Category Archives: Smart Contracts

France wants to certify smart contractsis it even possible? – CoinGeek

The regulatory arm of the Banque de France, the Autorit de Contrle Prudentiel et de Rsolution (ACPR), wants to certify smart contracts. The First Deputy Governor of the Banque de France recently confirmed that work between it and the ACPR to make that process mandatory is ongoing.

Previously, the ACPR laid out several proposals for regulating decentralized finance (DeFi). These include the aforementioned certification of smart contracts, security standards for private ledgers and public blockchains, and regulating DeFi entry points such as websites.

Certification will be a formal process over and above the smart contract audits that are already commonplace. The ACPR says it wants to encourage innovation while protecting consumers (one of its mandates).

Theres already plenty of debate about whether this is over-regulation and how to tackle composability, where one smart contract is dependent on another. Theres also the question of whether anyone will bother to endure the costs of certification rather than going to another jurisdiction that doesnt require it.

Opinion: Is too much regulation a bad thing?

For much of its existence, the European Union has been criticized for over-regulating almost every industry. Many economists point to its tendency to create rules and regulations for every eventuality as one of the reasons for the Eurozones sluggish economic growth.

However, the last few years have shown us that we can no longer afford to take a Laissez-faire approach to blockchain technology, digital currencies and associated applications like smart contracts. The dozens of bridge hacks and the collapse of the LUNA/UST algorithmic stablecoin, plus the subsequent implosion of FTX and multiple hedge funds, show us that a totally hands-off approach simply does not work.

However, regulators must also be careful not to go too far the other way. A balance must be struck between giving entrepreneurs and innovators the freedom to experiment and over-regulation and the stifling effect it has on industries. The costs of burdensome regulatory compliance can lead to a situation where the big players can afford to play, and the small, scrappy startups (potential future unicorns) are forced to fold or go elsewhere.

The EU has done well to publish the MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets) regulations, meaning there can be no debate about regulatory clarity, but it must be careful not to scare off startups and blockchain creators by imposing too many costs associated with regulatory compliance. While the ACPR is strictly a French institution and has no official role in what the EU will do, it did have a large influence on how MiCA turned out. Therefore, what it does may set precedents that have many ripple effects.

It is often said that some regulation is good, but too much regulation is as bad as none. That quote perfectly underscores the balance that must be struck in the blockchain and digital currency industry. Whether smart contract certification crosses the line into overdoing it, only time will tell.

Watch: sCrypt Hackathon students realize theres more to blockchain

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeeks Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.

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France wants to certify smart contractsis it even possible? - CoinGeek

Five Key Challenges with DeFi Solved with the Stellar Smart Contract Platform – The Defiant – DeFi News

Learn why builders are using the Stellar network to develop the next generation of DeFi applications

Stellar has made a significant move with the launch of Soroban, a new smart contract platform. As an OG Layer 1 blockchain with a decade in the space, Stellar leverages its unique position to offer fresh insights and enhancements. This strategic, late-stage entry has allowed for a complete redesign from the ground up, resulting in Soroban, integrated into Stellars Protocol 20 in May 2024. Soroban represents a next-gen platform that capitalizes on extensive industry knowledge to provide a cutting-edge user experience.

Many networks face congestion leading to transaction delays. Fundamental architectural challenges have emerged in retrofitting existing protocols, resulting in numerous compromises.

Solution: Soroban, built with WASM and Rust, offers:

Re-entry attacks, like the one that cost Fei Protocol $80M, are a significant threat. Many platforms lack adequate defenses against such vulnerabilities.

Solution: Soroban contracts prevent re-entry by default and offer comprehensive unit testing and fuzzing. Combined with the Soroban SDK, developers can create robust applications capable of handling billions of legitimate transactions.

Ethereums state bloat is a well-known issue. While solutions like sharding exist, they often serve as temporary fixes rather than permanent solutions.

Solution: Stellar introduces state expiration, akin to "charging rent," to efficiently manage data and maintain a manageable state size. Key features include:

High transaction costs can deter user adoption.Stellar offers an average transaction cost of USD $0.00000392, significantly cheaper than Ethereum, Solana, and most other Layer 1 chains. Theefficient and novel POA (Proof of Agreement) Stellar Consensus Mechanism and tunable gas model ensure low costs while maintaining strong correlations between compute resources and fees.

Many DeFi products remain inaccessible to users without traditional banking services. Lack of payment rails in regions with underdeveloped banking infrastructure is therefore a very real challenge.

Solution: Stellar boasts the second-largest network of cash on/off ramps, second only to Bitcoin. Unlike Bitcoin, Stellar supports the use of smart contracts and the flexibility to create a greater variety ofDeFi applications. This extensive network enables:

Soroban, the smart contracts platform live on Stellar mainnet, is changing the DeFi landscape by addressing these fundamental issues, while providing a robust, accessible platform for development worldwide.

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Five Key Challenges with DeFi Solved with the Stellar Smart Contract Platform - The Defiant - DeFi News

Crypto hacks increase in 2024, but smart contracts not to blame – Cointelegraph

Cryptocurrency hackers and exploiters might be poised for a more successful year in 2024, potentially surpassing their achievements in 2023.

In the first quarter of 2024, hackers stole digital assets valued at $542.7 million, a 42% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

The primary reason for this is hackers continually shifting their attack vectors and looking for easier targets, according to Mriganka Pattnaik, co-founder and CEO of crypto risk and intelligence platform Merkle Science.

Pattnaik told Cointelegraph:

Phishing attacks involve hackers aiming to steal sensitive information like crypto wallet private keys. Other types of phishing attacks, known as address poisoning scams, aim to trick investors into willingly sending funds to a fraudulent address thatlooks similar to addresses they previously interacted with.

In May, a trader lost $71 million worth of cryptoin the years most high-profile phishing attack. The attacker tricked the trader into sending 99% of their funds to the attackers address.

But in a curious turn of events, the unknown thief returned the $71 million to the victim over a week later when the incident attracted the attention of blockchain investigation firms andthe attackers location was eventually established.

Related: Memecoin trader loses over $1M following Normie exploit

Smart contract vulnerabilities used to be among the most targeted infrastructures by hackers.

However, according to Merkle Sciences 2024 Crypto HackHub Reportreport, hacked funds lost to smart contract vulnerabilities fell 92% to $179 million in 2023, down from a staggering $2.6 billion in 2022.

Private key leaks are currently the biggest concern, according to Pattnaik:

Over 55% of the hacked digital assets were lost to private key leaks during 2023.

The reason behind the decrease in smart contract exploits is more advanced security tools combined with hackers vying for easier targets, said Pattnaik:

Related: Tether CEO warns of new wave crypto airdrop scam emails, CoinGecko potentially affected

Cryptocurrency prices have appreciated significantly since the beginning of the year. According to CoinMarketCap data, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies rose by 54% year-to-date.

Besides growing the potential bounty for exploiters, growing cryptocurrency prices are also attracting more hackers to the crypto space, according to Pattnaik:

Over $574 million worth of digital assets were lost across 30 individual crypto hacks during May 2024, representing a 666% month-over-month increase, according to a June 1 X post by PeckShield.

Magazine: Caitlyn Jenner meme coin masterminds celebrity price list leaked

Originally posted here:

Crypto hacks increase in 2024, but smart contracts not to blame - Cointelegraph

Comprehensive Guide To Testing NFT Smart Contracts: Securing The Amazing Blockchain World In 2024 – Blockchain Magazine

May 31, 2024 by Diana Ambolis


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity, revolutionizing digital ownership and fueling a multi-billion dollar industry. But with great innovation comes great responsibility. NFT smart contracts, the self-executing code underpinning these tokens, hold immense power and require rigorous testing to ensure their security and functionality. This guide delves deep into the world of NFT smart

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity, revolutionizing digital ownership and fueling a multi-billion dollar industry. But with great innovation comes great responsibility. NFT smart contracts, the self-executing code underpinning these tokens, hold immense power and require rigorous testing to ensure their security and functionality. This guide delves deep into the world of NFT smart contract testing, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to safeguard your creations.

Before diving into testing, lets establish a foundational understanding of NFT smart contracts. Unlike fungible tokens (like cryptocurrency), NFTs represent unique digital assets. An NFT smart contract governs the creation, ownership, and transfer of these assets on a blockchain network. It essentially acts as a digital ledger, automatically executing predefined rules for minting (creating), owning, and trading NFTs.

These contracts are typically written in Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for building smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain (though other blockchains have their own languages). The code defines functions that dictate actions like:

In the burgeoning world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), where digital creations command real-world value, the foundation of every NFT lies within its smart contract. This self-executing code governs the creation, ownership, and transfer of the NFT asset. However, a single line of faulty code within this smart contract can have disastrous consequences, potentially leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and even the complete loss of your precious NFT. This is why testing NFT smart contracts before deployment is absolutely crucial.

The High Stakes of Untested Code:

The Benefits of Rigorous Testing:

Beyond the Basics: Different Testing Approaches

Theres no one-size-fits-all approach to testing NFT smart contracts. Heres a glimpse into some of the common testing methodologies:

Testing NFT smart contracts is not an optional step; its an essential safeguard for the security and value of your digital assets. By investing in thorough testing, you can create a secure and reliable foundation for your NFT project, fostering trust, ensuring functionality, and ultimately, protecting the value of your prized NFTs. Remember, in the realm of NFTs, a secure smart contract is the cornerstone upon which a successful and sustainable project is built.

Also, read Top 10 Amazing Ways Smart Contracts Help In Royalty Distribution Of NFTs

The world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is booming, with unique digital creations fetching real-world fortunes. However, underpinning every NFT lies its lifeblood the smart contract. This self-executing code dictates the creation, ownership, and transfer of the NFT asset. But a single line of faulty code within this contract can be catastrophic, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and even the complete loss of your precious NFT.

This is where a multi-layered approach to testing NFT smart contracts becomes crucial. Just like building a secure fortress, ensuring the robustness of your NFT smart contract involves fortifying it from various angles. Heres a deep dive into the essential layers of testing that safeguard your digital assets:

Layer 1: Unit Testing The Building Blocks

Layer 2: Integration Testing Connecting the Dots

Layer 3: Security Audits Bringing in the Specialists

Layer 4: Gas Optimization Testing Keeping Costs in Check

Beyond the Layers: Continuous Monitoring

The testing process doesnt end with deployment. Continuous monitoring is essential to identify any unforeseen vulnerabilities or unexpected behavior that might emerge with real-world use. Think of it as having a dedicated security team constantly patrolling the grounds of your digital fortress to address any potential threats.

By implementing a multi-layered approach to testing NFT smart contracts, you go beyond simply building a functional platform you build trust and confidence. Investors and collectors are more likely to be drawn to projects that demonstrate a commitment to security and a robust testing methodology. Ultimately, a well-tested NFT smart contract serves as the cornerstone for a successful and sustainable project, safeguarding your digital treasures for years to come. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of NFTs, a secure and well-tested smart contract is the key to unlocking its full potential.

The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) landscape is teeming with innovation and opportunity. Unique digital creations are fetching real-world value, but with this growth comes a critical responsibility ensuring the security and functionality of the underlying smart contracts that govern these NFTs. A single line of faulty code can have devastating consequences, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and even the complete loss of your precious NFT assets.

This is where robust testing practices come into play. Just like a skilled warrior needs a well-honed arsenal, a well-tested NFT smart contract serves as your digital shield, protecting your NFTs from potential threats. Heres a comprehensive guide to the best practices that will ensure your NFT smart contract stands strong:

Laying the Foundation: Planning and Preparation

Building Your Arsenal: Testing Methodologies

Sharpening Your Skills: Advanced Testing Techniques

Maintaining Vigilance: Continuous Monitoring

The testing process doesnt end with deployment. Continuously monitor your smart contract for any unforeseen vulnerabilities or unexpected behavior that might emerge with real-world use. Imagine having scouts constantly patrolling the perimeter of your digital fortress, identifying any potential threats before they escalate into major problems.

Communication is Key: Fostering Collaboration

Open communication and collaboration between developers, security auditors, and testers are vital for successful NFT smart contract testing. Regularly share test results, identify potential issues, and work together to find solutions. Think of fostering a strong team spirit where everyone contributes their expertise to fortifying your digital defenses.

By adhering to these best practices for robust NFT smart contract testing, you go beyond simply building a functional platform you build trust and confidence. Investors and collectors will be more likely to engage with your project if they know the underlying smart contract is secure and well-tested. Ultimately, a robustly tested NFT smart contract serves as the cornerstone for a thriving NFT ecosystem, safeguarding your digital assets and paving the way for a successful and sustainable future. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of NFTs, a well-tested smart contract is your most valuable weapon in the digital marketplace.

The good news is there are excellent tools and resources available to streamline your NFT smart contract testing journey. Here are some popular options:

While testing is a cornerstone of NFT smart contract security, its not the only line of defense. Here are some additional security considerations to keep in mind:

By implementing a rigorous testing strategy and adhering to best practices, developers can build secure and reliable NFT smart contracts. This, in turn, fosters trust and confidence within the NFT ecosystem, paving the way for continued innovation and adoption. Remember, security is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. Regularly review and update your smart contracts to address new vulnerabilities and stay ahead of evolving threats.

Taking the Next Step:

This guide has equipped you with the foundation for testing NFT smart contracts. As you delve deeper, explore the resources mentioned and consider enrolling in online courses or workshops to gain hands-on experience. By actively contributing to secure smart contract development, youll play a vital role in shaping a robust and sustainable future for the NFT landscape.

Read the original here:

Comprehensive Guide To Testing NFT Smart Contracts: Securing The Amazing Blockchain World In 2024 - Blockchain Magazine

OPUR AI Unveils State-of-the-Art Smart Contract Auditing Tools to Elevate DeFi Security – AccessWire

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / June 3, 2024 / OPUR AI, a leader in blockchain security, is proud to announce a suite of innovative safety tools designed to revolutionize the way investors approach smart contract security. The company's mission is to simplify the complexities of smart contract auditing and provide robust security solutions through an intuitive platform.

OPUR AI, an innovative solution in the realm of DeFi security, presents a centralized Bot Hub that houses a range of advanced features tailored to meet the requirements of both novice and experienced users looking to maximize the efficiency and security of their smart contracts.

Key Features of OPUR AI

Quick Audit: With OPUR AI's Quick Audit tool, users can swiftly assess smart contracts, identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring compliance in a fraction of the time compared to traditional auditing methods.

ETH/SOL Checker: Providing meticulous verification for Ethereum and Solana smart contracts, OPUR AI maintains rigorous standards in code integrity and functionality, ensuring enhanced security and performance for users.

Code Analyzer: Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, the Code Analyzer meticulously inspects smart contract code for errors, inefficiencies, and security gaps. It generates detailed reports and actionable insights, empowering developers to enhance the reliability of their code.

Chat Bot: The OPUR AI Chat Bot offers real-time responses and automates customer service tasks. By providing personalized assistance and streamlining user interactions, it enhances engagement and user experience.


In an era where the integrity and security of smart contracts are of paramount importance, OPUR AI emerges as a standout leader in the industry. Its user-friendly interface coupled with powerful auditing and analysis tools make it accessible to all users, irrespective of their technical expertise. By simplifying the auditing process and offering robust analysis, OPUR AI ensures that smart contracts are not only reliable but also secure, instilling confidence in users.


Dedicated to elevating the DeFi ecosystem, OPUR AI showcases a commitment to providing top-tier security and auditing solutions. Its advanced AI-driven tools are strategically crafted to address the escalating demands of the cryptocurrency market, ensuring users have peace of mind and trust in their smart contract transactions.


As the DeFi environment continues to expand and evolve, the importance of secure and efficient smart contract management becomes increasingly vital. At the forefront of this movement, OPUR AI offers pioneering solutions that safeguard and empower users within the DeFi space. Positioned as an invaluable asset, OPUR AI's comprehensive suite of tools is poised to revolutionize smart contract auditing and analysis within decentralized finance.

For further information about OPUR AI and its services, please visit


Name: Michael Tony Company Name OPUR AI Email: [emailprotected]


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OPUR AI Unveils State-of-the-Art Smart Contract Auditing Tools to Elevate DeFi Security - AccessWire

What is OP_CAT? Satoshi’s dormant opcode that could revolutionize Bitcoin’s smart contracts – Crypto Briefing

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Bitcoin has a built-in scripting language that allows for the creation of simple smart contracts. However, the scripting language has limitations, and some of the original opcodes (operation codes) were disabled in the early days of Bitcoins development. One such opcode is OP_CAT, which has recently resurfaced in discussions within the Bitcoin community.

OP_CAT, short for Operation Concatenate, is an opcode that was initially proposed by Bitcoins creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. The opcode allows for the joining of two data values on the stack within a Bitcoin transaction script. In simpler terms, it enables the combination of two pieces of data into a single piece of data during the execution of a Bitcoin transaction.

With the introduction of the Taproot upgrade and its limited stack size, the original vulnerability that led to the removal of OP_CAT has been mitigated. This has prompted discussions within the Bitcoin community about the potential reactivation of the opcode.

If reactivated, OP_CAT could enable more advanced smart contracts and covenants (spending conditions) to be implemented on the Bitcoin network. This could unlock new use cases, such as:

1. Secure document signing

2. Creation of complex data structures

3. Hashrate escrows

4. Automated market makers

The timeline for the potential reactivation of OP_CAT is uncertain and depends on various factors. Elizabeth Olson, a prominent figure in the Bitcoin space, has suggested that if the proposal to reactivate OP_CAT is approved, we could see its implementation on the Bitcoin network within six months to a year.

However, it is essential to note that the process of reaching consensus within the Bitcoin community and thoroughly testing the opcodes implementation may take longer than anticipated. The Bitcoin community is known for its cautious approach to protocol changes, prioritizing the security and stability of the network above all else.

While the reactivation of OP_CAT could bring new possibilities to the Bitcoin network, there are some concerns and challenges that need to be addressed:

1. Script size inflation: The use of OP_CAT could potentially increase the size of Bitcoin scripts, which could impact the networks efficiency.

2. Security risks: As with any change to the Bitcoin protocol, thorough testing and analysis would be required to ensure that the reactivation of OP_CAT does not introduce any new security vulnerabilities.

3. Achieving consensus: For OP_CAT to be reactivated, the Bitcoin community would need to reach a consensus on the implementation and activation of the opcode, which can be a challenging process.

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What is OP_CAT? Satoshi's dormant opcode that could revolutionize Bitcoin's smart contracts - Crypto Briefing

Ethereum Developer Roadmap 2024 – Blockchain Council

Ethereum remains a leading platform for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts. As we look towards 2024, becoming an Ethereum developer offers immense opportunities. This roadmap aims to guide both new and experienced developers through the essential skills, tools, and knowledge areas necessary to excel in Ethereum development.

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform that enables developers to build and deploy smart contracts and DApps. Unlike Bitcoin, which is primarily a digital currency, Ethereums main feature is its programmable blockchain, allowing for a wide range of applications beyond financial transactions.

Ethereum developers are crucial for creating and maintaining the infrastructure that supports decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and numerous other applications. Their work ensures the functionality, security, and scalability of these decentralized solutions.

Solidity is the primary programming language for writing smart contracts on Ethereum. Mastering Solidity is essential for developing efficient and secure smart contracts. Key concepts to focus on include:

A solid understanding of blockchain principles is crucial. Developers should be familiar with:

Data structures like arrays, mappings, and structs are frequently used in smart contract development. Familiarity with these structures is necessary to efficiently manage and organize data within smart contracts.

Creating a robust development environment is the first step. Essential tools include:

Proficiency in version control systems like Git is crucial for managing code versions and collaborating with other developers. Knowing how to use Git effectively ensures smooth development processes and code integrity.

Hands-on experience is vital. Start with simple contracts and gradually move to more complex applications. Deploying contracts on test networks like Rinkeby or Kovan before going live on the mainnet is essential for thorough testing and debugging.

Rigorous testing and debugging are critical to smart contract development. Utilize frameworks like Mocha and Chai for writing tests, and tools like MythX and Slither for security analysis to ensure your contracts are secure and perform as expected.

Layer 2 solutions like Optimistic Rollups and zk-Rollups are designed to enhance Ethereums scalability and transaction speeds. Understanding these solutions is important for developers aiming to build high-performance applications.

Interoperability between different blockchain systems is becoming increasingly important. Tools like Polkadot and Cosmos facilitate cross-chain interactions, allowing developers to create applications that can interact with multiple blockchains.

DeFi represents a significant use case for Ethereum. Developers should understand DeFi protocols like Uniswap, Aave, and Compound, as these protocols involve complex smart contracts and are central to many Ethereum applications.

The Certified Ethereum Developer certification by the Blockchain Council is an excellent way to validate your skills in Ethereum development. This certification ensures that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the blockchain industry. The program covers various aspects of Ethereum development, including the creation, compilation, and deployment of smart contracts, as well as advanced concepts such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

Obtaining a certification from the Blockchain Council offers numerous advantages. It serves as proof of your expertise and commitment to the field, making you stand out in a competitive job market. Employers value certifications from recognized organizations, as they indicate a validated skill set and knowledge base.

The Blockchain Councils certifications are designed by industry experts and provide comprehensive learning resources, ensuring you gain practical and up-to-date knowledge. Additionally, certified professionals gain access to a network of peers and industry leaders, offering opportunities for collaboration and continuous learning.

The Ethereum ecosystem evolves rapidly. Staying updated with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices is crucial. Follow influential figures on social media, participate in forums, and attend conferences to keep up with industry developments.

Continuous learning is vital in the fast-paced field of blockchain technology. Engage in online courses, attend workshops, and participate in hackathons to enhance your skills and knowledge.

The roadmap to becoming a successful Ethereum developer in 2024 is comprehensive and demanding, but the rewards are significant. By mastering core skills, gaining hands-on experience, and staying updated with industry trends, developers can position themselves at the forefront of this exciting field. As Ethereum continues to grow and evolve, so will the opportunities for skilled developers. Whether you are just starting or looking to enhance your expertise, this roadmap provides the guidance needed to thrive in the world of Ethereum development.

What is Ethereum and why is it important for developers?

Which programming language is essential for Ethereum development?

How can I gain practical experience in Ethereum development?

Why should I consider getting certified in Ethereum development?

Here is the original post:

Ethereum Developer Roadmap 2024 - Blockchain Council

iExec Launches Enhanced DataProtector: Revolutionizing Web3 Monetization & Ownership – The Cryptonomist

Lyon, France, June 4th, 2024, Chainwire

iExec, the company with the platform to build, own, and monetize in Web3, has announced the release of an upgrade to their DataProtector dev tool, dubbed the Monetize Version. This latest innovation introduces an upgrade that offers new methods for Web3 developers, DApp users, and content creators to manage and monetize their digital assets.

Since its inception in 2016, iExec has been a pioneer in offering solutions that prioritize data protection and ownership. The updated DataProtector Monetize Version reaffirms iExecs dedication to innovation, delivering powerful tools that give developers the means to return control over digital assets to their users. The enhanced tool enables decentralized application (DApp) users to maximize the monetization potential of their data, content, and other digital assets.

Simplifying the Development of DApps with Enhanced User Ownership and Monetization Control

Building on the original iExec DataProtector developer tool, this new version introduces the DataProtectorSharing module. This expands the toolkit with new SDKs offering a range of monetization strategies that simplify the sharing, distribution, and earning from digital assets. Transactions are secured by Confidential Computing hardware encryption and orchestrated via iExecs specialized DataProtectorSharing smart contract. Monetization is streamlined through the use of RLC, iExecs native cryptocurrency, ensuring secure and transparent transactions on the network.

The DataProtector Monetize Version Puts DApp Users in Control of Their Data

This upgrade introduces advanced monetization options designed to enhance the value of digital assets while maintaining control and security. Users have the flexibility to engage in secure sharing of their digital assets with authorized parties without compromising ownership. Moreover, assets can be rented out for specified durations, allowing data or content owners to earn while maintaining ownership rights. Secure selling options enable users to transfer ownership of data or digital assets to interested buyers, who then assume full control over their use at the blockchain level. Subscription bundle aims for a potential income by granting access to curated data collections for a predetermined fee. These versatile monetization options aims for Web3 users to extract maximum value from their data, or any other digital assets, while ensuring continued control and security.

The DataProtector developer tool aligns perfectly with our mission to empower Web3 users to optimally monetize what they own. Developers can create truly unique Web3 apps that prioritize user ownership, privacy, and monetization. It revolutionizes the Web3 experience, and sets a new standard in the decentralized economy. Gilles Fedak, iExec CEO

What distinguishes this upgrade is its streamlined approach to sharing protected data and earning RLC. Distribution channels are set up in advance, allowing users to initiate smart contracts independently, removing the need to manage each transaction personally. This process leverages a combination of blockchain and Confidential Computing, utilizing Intel SGX Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) to ensure data remains end-to-end encrypted and secure, even during processing.

Impact on the Web3 community

The new Monetize Version of DataProtector dev tools significantly enriches the Web3 community by boosting greater interaction and collaboration. This innovation supports a more dynamic and interactive ecosystem, where users can confidently manage, share, and monetize their digital assets. By promoting a culture of collaboration and innovation, this tool contributes to the collective growth and dynamism of the Web3 landscape.

About iExec

iExec is for Web3 builders who believe that users should have full control over the ownership of their data. By creating cutting-edge decentralized developer tools, iExec empowers developers to build Web3 applications that prioritize data ownership, privacy, and monetization.

With transparent access to TEE infrastructure (such as Intel SGX) and advanced Confidential Computing, iExec ensures that data remains secure during processing, even from the operators of the nodes themselves. This secure framework provides users with full control over their data, dictating who can access it and for what purpose. iExec also facilitates data ownership through NFTs, enabling users to monetize their digital assets via selling, renting, or offering subscriptions. With direct monetization built into the protocol, developers earn RLC every time their app is used. Compatible with popular programming languages, iExec offers the flexibility and robust security essential to pioneer the future of Web3. For developers valuing privacy, ownership, and monetization, iExec presents a compelling platform.

Developers and creators can visit the iExec Developer Portal for detailed documentation and tutorials on the DataProtectorSharing module.

Developers and creators can also follow iExec on X to stay up to date on developments and developer funding opportunities.

Communication ManagerTina FahimiiExec[emailprotected]


iExec Launches Enhanced DataProtector: Revolutionizing Web3 Monetization & Ownership - The Cryptonomist

Cardano Development Update: Plutus and Mithril Drive Smart Contracts and Scaling Upgrades Can it Propel Price to $0,55? – Crypto News Flash

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Cardano Development Update: Plutus and Mithril Drive Smart Contracts and Scaling Upgrades Can it Propel Price to $0,55? - Crypto News Flash

Top 10 Ethereum Smart Contract Auditing Companies in 2024 – CoinGecko Buzz

This article is brought to you by Hashlock.

The decentralized world thrives on innovation, but security remains paramount. Smart contracts, the self-executing code powering Ethereum applications, are responsible for immense value and require meticulous scrutiny to ensure their integrity. Here, we delve into the top 10 Ethereum smart contract auditing companies.

Hashlock is a leading edge blockchain security and smart contract auditing firm. The team consists of seasoned security architects with extensive experience in blockchain technology and cryptography, going beyond vulnerability detection to simulate real-world attack vectors, and proactively identifying potential weaknesses before they become critical exploits. They are also able to find obscure logic errors in contracts and code, as they recruit team members from bug-bounty competition-like settings.

This relentless pursuit of security has earned Hashlock the unwavering trust of enterprises and burgeoning startups alike. Their proven track record speaks volumes billions of dollars in digital assets secured, countless vulnerabilities neutralized, and a reputation for excellence that precedes them. Choosing Hashlock isn't just about safeguarding your smart contracts; it's about gaining a strategic security partner who understands the ever-evolving threat landscape of the Ethereum ecosystem.Visit Hashlock at:

Certik is a household name in the auditing space, renowned for their pioneering use of formal verification techniques like DeepSEA. This method mathematically proves the absence of certain vulnerabilities, offering an additional layer of assurance for complex smart contracts.

OpenZeppelin goes beyond auditing they are the architects of some of the most trusted security libraries in the Ethereum space. Their auditing services leverage this deep understanding of secure coding practices, offering a comprehensive solution for building and auditing robust smart contracts.

Code4rena champions a proactive approach to security. Their expertise lies in threat modeling, where they meticulously analyze potential attack vectors before they materialize into critical vulnerabilities. This forward-thinking approach helps development teams build secure smart contracts from the ground up.

Spearbit strikes a perfect balance between manual expertise and cutting-edge automated tools. They leverage static analysis and symbolic execution to efficiently identify vulnerabilities, while their team of experienced auditors provides in-depth analysis and remediation strategies.

Trail of Bits is a pioneer in integrating security into the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC). They offer a holistic approach that extends beyond the final audit, helping developers identify and address security concerns throughout the development process.

QuillAudits, also known as Quillbit, delivers a balanced approach to smart contract auditing. They combine manual code review with automated analysis tools to ensure a comprehensive assessment that identifies both common and highly specialized vulnerabilities.

Quantstamp is a well-established firm with a proven track record in the blockchain security space. Their team of seasoned security professionals offers in-depth smart contract audits along with other security services, ensuring a well-rounded approach to project security.

PeckShield is a leading player in the Asian blockchain market, offering a comprehensive suite of security services, including smart contract auditing. Their global reach and deep understanding of the regional landscape make them a valuable partner for projects targeting the Asian market.

Backed by the industry leader ConsenSys, ConsenSys Diligence offers security expertise for the entire blockchain ecosystem. Their smart contract auditing services leverage the collective knowledge and experience of a company at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

The ideal auditing partner depends on your specific project needs and budget. Consider factors like the complexity of your smart contracts, the level of ongoing security support required, and the auditor's experience with both Ethereum and your chosen development tools.

By partnering with a top Ethereum smart contract auditing firm, you gain the peace of mind that comes with a secure foundation. This allows you to focus on building innovative applications for the decentralized future, confident that your users' funds and data are protected from malicious actors.

Original post:

Top 10 Ethereum Smart Contract Auditing Companies in 2024 - CoinGecko Buzz