentum and investor confidence are becoming increasingly crucial for AI-powered cryptocurrencies. Digital assets like AI coins use artificial intelligence to enhance blockchain networks' user experience, security, and scalability.

While a lack of explanations and erratic trading have kept AI currencies volatile, investors should soon recognize today's news as an additional bullish signal, which might drive up the value of many AI coins. This, together with substantial industrial expansion, will be crucial in boosting the bullish momentum of AI coins in the short term.

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AI Coin Price: Will Artificial Superintelligence Alliance Have Bullish Impact? - Bankless Times

NASA appears to step back from the term ‘artificial general intelligence’ – FedScoop

The terminology NASA once used to refer to artificial general intelligence has changed, the space agency said in response to questions from FedScoop about emails obtained through a public records request, signaling the ways that science-focused federal agencies might be discussing emerging technologies in the age of generative AI.

Building artificial general intelligence a powerful form of AI that could theoretically rival humans is still a distant goal, but remains a key objective of companies like OpenAI and Meta. Its also a topic that remains hotly contested and controversial among technology researchers and civil society, and one that some feel could end up distracting from more immediate AI risks, like bias, privacy, and cybersecurity.

NASA is one of the few government agencies thats expressed any particular interest in AGI issues. Many federal agencies remain focused on more immediate applications of AI, such as using machine learning to process documents. Jennifer Dooren, NASAs deputy news chief, said in a statement to FedScoop that the agency is committed to formalizing protocols and processes for AI usage and expanding efforts to further AI innovations across the agency.

A framework for the ethical use of artificial intelligence published by the space agency in April 2021 made reference to both artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence. In response to FedScoop questions about the status of this work, NASA said the terminology of AI has changed, pointing to the agencys handling of generative artificial intelligence, which typically includes the kind of large language models that fuel systems like ChatGPT. (Whether systems like ChatGPT eventually serve as a foundation for AGI remains up for debate among researchers.)

NASA is looking holistically at Artificial Intelligence and not just the subparts, Dooren said. The terms from this past framework have evolved. For example, the terms AGI and ASI could now be viewed as generative AI (genAI) today.

The agency also highlighted a new working group focused on ethical artificial intelligence and NASAs work to meet goals outlined in President Joe Bidens AI executive order from last October. The space agency also hosted a public town hall on its AI capabilities last month.

But the apparent retreat from the term artificial general intelligence is notable, given some of the futuristic concerns outlined in the 2021 framework. One goal outlined in the document, for instance, was to set the stage for successful, peaceful, and potentially symbiotic coexistence between humans and machines. The framework noted that while AGI had not yet been achieved, there was growing belief that there could be a tipping point in AI capabilities that would fundamentally change how humans interact with technology.

Experts sometimes split artificial intelligence into several categories: artificial narrow intelligence, or AI use cases designed with specific applications in mind, and artificial general intelligence, referring to AI systems that could match capabilities of human users. NASAs framework also refers to artificial super intelligence, which would represent AI capabilities that surpass human capabilities.

The document stipulated that NASA should be an early adopter of national and global best practices in regard to these advanced technologies. It noted that many AI systems wont advance to the level of AGI or ASI, but still encouraged NASA to consider the potential impacts of these technologies. Many of the considerations outlined in the report appear to be far off, but range from analyzing the possibility of encoding morality in advanced AI systems (a potentially impossible task) or merging astronauts with artificial intelligence.

Creating a perfect moral code that works in all cases is still an elusive task and must be pursued by NASA experts in conjunction with other national or global experts, the document stated. As humans pursue long term space flight, technology may advance to a point where it would be necessary to consider the benefits and impacts of melding humans and AI machines, most notably adaptations that allow survivability during long duration space flight, but challenges if returning to Earth.

NASAs interest in studying the ramifications of AGI, as part of this framework, were also discussed in an email obtained by FedScoop earlier this year.

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NASA appears to step back from the term 'artificial general intelligence' - FedScoop

SoftBank chief: Forget AGI, ASI will be here within 10 years – AI News

SoftBank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son has claimed that artificial super intelligence (ASI) could be a reality within the next decade.

Speaking at SoftBanks annual meeting in Tokyo on June 21, Son painted a picture of a future where AI far surpasses human intelligence, potentially revolutionising life as we know it. Son asserted that by 2030, AI could be one to 10 times smarter than humans, and by 2035, it might reach a staggering 10,000 times smarter than human intelligence.

SoftBanks CEO made a clear distinction between artificial general intelligence (AGI) and ASI. According to Son, AGI would be equivalent to a human genius, potentially up to 10 times more capable than an average person. ASI, however, would be in a league of its own, with capabilities 10,000 times beyond human potential.

Sons predictions align with the goals of Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), founded by Ilya Sutskever, former chief scientist at OpenAI, along with Daniel Levy and Daniel Gross. SSIs mission, as stated on their website, is to approach safety and capabilities in tandem, as technical problems to be solved through revolutionary engineering and scientific breakthroughs.

The timing of these announcements underscores the growing focus on superintelligent AI within the tech industry. While SoftBank appears to be prioritising the development of ASI, SSI is emphasising the importance of safety in this pursuit. As stated by SSIs founders, We plan to advance capabilities as fast as possible while making sure our safety always remains ahead.

Its worth noting that the scientific community has yet to reach a consensus on the feasibility or capabilities of AGI or ASI. Current AI systems, while impressive in specific domains, are still far from achieving human-level reasoning across all areas.

Sons speech took an unexpectedly personal turn when he linked the development of ASI to his own sense of purpose and mortality. SoftBank was founded for what purpose? For what purpose was Masayoshi Son born? It may sound strange, but I think I was born to realise ASI. I am super serious about it, he declared.

Sons predictions and SoftBanks apparent pivot towards ASI development, coupled with the formation of SSI, raise important questions about the future of AI and its potential impact on society. While the promise of superintelligent AI is enticing, it also brings concerns about job displacement, ethical considerations, and the potential risks associated with creating an intelligence that far surpasses our own.

Whether Sons vision of ASI within a decade proves prescient or overly optimistic remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the race towards superintelligent AI is heating up, with major players positioning themselves at the forefront.

See also: Anthropics Claude 3.5 Sonnet beats GPT-4o in most benchmarks

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Explore other upcoming enterprise technology events and webinars powered by TechForge here.

Tags: agi, ai, artificial intelligence, asi, development, ethics, masayoshi son, Society, softbank, ssi, super intelligence

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SoftBank chief: Forget AGI, ASI will be here within 10 years - AI News

SoftBank CEO talks up artificial super intelligence ambitions By Reuters –

By Anton Bridge

TOKYO (Reuters) -SoftBank Group CEO Masayoshi Son said on Friday that the group's mission was to help in humanity's progress by realising artificial super intelligence, which he said would exceed human capabilities by a factor of 10,000.

"SoftBank (TYO:) Group has done many things until now that have all been a warm up for my great dream to realise artificial super intelligence," Son told shareholders at the group's annual general meeting.

Son often hails the transformative power of new technologies and has made his name and fortune by betting on the proliferation of the internet and smartphones.

At Friday's meeting, he said the group was now putting all its efforts into pairing robotics with artificial intelligence to be used in all kinds of mass production and logistics, as well as autonomous driving.

Son's vision for AI robots would require "immense capital" and pooling funds with partners, he said, as SoftBank would not be able to bankroll it alone.

Son's reputation as a visionary investor was dented after many of the tech startups held by the Vision Fund investment vehicles have gone sour since 2021. Some of his other predictions, such as the widespread adoption of "internet of things" technology have not materialised.

But the success of SoftBank subsidiary Arm, the British chip designer, since its public listing in September last year has burnished Son's reputation, as investors have piled into firms linked to AI.

As Arm's share price has surged, the discount between the value of SoftBank's assets and its market capitalisation has grown wider.

Earlier in June a source told Reuters that activist investor Elliott Management had built a stake worth over $2 billion in SoftBank and called for a $15 billion share buyback to boost its share price.

Son said SoftBank was always ready to buy back its own shares, but had no plans to do so.

He also left open the possibility of taking SoftBank private should its share price fall even further below the group's true value, saying he had considered it many times.

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SoftBank CEO talks up artificial super intelligence ambitions By Reuters -

AI could be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO says – Quartz

The artificial intelligence boom has companies racing to develop more advanced models, and Softbanks chief executive reportedly thinks well be seeing AI that is 10,000 times smarter than humans in just a decade.

The Fed needs to start cutting rates now, strategist says

Softbank chief executive Masayoshi Son said artificial super intelligence, or ASI, is a totally different story, and people will see a big improvement, during SoftBanks annual general shareholders meeting on Friday, CNBC reported. In the future, Son said, ASI models will work together like neurons in a human brain. ASI, he said according to the Wall Street Journal, would be able to help with disease, wars, and even if a meteor crashes into the Earth.

I seriously believe the reason why Masayoshi Son was born is to make ASI come true, he said.

Meanwhile, Son said artificial general intelligence, or AGI when AI systems reach human-level intelligence will likely be one to 10 times smarter than humans, and that it will be reached within the next three to five years. However, he said if AGI ends up not being able to outsmart humans, then we dont need to change the way of living, we dont need to change the structure of human lifestyle.

Son also said it is frustrating to remember the ones that I missed, when talking about selling shares of Nvidia before its fast rise to becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world amid the AI boom. The fish that got away was big, he said, according to the Wall Street Journal.

In 2019, Softbanks Vision Fund, which it makes investments through, sold its 4.9% stake in Nvidia, receiving $3.3 billion in returns. Today, its stake would be worth around $160 billion. Nvidias shares have risen 165% so far this year, and it quickly entered the $3 trillion market cap club with Apple and Microsoft earlier this month, after becoming the first semiconductor company to cross the $2 trillion threshold in February.

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AI could be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO says - Quartz

Artificial Superintelligence Alliance Super Launch Summit Ushers in New Era of Decentralized ASI – GlobeNewswire

ANTALYA, TURKEY, June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TheArtificial Superintelligence Alliancewill host a business summit followed by a Super Launch Party for up to 2,000 supporters and partners in a star-studded global gathering of AI leaders, Sophia the Robot and Desdemonas Dream Band, highlighted by the release of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) pioneer Ben Goertzels book The Consciousness Explosion.

Organized in conjunction withDigiCEX, a newly formed AI and Web3 focused global central exchange, and a number of ASI ecosystem partners, the Super Launch Party takes place at Antalyas Digiverse Exposition Center, a unique physical metaverse and the largest 3D interactive immersive digital dome.

The Alliance represents a turning point for development of Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) and AGI in an open, fair, decentralized manner. This alternative to centralized AI control that increases the societal risk for humans requires significant resources and a detailed approach that covers data management, AI models and infrastructure. These are areas the Alliance is uniquely qualified to implement.

We are experiencing a profoundly unique moment in history, says Goertzel, Alliance CEO. The AI revolution is well underway. We are moving through a transition to AGIs that reasons and invents in an autonomous way, including helping with the invention of ASI. The Alliance joins tokens, teams and software systems in the decentralized AI world, and makes sure the transition to ASI is not owned by Big Tech and Government and unfolds in a broad, participatory way.

The Alliance combines member skills and expertise to advance superintelligence in a collaborative and inclusive manner. Founders of, SingularityNET and Ocean Protocol eagerly await opening of the July 5, 2024 token bridge on Binance to merge FET, AGIX and OCEAN tokens under the ASI ticker with an initial market capitalization of over $5 billion ready to power decentralized ASI.

This Alliance forges a new path in a world of exploding AI innovation, adds Humayun Sheikh, Alliance Chairman and Founder. With economies of scale we can make real inroads to change the way Big Tech controls the narrative and direction of AI. We deeply appreciate the enthusiastic response received from numerous communities and welcome strategic collaborators into the Alliance.

Confronting AI Challenges

The launch of the Alliance coincides with that of Goertzel's long-awaited book "The Consciousness Explosion." In many ways, this book provides a visionary road map of how to achieve a benevolent AGI at a moment when the scales are balanced with those in favor of accelerated AI growth and those against.

The credos of how humanity can thrive alongside superintelligence machines aligns with the constitution and business rationale of the ASI Alliance from a research and development view in the run-up to Technological Singularity.

AGI has the potential to be by far the best thing thats ever happened to humanity and life on Earth, concludes Goertzel. It is amazing to be alive at the time of such a tremendous transition. But it must be acknowledged that positive outcomes are not the only options. It may be that choices we make now, in working toward AGI, will have a material impact on what sort of AGI and ASI emerge from our civilization, and what the transitional phase looks like. ASI Super Launch Partners

The ASI Partners that support the Super Launch Party include: DigiCEX, Hypercycle, Sentience, SingularityDAO, SophiaVerse, Twin Protocol, Nunet, Primal Capital, Zerocap, Play Foundation, Deep Funding and Singularity Ecosystem Venture Fund.

To learn more about the Alliance and its partners or attend the Summit please visit:

About Artificial Superintelligence Alliance The Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) Alliance is a collective formed by, SingularityNET (SNET), and Ocean Protocol. As the largest open-sourced, independent entity in AI research and development, this alliance aims to accelerate the advancement of decentralized Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and, ultimately, Artificial Superintelligence (ASI). For additional information on ASI,

About SingularityNET SingularityNET was founded by Dr. Ben Goertzel with the mission of creating a decentralized, democratic, inclusive and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). According to Dr. Goertzel, AGI should be independent of any central entity, open to anyone and not restricted to the narrow goals of a single corporation or a single country. The SNET team includes seasoned engineers, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, and marketers. The core platform and the SNET AI teams are complemented by specialized teams devoted to various application areas such as robotics, biomedical AI, finance, media, arts and entertainment. For additional information

About, a Cambridge-based AI company, is redefining the possibilities of an intelligent and connected world through its AI agent-based technology.'s infrastructure technology enables developers and businesses to build, deploy & monetize through an agent-based modular platform for the new generation of AI applications. The company's core product, DeltaV, fuses Language Models (LLMs) and AI Agents to create an open and dynamic marketplace that connects users to services and reimagines the current search experience. For additional information

About Ocean Protocol Ocean was founded to level the playing field for AI and data. Ocean tools enable businesses and individuals to trade tokenized data assets seamlessly to manage data all along the AI model life cycle. Ocean-powered apps include enterprise-grade data exchange.

Company contact:Alex Domecq Media contact:

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Artificial Superintelligence Alliance Super Launch Summit Ushers in New Era of Decentralized ASI - GlobeNewswire

SLASH On Artificial Intelligence In Music: ‘I’m Not Super Excited About This New Development’ – BLABBERMOUTH.NET

In a new interview with the Battleground Podcast, GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Slash weighed in on a debate about people using an A.I. (artificial intelligence) music generator as a tool to create melodies, harmonies and rhymes based on artificial intelligence (A.I.) algorithms and machine learning (M.L.) models. Slash said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I'm not super excited about this new development, only because I just know that people, for the most part, are gonna use it so much that it's gonna For one, it's gonna be confusing and misleading. And then there's just gonna be too much of the same kind of look or sound for different things. I see it happening already.

"I'm the guy that likes to go into a studio and record a band live and do it analog, like [my new blues] record ['Orgy Of The Damned'], so the idea of A.I., I can't think of any application where it makes any sense to me for what it is that I do," he continued. "And I'm interested to see who comes up with something really great and unique and useful for me. But having A.I. reproduce anything or actually produce anything original in terms of music does not really thrill me. You can have it write lyrics, you can have it do anything but you doing the actual work and it doesn't thrill me."

Slash clarified that "the technology itself is a human achievement. I mean, it's amazing," he explained. "And technology all the way down the line is always showing some great possibilities with things, but it's how people use them, at the end of the day, as a mass application, that's where you've gotta start worrying."

"Orgy Of The Damned" was released on May 17 via Gibson Records.

This summer, Slash will bring his brand-new "S.E.R.P.E.N.T." festival to cities across the U.S. throughout 2024. S.E.R.P.E.N.T. is an anagram and stands for Solidarity, Engagement, Restore, Peace, Equality N' Tolerance. The festival is a celebration of the blues, featuring an all-star line-up that will vary. On all dates, Slash will perform alongside his blues band featuring bassist Johnny Griparic, keyboardist Teddy "ZigZag" Andreadis, drummer Michael Jerome and singer/guitarist Tash Neal.

Slash formed the "S.E.R.P.E.N.T." festival to bring fans together to celebrate the spirit of the blues, and to perform with other blues artists he admires who share his love of the genre. Slash also has a strong desire to give back to charities that he has supported over the years, as well as to help lift marginalized communities that share his restorative focus of elevating lives for the benefit of all. A portion of the proceeds from each VIP package and "S.E.R.P.E.N.T." festival ticket sold will directly benefit the following charities that Slash has selected: The Equal Justice Initiative, Know Your Rights Camp, The Greenlining Institute and War Child. "S.E.R.P.E.N.T." festival has partnered with to support these charitable endeavors.

Joining Slash at various stops on the tour will be WARREN HAYNES BAND, Keb' Mo', Larkin Poe, Christone "Kingfish" Ingram, Samantha Fish, ZZ Ward, Robert Randolph, Eric Gales and Jackie Venson.

The trek will kick off on July 5 in Bonner, Montana and wrap up on August 17 in Grand Prairie, Texas.

Slash will visit Amoeba Music in Hollywood, California to play a special acoustic set celebrating his star-studded new album "Orgy Of The Damned". On Wednesday, May 29 at 5:00 p.m., Slash and his blues band vocalist/guitarist Tash Neal will perform live at the legendary record store. Capacity is limited, and tickets are required for entry to the event.

Although Slash's latest LP is his second under the "Slash" banner, he has released a handful of albums with his long-running band SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS, in which he is joined by ALTER BRIDGE frontman Myles Kennedy.

In February, Slash resumed touring with SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS.

SLASH FEATURING MYLES KENNEDY & THE CONSPIRATORS' latest album, "4", was released in February 2022 via Gibson Records in partnership with BMG.

"4" was Slash's fifth solo album and fourth overall with his band featuring Kennedy, Brent Fitz (drums),Todd Kerns (bass, vocals) and Frank Sidoris (guitar, vocals).

Photo credit: Gene Kirkland

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SLASH On Artificial Intelligence In Music: 'I'm Not Super Excited About This New Development' - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

What are the Types of Artificial Intelligence? – Analytics Insight

Artificial intelligence can be simply considered as the design and creation of machines capable of replicating human cognitive processes, such as decision-making, object recognition, solving complex issues, and much more. Explore what are the types of Artificial Intelligence in this article along with the 3 categories of AI.

Before we learn what are the types of artificial intelligence, there are 3 stages in this technology of AI which has the potential to change the future namely, Artificial General Intelligence, Artificial Narrow Intelligence, and Artificial Superintelligence.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

Narrow AI (ANI), sometimes called weak AI, is like the way AI systems carry out orders or define specific jobs. ANI, on the other hand, is designed to master and execute one cognitive ability and is unable to learn different skills on its own. Therefore, technology cannot be understood independently. They regularly use these techniques together as part of algorithms in machine learning and neural networks to accomplish the goals assigned to them.

Such processing is an example of narrow AI since it can recognize and reply to voice commands, but it wont work well with other tasks.

Narrow AI has, for instance, some implementations, such as image recognition software, self-driving cars, and AI-based virtual assistants.

AGI, also called Strong AI, is the next stage in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence when machines do not just acquire the ability to reason and make decisions like humans.

The first fact related to Strong AI is that it is a hypothetical concept with no existing models. Nevertheless, it is projected that such machines will probably have intelligence like that of humans.

Strong AI is considered a threat to human existence by many scientists, including Stephen Hawking, who stated Strong AI is viewed as a threat to human existence by many scientists, including Stephen Hawking, who stated:

At the far end of artificial intelligence, if achieved without human intervention, the future could be bleak for human beings. It would get to a point where it would just design itself and self-improve but at a faster and faster rate. Humans who are restricted in their speed of biological evolution by a slow process could and, therefore, would be hopeless against those who possess AI.

Artificial superintelligence means computers become intelligent not only as an average person but even much more intelligent than a person.In fact, ASI (artificial super intelligence), the plot of future movies until now, shows a scenario where machines take power, as described in sci-fi books.

This could be possible in near future.The blistering speed of development in artificial intelligence (AI is for real but not limited to narrow AI only) is difficult. Most people who do not have direct communication with groups like Deepmind have no clue how rapid the progress is it is almost close to the exponential curve. Hence, the risk is that within five years, something hazardous can happen (at max in 10 years) as said by Mr. Elon Musk.

Passive robotic creatures simply act when stimulated in the same manner as passive people.They can answer now but may not keep the past; they are not the ones to remember experiences and have new knowledge and capabilities after undergoing the ordeal.To this end, it should also be noted that the scope of reacting machines response to the inputs of a certain number is very narrow.Reactive machines constitute the focus of AI applications.

Truly, the operation in raptures of the reactive machines is evident in performing some elementary autonomous operations, such as filtering junk emails from your email inbox or recommending products based on your shopping history. Though reactive AI cant create novel solutions or have more complicated capabilities beyond that, unlimited improvement is still possible.

This type of instability may be somewhat mitigated by memory AI, which can store past data and use it to make forecasts or offer direction for improvement.This means it creates its own dislocated, short-term knowledge of the world and acts only on this knowledge in rare everyday situations.

The essence of this AI directly relies on a deep learning approach based on the pattern of human neurons.This fact enables a machine to accept data through experience and learn from that, bettering its accuracy in every action it takes.

Our smartphones, voice assistants, self-driving cars, and even the voice-activated systems in our homes use this kind of elegant AI. This can apply to situations such as just chatting or personal assistants, as well as the more advanced discovery of autonomous vehicles and other cases.

The theory of mind concerns AI that looks into human emotions and can discover the same.The word is derived from psychology, and it is used to define a human beings capability to read into the willingness and convince oneself, allowing one to predict what lies ahead.There are doubts about whether the theory of mind will become a reality soon, but it looks like something significant and promising in the AI development domain.

The main idea of self-aware AI lies in its ability to be self-conscious. It can learn, perceive, detect, and think like humans.The AI point of the single is called the AI singularity. Self-aware AI might be the AI singularity, which is one of the goals of AI development.If self-awareness AI is achieved when it is, then it will be extra because apart from other peoples feelings, AI machines would also have a sense of self.


What is artificial intelligence? What are its applications?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a branch of computer science that tries to develop systems and algorithms capable of imbuing a machine with human characteristics such as learning or the capacity to plan activities, so replicating human capabilities. As a result, it has numerous uses in a variety of sectors.

Coding is essential in AI development because it allows for the formulation and implementation of AI algorithms and models, which serve as the foundation for AI system intelligence. AI algorithms are created to process data, learn from it, and then make predictions or judgments based on patterns and insights.

Expected benefits for organizations that use AI and machine learning in the real world include the capacity to analyze massive volumes of data to create relevant insights swiftly, as well as a greater return on investment (ROI) for associated services owing to lower labor costs.

Different models are accessible, including decision trees, logistic regression, linear regression, and deep learning models. It is critical to select a model with a high accuracy rate that is appropriate for the task at hand. Hyperparameter tuning is the process of adjusting settings prior to training an AI/ML model.

While AI can improve productivity and efficiency, human input is still required for innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making in many technical professions.

See the original post here:

What are the Types of Artificial Intelligence? - Analytics Insight

The 4 Stages of Artificial Intelligence – Visual Capitalist

The Evolution of Intelligence

The expert consensus is that human-like machine intelligence is still a distant prospect, with only a 50-50 chance that it could emerge by 2059. But what if there was a way to do it in less than half the time?

Weve partnered with VERSES for the final entry in our AI Revolution Series to explore a potential roadmap to a shared or super intelligence that reduces the time required to as little as 16 years.

The secret sauce behind this acceleration is something called active inference, a highly efficient model for cognition where beliefs are continuously updated to reduce uncertainty and increase the accuracy of predictions about how the world works.

An AI built with this as its foundation would have beliefs about the world and would want to learn more about it; in other words, it would be curious. This is a quantum leap ahead of current state-of-the-art AI, like OpenAIs ChatGPT or Googles Gemini, which once theyve completed their training, are in essence frozen in time; they cannot learn.

At the same time, because active inference models cognitive processes, we would be able to see the thought processes and rationale for any given AI decision or belief. This is in stark contrast to existing AI, where the journey from prompt to response is a black box, with all the ethical and legal ramifications that that entails. As a result, an AI built on active inference would engender accountability and trust.

Here are the steps through which an active-inference-based intelligence could develop:

Stage four represents a hypothetical planetary super-intelligence that could emerge from the Spatial Web, the next evolution of the internet that unites people, places, and things.

With AI already upending the way we live and work, and former tech evangelists raising red flags, it may be worth asking what kind of AI future we want? One where AI decisions are a black box, or one where AI is accountable and transparent, by design.

VERSES is developing an explainable AI based on active inference that can not only think, but also introspect and explain its thought processes.

Join VERSES in building a smarter world.

See the original post:

The 4 Stages of Artificial Intelligence - Visual Capitalist