Category Archives: Smart Contracts

Top 8 Ways Web3 Security Can Resolve The Crisis Of Cryptocurrency Scams – Blockchain Magazine

Web3 security encompasses the protective measures implemented to safeguard the decentralized ecosystem of Web 3.0, which includes blockchain-based applications, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). As Web 3.0 aims to create a more trustless and decentralized internet, security becomes paramount to protect users assets, data, and privacy. One key aspect

Web3 security encompasses the protective measures implemented to safeguard the decentralized ecosystem of Web 3.0, which includes blockchain-based applications, smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). As Web 3.0 aims to create a more trustless and decentralized internet, security becomes paramount to protect users assets, data, and privacy.

One key aspect of Web3 security is securing blockchain networks themselves. This involves ensuring the integrity and immutability of the blockchain through robust consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), or other consensus algorithms. Additionally, preventing 51% attacks, double-spending, and other malicious activities on the blockchain is crucial for maintaining network security.

Smart contract security is another critical component of Web3 security. Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, must be thoroughly audited and tested to mitigate vulnerabilities and prevent exploits. Flaws in smart contracts can lead to significant financial losses, as demonstrated by various high-profile hacks and exploits in the DeFi space.

Furthermore, securing decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms is essential to protect user funds and data. This involves implementing secure coding practices, conducting regular security audits, and adopting robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

In addition to technical security measures, user education and awareness play a crucial role in Web3 security. Users must be informed about best practices for securing their crypto assets, such as using hardware wallets, practicing proper key management, and avoiding phishing scams and fraudulent schemes.

Moreover, the interoperability of Web 3.0 presents both opportunities and challenges for security. Cross-chain communication and interoperability between different blockchain networks introduce new attack vectors and require innovative security solutions to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data and transactions across disparate platforms.

Overall, Web3 security requires a multi-layered approach that addresses technical vulnerabilities, user education, and ecosystem-wide challenges. By implementing robust security measures and fostering a culture of security awareness and collaboration, the Web 3.0 ecosystem can realize its potential as a secure and trustworthy decentralized internet.

Also, read- Why Is Crypto ETF The Answer To Volatility And Scams In 2024?

Cryptocurrency scams exploit the decentralized and pseudonymous nature of digital currencies, targeting unsuspecting users with various fraudulent schemes. Ponzi schemes promise high returns to early investors but collapse when new investors stop joining, leaving participants with losses. Phishing attacks impersonate legitimate entities through fake websites or emails to steal users private keys or passwords

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) scams entice investors with promises of revolutionary projects, only to vanish with their funds after fundraising. Pump and dump schemes artificially inflate a cryptocurrencys price before orchestrators sell off their holdings, leaving others with worthless assets. Exit scams involve fraudulent projects abruptly shutting down and absconding with investors money.

Fake wallets and exchanges deceive users into depositing funds, which are then stolen or inaccessible. Malware and ransomware attacks infect users devices, stealing their cryptocurrencies or encrypting data for ransom. Pyramid schemes rely on recruiting new members to sustain payouts to earlier participants, ultimately collapsing and causing losses. To mitigate these risks, users should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and verify the legitimacy of projects and platforms. Implementing security measures such as hardware wallets, two-factor authentication, and vigilant password management can also help safeguard against cryptocurrency scams.

Overall, Web3 security measures offer a multifaceted approach to addressing the crisis of cryptocurrency scams by enhancing transparency, resilience, and user empowerment within decentralized systems. However, its important to recognize that no system is entirely immune to scams, and ongoing vigilance, education, and collaboration are key to mitigating risks effectively.

Web3, the next iteration of the internet built on blockchain technology, promises a more decentralized, secure, and user-centric future. Security has always been a paramount concern in the crypto landscape, and Web3 introduces a paradigm shift in how we approach safeguarding digital assets and user data. Lets delve into the ways Web3 security is transforming the crypto world:

1. Decentralized Security:

Shifting from Custodial to Self-Custody: Web3 promotes a move away from centralized exchanges where users relinquish control of their private keys. Instead, Web3 wallets empower users to hold their own private keys, granting them complete control over their assets and eliminating the risk of exchange hacks or mismanagement.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): The core of Web3, blockchain technology, offers inherent security benefits. Data is distributed across a network of computers, making it tamper-proof and nearly impossible to manipulate. This decentralized approach eliminates single points of failure, a major vulnerability in traditional centralized systems.

Community-Driven Security: Web3 leverages the power of its vast and engaged community. Open-source protocols allow for constant scrutiny and identification of vulnerabilities by developers around the world. This collaborative approach fosters a more robust security ecosystem compared to closed, proprietary systems.

2. Enhanced User Control and Identity Management:

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI): Web3 introduces the concept of SSI, where users control their digital identities. Instead of relying on centralized platforms, users can store their identity information on the blockchain and grant access selectively to different applications. This reduces the risk of data breaches and identity theft.

Permissioned Blockchains: While public blockchains offer transparency, permissioned blockchains allow for a more controlled environment. This can be beneficial for certain use cases where user access needs to be restricted for security reasons.

Biometric Authentication: Integration of biometric authentication methods like facial recognition or fingerprint scanning can enhance security for accessing Web3 wallets and applications.

3. Cryptography and Smart Contract Security:

Advanced Cryptographic Techniques: Web3 utilizes advanced cryptographic techniques like zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to enable secure transactions without revealing sensitive information. ZKPs can be used for identity verification or financial transactions, enhancing privacy and security.

Smart Contract Audits and Security Tools: The rise of smart contracts in Web3 necessitates robust security measures. Formal verification techniques and security audits are becoming increasingly crucial to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in smart contract code before deployment.

Bug Bounty Programs: Many Web3 projects are adopting bug bounty programs, incentivizing security researchers to find and report vulnerabilities in their protocols. This proactive approach helps identify and address security issues before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Challenges and Considerations:

Novelty of Web3: Web3 is a nascent technology, and its security landscape is still evolving. New vulnerabilities and attack vectors might emerge as the ecosystem matures.

User Adoption and Awareness: For Web3 security to reach its full potential, widespread user adoption and education are essential. Users need to understand the security implications of self-custody and how to manage their private keys responsibly.

Interoperability and Standardization: The fragmented nature of the Web3 landscape, with various blockchain protocols and standards, poses security challenges. Interoperability and standardization efforts are crucial for creating a more secure and unified Web3 ecosystem.

Web3 security represents a significant step forward in securing the crypto landscape. By leveraging decentralization, cryptography, and a community-driven approach, Web3 offers a more secure and empowering environment for users to interact with the digital world. While challenges remain, the innovations introduced by Web3 have the potential to revolutionize how we approach security in the crypto space, paving the way for a more trusted and transparent future.

In conclusion, while cryptocurrency scams pose significant challenges to the integrity and trustworthiness of the digital asset ecosystem, Web3 security measures offer promising solutions to mitigate these risks and foster a safer and more resilient decentralized landscape. By leveraging blockchain technology, smart contract audits, decentralized identity solutions, and community vigilance, Web3 platforms can enhance transparency, accountability, and user empowerment in combating fraudulent activities.

The immutable nature of blockchain records provides a transparent and tamper-resistant ledger, making it difficult for scammers to manipulate transaction data. Additionally, smart contract audits help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in decentralized applications, reducing the likelihood of exploitation by malicious actors. Decentralized identity solutions empower users to maintain control over their digital identities, reducing the risk of phishing attacks and identity theft.

Community-driven initiatives play a vital role in detecting and reporting suspicious activities, fostering collaboration and transparency within the Web3 ecosystem. Educational resources and regulatory compliance efforts further enhance user awareness and protection, ensuring that participants can navigate the cryptocurrency landscape safely and securely.

While Web3 security measures offer promising solutions, its important to recognize that no system is entirely immune to scams, and ongoing vigilance, education, and collaboration are essential to effectively mitigate risks. By implementing robust security measures, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, and promoting regulatory compliance, the Web3 community can work together to address the crisis of cryptocurrency scams and build a more trustworthy and resilient decentralized ecosystem for the future.

Here is the original post:

Top 8 Ways Web3 Security Can Resolve The Crisis Of Cryptocurrency Scams - Blockchain Magazine

Firewall Raises $3.7M to Take Smart Contracts Mainstream With Programmable Finality – FinSMEs

San Francisco, USA / California, March 7th, 2024, Chainwire

Firewall, a blockchain infrastructure startup, announced its $3.7M pre-seed round, co-led by North Island Ventures, Breyer Capital, and Hack VC.

Firewall transforms the usability of smart contract technology through an innovative finality consensus mechanism that eliminates smart contract exploits.

The founders of Firewall, previously the first and sixth employees at Stakeda staking company acquired by Kraken in a landmark crypto dealhave helped breathe life into the eras of proof-of-stake and decentralized finance over the last six years. In that time, the founders served institutional clients with infrastructure that handled billions of dollars, and now building on their experience, are addressing what most perceive as the final major hurdle to a full embrace of digital assets by the traditional financial system.

Firewall is building the safety rails that enable the everyday person to use the next era of the Internet, stated Devan Purhar, Co-Founder of Firewall. Today, billions of dollars are stolen from users, through irreversible transactions that are classifiable as theft. Theres a parallel between the current state of crypto-networks and the early internet, with a similar lack of essential security infrastructure. Our focus is not on marginal improvements; rather, we bring a required paradigm shift in the usability of blockchains. We designed a solution from first principles, and created programmable finality. Fundamentally, we make exploits a concept of the past.

Akin to a digital version of a traditional networks firewall, Firewalls technology introduces programmable finality. It extends rollups to use programmable transaction finalization rules, which act as automated checkpoints that block harmful transactions, inserted before later stages when the data is finalized by a DA layer such as EigenDA or Celestia. The founders envision Firewall as a part of every smart contract network, acting as an embedded security system that intelligently guards against threats.

Firewall uses real-time algorithms to pre-filter exploits from being included in blocks, shared Sam Mitchell, Firewall Co-Founder. Then, by using programmable finality we automatically recover from any exploits that bypass the pre-filter checks. Detection at this stage can involve AI models or social consensus, which may take longer. Mitchell emphasized that institutions, managing trillions in assets, are interested in the benefits of smart contracts but require a secure environment to deploy capital. Creating comfort for institutional clients to use smart contracts will be the pivotal point for the widespread adoption of digital assets.

Past the founders, the core team is credited with successfully pioneering AI use in crypto threat detection at OpenZeppelin and Forta, and is set to revolutionize the field with Firewalls all-encompassing security approach. The startups initial focus is on the rollup ecosystem, and prides itself on alignment with building non-custodial and trustless solutions. The funding will help expand the team and create the community to firewall the EVM. Longer-term plans include developing coordination mechanisms to integrate the social layer directly into the Firewall.

Travis Scher, Managing Partner at North Island Ventures, said We believe the primary impediment to cryptos mainstream adoption is the current security paradigm, in which a single bug can lead to a total loss of user funds. Firewalls solution can prevent such losses, and we are thrilled to support such an important company from the outset.

The funding round was co-led by North Island Ventures, Breyer Capital, and Hack VC, with participation from Finality Capital, and angels including Tim Ogilvie of Staked, Kain Warwick and Jordan Momtazi of Synthetix, Nathan McCauley of Anchorage, and Yaoqi Jia of AltLayer.

Firewall is making blockchains safer for users, developers, and institutions, said Ted Breyer of Breyer Capital. We see this catalyzing a new era of smart contract utility, and were delighted to support the team.

With the growing global adoption of crypto and regulatory spotlight, catalyzed by the BTC ETF and anticipated ETH ETF, the time for crypto-networks to become bulletproof is now. Trillions of dollars remain on the sidelines, scared to use smart contracts. Firewalls programmable finality which effectively neutralizes exploits, offers the security assurance needed to unlock these assets, paving the way for crypto to revolutionize the global financial system.

About Firewall

Firewall is dedicated to making smart contract technology safe to use in everyday life, by eliminating smart contract exploits. Their solution is akin to a robust network firewall, applied to the modular blockchain ecosystem.

Co-Founder Devan Purhar Firewall [emailprotected]

Read the original:

Firewall Raises $3.7M to Take Smart Contracts Mainstream With Programmable Finality - FinSMEs

EigenLayer: ETH Restaking Strategy And Its Mechanics –

Key Takeaways

EigenLayer is a protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain network that introduces a new concept called restaking. EigenLayer gives developers access to Ethereums decentralized validator set and the large quantity of staked Ether ( ETH).

This enables them to create new apps that make use of the security architecture that is already in place. In addition to their normal staking payouts, stakers who choose to participate in EigenLayers smart contracts may receive additional rewards.

Heres what EigenLayer offers:

EigenLayer lets customers reuse their ETH if they have already staked it. This implies that they can get rewards beyond their initial staking earnings by using their staked ETH to secure other Ethereum-based applications.

EigenLayer effectively establishes a shared security pool when restaking is enabled. By extending Ethereums staker-provided security to new applications, this pool leverages existing security. This can help these applications by saving them the sometimes costly and time-consuming task of creating their own validator sets.

Because of EigenLayers restaking functionality, developers can now create new Ethereum apps that were previously unfeasible because of security constraints. This might result in the Ethereum networks ecosystem being more dynamic and inventive.

Three key elements make up the EigenLayer network: operators, restakers, and actively verified services (AVS). Restakers get incentives in exchange for contributing staked Ethereum or Ethereum liquid staking tokens (LSTs) to the ecosystem.

While individuals with ETH staked on liquid staking platforms can restake their LSTs through EigenLayer or liquid restaking protocols, users with ETH staked directly on the beacon chain can allow native restaking by creating EigenPods.

By enabling applications to work on the EigenLayer platform, operators are essential to the restaking process. In addition to enabling restakers to assign their stakes through EigenLayer enrollment, they may also provide support for other platform services. Furthermore, operators can function as restakers themselves, just like Ethereum validators do, guaranteeing the legitimacy of blockchain transactions.

Lastly, AVS include a range of technologies, including quick finality layers, data availability layers, and oracle networks, that call for special distributed validation processes. EigenDA is one of the initial AVSs being built in the EigenLayer ecosystem. It is a decentralized data availability layer designed to improve Ethereums scalability.

Blockchain security relies on a strong economic incentive for validators to act honestly. Traditionally, each new application on a network like Ethereum needs its own set of validators, which can be expensive and complex to manage. Additionally, theres nothing else one can do with this locked Ether. This fragmented security weakens the overall system.

EigenLayer tackles this by introducing restaking. Stakers whove already locked up their ETH for Ethereums security can opt-in to use that same staked ETH to secure other applications. This creates a shared security pool, leveraging the existing power of Ethereums validators.

EigenLayer facilitates this process through smart contracts, allowing applications to borrow security without the burden of individual validator sets. With the use of these contracts, users can secure other Ethereum-based apps with the ETH they have previously staked. In essence, this restaking gives these new applications access to the security that current Ethereum validators offer.

Its similar to utilizing your current staked Ethereum home security system (staked ETH) to protect your neighbors home (new application). Strong security is provided for the new application, which doesnt require any setup, and you, the stakeholder, may receive extra incentives for adding this extra protection.

Applications get strong security as a result, and stakers stand to gain financially. This not only strengthens the overall security of the ecosystem but also allows stakers to potentially earn additional rewards.

EigenLayers restaking mechanism enhances security by consolidating fragmented security pools, making malicious attacks significantly more costly than rewarding.

Through EigenLayer, slashing conditions are enforced via smart contracts managing withdrawal credentials for staked $ETH, ensuring that malicious activity results in slashing, with up to 50% of staked $ETH at risk. This framework maintains a robust security protocol, deterring potential attackers and safeguarding users assets.

While EigenLayer promises an innovative approach to security on the Ethereum network, its not without potential risks. Here are some key vulnerabilities to consider:

EigenLayer mostly depends on smart contracts to control the restaking process, which poses a risk. The security of staked ETH and the apps it protects may be jeopardized if these contracts have flaws or vulnerabilities that could be used by bad actors.

EigenLayers success depends on its uptake by stakeholders and application developers alike. EigenLayers shared security pool may not be as effective if developers are reluctant to trust the security model or if stakeholders view the rewards for restaking to be unappealing.

The laws governing cryptocurrencies are often evolving. EigenLayers profitability may be severely impacted if laws are put in place that limit staking or smart contract capability.

EigenLayer creates some concentration risk by combining security from a single source, Ethereums validators. Any application that makes use of EigenLayers restaking feature may become less secure if a serious flaw in Ethereums validator set is discovered.

EigenLayer presents a novel way to strengthen Ethereum network security by using its restaking mechanism. EigenLayer creates security pools by allowing stakers to use their locked ETH to secure various apps, thereby prohibitively expensive bad assaults. Smart contracts enforce this architecture, which upholds strong security protocols to ward off threats and protect users assets.

EigenLayer does, however, come with some risks and weaknesses in addition to its potential solutions. These risks include concentration risk, regulatory uncertainty, adoption volatility, and smart contract issues. Notwithstanding these difficulties, EigenLayers importance in the developing field of blockchain technology is highlighted by its ability to strengthen Ethereums security and encourage stakeholders.

EigenLayer introduces a novel approach to Ethereum security via its restaking mechanism, consolidating security pools and deterring malicious attacks.

Risks of restaking ETH in EigenLayer include smart contract vulnerabilities, uncertain adoption, regulatory challenges, and concentration risk.

No, withdrawal is not immediate in EigenLayer due to enforced slashing conditions and the restaking mechanism.

EigenLayer maintains security through enforced slashing conditions governed by smart contracts and consolidating security pools to increase the cost of malicious attacks.

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Read this article:

EigenLayer: ETH Restaking Strategy And Its Mechanics -

ChatGPT for Blockchain Developers: How Can They Use It? – Blockchain Council

Blockchain technology, with its promise of decentralization, transparency, and security, has captivated the imagination of developers and industry stakeholders alike. As we venture into 2024, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) through tools like ChatGPT into Blockchain development is not just a possibility but a transformative shift on the horizon. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering Blockchain developers a suite of tools and capabilities that promise to redefine how we build, interact with, and conceptualize Blockchain applications. This article explores the future of ChatGPT in Blockchain development and provides insights into how Blockchain developers can use ChatGPT to its fullest potential.

Heres are top 10 ways Blockchain developers can use ChatGPT:

Smart contracts are automated agreements that run on Blockchain technology, executing actions when predefined conditions are met. ChatGPT can dramatically improve smart contract development by automating code generation and providing natural language explanations of contract logic, which simplifies the development process and reduces errors. Its ability to generate code snippets and test smart contracts before deployment enables developers to create more efficient and error-free contracts. Moreover, ChatGPTs AI capabilities can optimize smart contract execution by analyzing contract data to identify and rectify potential issues, ensuring smoother and more reliable contract performance.

Effective documentation is crucial for maintaining and scaling Blockchain applications. ChatGPT aids in generating comprehensive documentation for smart contracts, including descriptions of functions, variables, and classes, alongside examples of code usage. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency across project documentation, making it easier for new developers to understand and contribute to the project. ChatGPTs ability to create documentation templates and integrate with code comments further streamlines the documentation process, improving project collaboration and efficiency.

Blockchain wallets are essential for managing cryptocurrencies and digital assets. ChatGPT can play a significant role in developing and testing Blockchain wallets by generating user-friendly explanations of wallet features and functionalities. It can also create test cases and data to ensure wallets operate as expected. Additionally, ChatGPTs capacity to generate responses to user queries and support requests enhances the user support experience, making wallets more accessible and easier to use for a broader audience.

Simulation plays a crucial role in testing and improving Blockchain networks. With ChatGPT, developers can simulate various scenarios on a Blockchain network, including network performance under different conditions and response to various types of attacks. This ability not only helps in identifying potential vulnerabilities but also in understanding how the network behaves under stress or attack, ensuring better preparedness for real-world applications. Moreover, ChatGPT enables the simulation of user behavior, allowing developers to gain insights into how users interact with the network and identifying areas for improvement in terms of usability and engagement. Additionally, economic simulations facilitated by ChatGPT can help in understanding the cryptoeconomics of the network, including the incentives and disincentives for participants, which is crucial for the networks sustainability and growth.

Effective community management is vital for the success of any Blockchain project. ChatGPT can transform how projects interact with their communities by providing automated responses to frequently asked questions, moderating discussions to ensure they remain on topic, and creating engaging content for social media or blogs. This not only enhances the communitys experience but also frees up valuable time for the project team to focus on development and innovation. Furthermore, ChatGPTs ability to analyze and report on community engagement and sentiment offers valuable insights for making data-driven decisions regarding community management strategies, ensuring that projects can build and maintain a strong, supportive community.

In the fast-paced world of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, staying ahead of market trends is critical. ChatGPT can analyze market data, including historical trends, to generate predictions about future market movements. This capability allows developers to make informed decisions regarding their projects direction and strategy. ChatGPTs analysis isnt limited to quantitative data. It can also sift through vast amounts of unstructured data, such as news articles and social media posts, to gauge public sentiment towards specific products or the Blockchain sector in general. By generating natural language reports and summaries, ChatGPT makes it easier for developers and analysts to understand and communicate their findings, facilitating more strategic decision-making based on comprehensive market insights.

The development of white papers is a crucial step for Blockchain projects, offering a comprehensive overview of the technology, use case, and value proposition. In 2024, Blockchain developers can utilize ChatGPT to streamline this process. By training ChatGPT on a dataset of existing white papers, developers can fine-tune the model to generate content that adheres to a specific format and tone. This approach not only ensures consistency across documents but also tailors the content to the white papers intended audience, significantly enhancing its effectiveness and readability.

Decentralized Applications (DApps) are at the forefront of Blockchain innovation, offering decentralized solutions across various industries. ChatGPT can significantly aid in DApp development by generating smart contract code for various Blockchains, thus simplifying the development process. This capability extends to automating UI/UX content creation, which can be integrated into decentralized applications to enhance user engagement and functionality. Additionally, ChatGPT can be employed to develop chatbot features within DApps, allowing for natural language interaction between the application and its users, thereby improving user experience and accessibility.

As Blockchain technology continues to evolve, the need for clear and concise educational content becomes increasingly important. ChatGPT can play a pivotal role in creating explainer videos and educational materials. By generating scripts that simplify complex Blockchain concepts, ChatGPT enables developers to produce content that is accessible to a wider audience, including those new to the Blockchain space. This can include subtitles in various languages, making the content more inclusive. Additionally, the ability to simulate market conditions and predict asset prices can be leveraged to create informative content that helps viewers understand the dynamic nature of the Blockchain and cryptocurrency markets.

ChatGPT has demonstrated considerable potential in identifying and addressing various types of errors in code, including syntax, logical, and semantic errors. Syntax errors relate to the incorrect arrangement of code, such as misplaced punctuation, while logical errors refer to code that doesnt execute as intended despite being syntactically correct. Semantic errors occur when the codes output doesnt match the expected results despite being technically correct. ChatGPT aids in debugging by providing detailed explanations of code functions, suggesting corrections for syntax errors, and offering insights into the root causes of issues based on error messages and environmental contexts. This process involves developers inputting the problematic code alongside a description of the issue, with ChatGPT analyzing the code to identify errors and suggest solutions ranked by relevance and likelihood of success.

Looking ahead, the integration of ChatGPT within the Blockchain sector appears to hold significant promise. Here are some key points on how this might unfold:

As Blockchain technology continues to evolve, the integration of ChatGPT offers boundless possibilities for developers. From simplifying smart contract development to enhancing user interaction with DApps, ChatGPT stands as a pivotal tool in the Blockchain developers arsenal. By embracing these capabilities, developers can not only streamline their development processes but also contribute to the broader adoption of Blockchain technology. The future of Blockchain development with ChatGPT looks promising, with the potential to drive significant advancements in the way Blockchain applications are designed, developed, and deployed. Embracing this future means staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape, where efficiency, innovation, and user experience are paramount.

What is ChatGPT and how does it relate to Blockchain development?

How can Blockchain developers use ChatGPT to improve smart contract development?

What role does ChatGPT play in community management for Blockchain projects?

How can ChatGPT assist in debugging Blockchain applications?

See more here:

ChatGPT for Blockchain Developers: How Can They Use It? - Blockchain Council

Suilend Expands to Sui Network – Crypto Times

Suilend, a blockchain protocol for lending with over $200 million of total value locked (TVL) has entered the Sui Network. This step is the first time when Suilend is making the first step outside the Solana ecosystem.

Sui Network is a platform that employs blockchain technology to have its total value lock (TVL) of above $500 million recently. Sui getting Suilend is viewed as a major stride to advance the DeFi space on Sui since it imports Suilends competence and experience of constructing stablecoin protocols into the Sui ecosystem.

Suilends introduction to Sui community is a great move as Sui gives secured operation. The Sui platform language comes out of the box with a built-in security for smart contracts, and Zellic, Ottersec, and other security firms audit the projects like Suilend.

Sui also has the fast transaction ability that enables the system to handle a large number of transactions within a few seconds to seconds. However,it also offers the least latency in the industry, and its scale is capable of handling up to 297,000 transactions per second due to its horizontal scaling.

We are delighted to welcome a protocol with the background of performance and success of Suilend to the Sui ecosystem, said Greg Siourounis, Managing Director of the Sui Foundation. Suis blistering transaction speeds, infinite scalability and pervasive efficiency are tailor-made for DeFi projects like Suilend, and we look forward to watching their continued growth and success on Sui.

The coming launch is anticipated to reinforce Suis authority in the DeFi ecosystem with a continuous and increased activity.

Also Read: DeFi Ecosystem Rebounds, TVL Soars Past $100 Billion

See the original post:

Suilend Expands to Sui Network - Crypto Times

Select These Powerful Platforms for Developing Smart Contracts and Decentralised Applications – Open Source For You

Smart contracts and decentralised applications are helping revamp finance and supply chains, as well as improve healthcare services. Lets dive into the cutting-edge programming platforms that help them do this.

Blockchain technology has revolutionised the conduct of transactions by establishing a decentralised and secure framework. Blockchain serves as the underlying technology for decentralised systems, offering transparency, immutability, and security. Initially known for its association with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain technology has evolved to find applications across diverse industries. The distributed ledger system ensures all network participants access the same information, eliminating intermediaries and reducing fraud risks.

At its core, blockchain is a decentralised and distributed ledger that ensures secure and transparent record-keeping. Its primary use case was cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin, providing a transparent and tamper-proof method of conducting financial transactions. Beyond finance, blockchain has found applications in supply chain management, where its decentralised nature enhances traceability and reduces fraud. In healthcare, it facilitates secure and interoperable sharing of patient data, improving the efficiency of healthcare systems. Blockchains potential extends to voting systems, intellectual property protection, and more, showcasing its versatility in fostering trust, transparency, and efficiency in diverse sectors.

A significant innovation in blockchain technology is the creation of self-executing agreements referred to as smart contracts, which are directly encoded into the system.

Smart contracts are self-executing programs with predefined rules and conditions, deployed on a blockchain. These contracts automate and enforce the terms of agreements, cutting out the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of errors or fraud. Decentralised applications, or dApps, are software applications that operate on a decentralised network of computers. Smart contracts are integral to the functionality of many dApps, providing a trustless and efficient way to execute code securely.

Decentralised applications leverage the decentralised nature of blockchain to provide users with transparent, secure, and censorship-resistant experiences. These applications operate on a peer-to-peer network, ensuring that data remains tamper-proof and resilient to single points of failure. As the adoption of smart contracts and dApps continues to grow, their transformative impact on traditional business models becomes increasingly evident, ushering in a new era of decentralised and trustless interactions.

The development of smart contracts and dApps relies heavily on sophisticated programming platforms. These platforms serve as the foundation for crafting secure, efficient, and decentralised solutions.

As the blockchain ecosystem expands, a diverse array of programming platforms has surfaced, each contributing to the evolution of smart contract and dApp development methodologies.


Ethereum is a pioneer in smart contract platforms and remains a dominant force in the space. Developers can use the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to deploy smart contracts written in languages like Solidity. Born out of the vision of Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum has introduced a versatile blockchain that extends beyond the limitations of Bitcoin, allowing developers to create complex dApps and execute smart contracts. Ethereums blockchain serves as a decentralised and secure global computer, enabling a myriad of use cases across various industries. One notable application lies in the financial sector, where it facilitates the creation of decentralised finance (DeFi) platforms, offering services such as lending, borrowing, and decentralised exchanges. Additionally, it finds applications in supply chain management, healthcare, and identity verification, bringing transparency, security, and efficiency to traditional processes. Its open source nature has fostered a vibrant community of developers continuously innovating and expanding the platforms capabilities, making Ethereum a cornerstone in the evolution of blockchain technology.


Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain network compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It offers fast and low-cost transactions, making it an attractive option for developers. The platform supports various programming languages, providing flexibility in smart contract development. Offering a range of use cases, it is particularly renowned for the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which facilitates the development of decentralised applications and the execution of smart contracts. BSC has gained widespread adoption due to its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling developers to seamlessly migrate and deploy existing Ethereum-based projects on Binance Smart Chain. Moreover, Binance blockchain has carved a niche in the realm of decentralised finance (DeFi), providing a secure and efficient environment for various financial services, including token swaps, lending, and yield farming. Its low transaction fees and high throughput contribute to an ecosystem that appeals to developers and users alike, fostering innovation and accessibility within the blockchain space.


Polkadot is a multi-chain network that facilitates interoperability between blockchains. Developers can create custom blockchains, including those tailored for smart contracts, using the Substrate framework. Its unique design allows different blockchains to communicate and share information securely. Founded by Dr Gavin Wood, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, Polkadot introduces a unique multi-chain architecture that facilitates interoperability between multiple blockchains. Unlike traditional blockchains, it supports the seamless transfer of data and assets across various chains, fostering a more interconnected and scalable ecosystem. This interoperability feature has broad implications, enhancing communication and collaboration between different blockchain networks. Polkadots relay chain and parachain structure enable greater flexibility in designing customised blockchains, each tailored to specific use cases. Use cases for Polkadot span a wide range of industries, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more. By addressing the challenges of scalability, interoperability, and customisation, Polkadot is playing a pivotal role in advancing the capabilities of decentralised applications and the broader blockchain ecosystem.


Cardano is a blockchain platform that aims to provide a more secure and scalable infrastructure for the development of smart contracts and decentralised applications. It uses the Haskell programming language for smart contract development. Launched with a research-driven methodology, Cardano distinguishes itself by incorporating academic peer-reviewed research into its development process. The platform operates on a layered architecture, separating the settlement and computation layers, aiming to enhance scalability and flexibility. Cardanos native cryptocurrency, ADA, facilitates secure and transparent transactions within its ecosystem. With a focus on sustainability, interoperability, and regulatory compliance, Cardano seeks to address challenges prevalent in the blockchain space. The use cases for Cardano span a variety of sectors, including finance, identity verification, supply chain management, and governmental services. Its commitment to academic rigour and a comprehensive development strategy positions Cardano as a promising player in the blockchain realm.


NEO is a blockchain platform that supports smart contracts. Developers can use languages like C#, Java, and Python for creating smart contracts on the NEO platform. Founded with the vision of establishing a more scalable and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem, NEO supports multiple programming languages, including C#, Java, and Python, making it accessible to a broad range of developers. One of NEOs key strengths lies in its ability to facilitate the creation of decentralised applications (dApps) and smart contracts in a highly efficient and secure manner. NEOs use cases extend across various industries, from finance to supply chain management, where its advanced features, such as a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus mechanism and a unique delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) consensus algorithm, contribute to the platforms reliability and robustness.


Avalanche supports the creation of interoperable and highly scalable applications. Recognised for its unique consensus protocol called Avalanche Consensus, the platform distinguishes itself by providing high-throughput, near-instant transaction finality, and robust security. Avalanche stands out as a leader in the blockchain space due to its ability to support custom blockchain networks and facilitate the creation of decentralised applications (dApps). The platforms flexibility, scalability, and interoperability contribute to its growing popularity among developers and enterprises.


Tezos is a self-amending blockchain platform that supports smart contracts and decentralised applications. It utilises the Michelson programming language for smart contract development.


Algorand is a blockchain platform that focuses on high-performance and decentralised applications. It uses a unique consensus algorithm called Algorand Consensus.


Tron is a blockchain platform known for its emphasis on content and entertainment applications. It supports the creation of decentralised applications and smart contracts.


EOS is a blockchain platform that aims to provide a user-friendly environment for building decentralised applications. It uses a delegated proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

Exploring these platforms allows developers to choose the one that best aligns with their project requirements, programming preferences, and scalability needs. The blockchain landscape continues to evolve, and each platform contributes to the diversity and innovation within the decentralised application development space.

The scope for research and development in smart contract programming is vast. New platforms are emerging, each with its unique features and advantages. Researchers can explore areas such as scalability, privacy, and sustainability within smart contract platforms. Interoperability between different blockchain networks is another exciting avenue for development. By contributing to the open source community, developers can shape the future of decentralised applications and smart contract programming.

Read more:

Select These Powerful Platforms for Developing Smart Contracts and Decentralised Applications - Open Source For You

zkLink Nova Launches Mainnet, The First ZK Stack-based Aggregated Layer 3 Rollup Built on zkSync – InvestorsObserver

zkLink Nova Launches Mainnet, The First ZK Stack-based Aggregated Layer 3 Rollup Built on zkSync

2024-03-11 12:00:55 ET

Singapore, Singapore, March 12th, 2024, Chainwire

In an unprecedented leap forward for the blockchain industry, zkLink is proud to announce the public mainnet launch of zkLink Nova, the industrys first Aggregated Layer 3 zkEVM rollup network based on zkSyncs ZK Stack & zkLink Nova. zkLink Nova unifies liquidity and assets from Ethereum and Layer 2 rollups onto one interoperable platform, providing developers with a zkEVM-compatible decentralized application (dApp) deployment through the ZK Stack Hyperchain.

Being an Aggregated Layer 3 Rollup, zkLink Nova addresses the three major roadblocks that have restricted scaling across the Ethereum ecosystem liquidity fragmentation across Layer 2 blockchains, complexities associated with multi-chain dApp development, and poor user experience due to the isolation of assets and applications across chains.

The cornerstone of the zkLink Nova mainnet is its comprehensive integration with leading Layer 2s, including Arbitrum, Linea, Manta, Mantle, and zkSync. zkLink Nova acts as a connective layer between the Layer 2 Rollups, enhancing liquidity and asset transfers across the Ethereum ecosystem.

By leveraging the strengths of zkSyncs ZK Stack & Lineas ZK Proof-verification capabilities, Nova is stack agnostic and is able to connect to any ZK & OP Layer 2, said Vince Yang, CEO and co-founder of zkLink. This represents a major milestone for both zkLink and the wider Ethereum ecosystem as DApps will have access to broader liquidity and more users, potentially unlocking exciting new use cases for their existing L2 assets.

The integration of Layer 2s with zkLink Nova underscores a shared vision for a more unified and efficient blockchain ecosystem. zkLink Novas role in pioneering the Aggregated Layer 3 concept is the answer to the Layer 2s dire need for more interconnection among ecosystems. The general purpose architecture in zkLink Novas Aggregated Layer 3 enables developers to easily build, deploy and scale dApps using Solidity smart contracts, saving them time and resources.

Novas Aggregated Layer 3 environment removes bridges and gas fees from the equation, reducing security risksand improving user experience. By utilizing ZK Proofs in its architecture, every transaction on Nova undergoes verification before it is processed, giving the zkLink Nova mainnet Ethereum grade security.

The Nova Aggregated Layer 3 mainnet utilizes Linea as the primary rollup for ZK proof-verification through zkLinks Nexus settlement layer technology. Being secure, EVM-equivalent and cost effective, Nova leverages Lineas ZK-Rollup for faster multi-chain state synchronization and hard finality that settles on the Ethereum network, said Linea Product Lead, Declan Fox.

For DApp users, zkLink Nova removes complexity and simplifies asset transfers across Ethereum and Layer 2s while keeping transactions secure. DApp users can directly deposit their assets from Ethereum or any of the integrated Layer 2s into zkLink Novas unified platform to transact seamlessly or interact with its ecosystem of dApps, greatly enhancing the user experience for all.

The mainnet launch of zkLink Nova is the first of its kind in solving Ethereums liquidity fragmentation problem while simplifying multi-chain complexities. By uniting major Ethereum Layer 2s together, zkLink Nova is taking the lead towards advancing blockchain of value, realizing a unified and interoperable rollup ecosystem with greater capital efficiency for all users.

Dedicated to unifying liquidity and scaling the Ethereum ecosystem, zkLink is pioneering Aggregated Rollup solutions to bridge the ecosystem siloes within the blockchain space. By facilitating a more interconnected, efficient, and accessible digital asset environment, zkLink is driving forward the vision of a unified and decentralized blockchain ecosystem without boundaries.

zkLink Nova is the pioneering Aggregated Layer 3 Rollup zkEVM network that brings unprecedented liquidity and asset aggregation to Ethereum and its Layer 2 Rollups. Built with ZK Stack and zkLink Nexus, it leverages ZK Proofs to enhance scalability and security. Developers enjoy an open platform for deploying Solidity smart contracts and instantly tapping into integrated networks like Arbitrum and zkSync. Nova simplifies DeFi by presenting a unified ecosystem for users and DApps, promoting a seamless blockchain experience.



Jake Morakis

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zkLink Nova Launches Mainnet, The First ZK Stack-based Aggregated Layer 3 Rollup Built on zkSync - InvestorsObserver

Two-thirds of EVM smart contract deployments in 2024 are from Optimism: Report – Blockworks

A Flipside Crypto report shows that over 637 million Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contracts have been deployed across seven layer-2 blockchains since January 2022.

EVM-compatible smart contracts refer to software that the computing state of the Ethereum blockchain can understand.

With scaling solutions becoming more efficient and accessible, fewer EVM contracts are directly deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. With the Dencun update around the corner which will introduce blob transactions and other infrastructure upgrades this trend is likely to accelerate.

With layer-2s able to only publish critical data to ETH layer-1, the costs for interacting with layer-2s should significantly decrease. This enables much more creativity in protocol development, a much easier experience for users to have complex transactions abstracted away from them and ultimately lowers the costs for layer-2s to interoperate with each other, Carlos Mercado, a data scientist at Flipside Crypto told Blockworks.

Read more: Ethereum devs debate future of account abstraction

Leading this movement today is Optimism, an Ethereum optimistic rollup layer-2, which currently stands out as the most popular blockchain for deployments, accounting for over two-thirds (~70%) of the total EVM smart contract deployments so far this year. According to Flipside Crypto, the chain has seen over 28.8 million EVM deployments since Jan.1.

However, for non-EVM smart contracts, Polygon and BNB smart chains (BSC) remain the most popular deployment chains. On Sept. 6 of last year, BSC saw 5.3 million contracts deployed, the most deployments seen on a chain ever, though this number quickly trailed off around Sept. 13.

DeFi smart contracts have been the most popular for developers across all chains this year, accounting for roughly 34.7% of all deployments that can be categorized. This number is roughly 11.2% higher than in 2022 and 2023.

By contracts, NFT smart contracts, which drove the bull market between 2021 and 2022, have become less popular over time. Deployments decreased from 18.6% to 8.2% in the same period.

Read more: Stellar sparks smart contract upgrade and its not an EVM

Mercado notes that this can be interpreted as both positive and negative.

The positive argument is that the space is finding product market fit, theres more tokens than ever and new primitives that enable lending, borrowing, options, perpetuals, oracles for more assets than ever, Mercado said.

He adds, the somewhat negative argument is that given more money [is] flowing to more blockspace, fragmentation of liquidity is forcing more (arguably unproductive) activity: bridging and swapping for arbitrage as opposed to individuals specific desire to be on a chain or have a token.

Mercado acknowledges both sides of the argument but notes his bias towards the space evolving faster than it is fragmenting.

Read more: zkLinks Nexus wants to solve liquidity fragmentation between ZK ecosystems

Uncategorized smart contracts, or those classified as other by Flipside Crypto, are by far the most commonly deployed smart contracts. They make up 93.8% of all smart contracts deployed across the observed chains.

This number is significantly higher than it was in 2022, where these smart contracts made up an estimated 37% of deployed contracts. Its also a little higher than in 2023, where these smart contracts made up around 86% of all deployments.

While it is difficult to draw clear conclusions from this wide-ranging category, this figure, coupled with the growing proportion of dapps across all chains, suggests more experimentation and diversification at the protocol level, Flipside Crypto wrote.

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Two-thirds of EVM smart contract deployments in 2024 are from Optimism: Report - Blockworks

Top 10 Intriguing Ways To Capitalize On The Powerful Smart Contracts Technology – Blockchain Magazine

March 5, 2024 by Diana Ambolis


Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These programs run on blockchain technology, enabling automation, transparency, and trust in various contractual processes. Introduced by Nick Szabo in the 1990s, the concept gained practical application with the development of blockchain platforms, most notably Ethereum. The fundamental principle of

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These programs run on blockchain technology, enabling automation, transparency, and trust in various contractual processes. Introduced by Nick Szabo in the 1990s, the concept gained practical application with the development of blockchain platforms, most notably Ethereum.

The fundamental principle of a smart contract is to automate and enforce the terms of an agreement without the need for intermediaries. Traditional contracts often require manual verification, legal enforcement, and can be prone to disputes. contracts, on the other hand, execute automatically when predefined conditions are met, reducing the potential for errors and disputes.

Also, read- The Impact Of Blockchain Technology In The Legal Industry, Including Smart Contracts And Digital Identities

Contract technology holds immense importance due to its transformative impact on various industries, offering numerous benefits that enhance efficiency, transparency, and trust in contractual processes. Here are some key aspects highlighting the importance of smart contracts:

Capitalizing on the powerful capabilities of contract technology requires a strategic approach. Here are ten ways businesses and individuals can leverage smart contracts to their advantage:

In conclusion, the transformative power of contract technology opens up a myriad of opportunities for businesses and individuals across various sectors. By capitalizing on the capabilities of smart contracts, entities can revolutionize traditional processes, enhance efficiency, and foster a more transparent and decentralized approach to transactions.

contracts offer the potential to reshape the financial landscape through decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, providing new avenues for lending, borrowing, and liquidity provision without the need for traditional intermediaries. The automation of payments, escrow services, and supply chain processes can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.

Tokenization of assets, facilitated by smart contracts, introduces novel possibilities for fractional ownership and increased liquidity in traditionally illiquid markets such as real estate and art. The insurance industry can benefit from the automation of claims processing, resulting in faster settlements and improved customer satisfaction.

The integration of smart contracts into legal processes and the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) showcase the versatility of this technology in governance, compliance, and collaborative decision-making. Real estate transactions become more streamlined and accessible, and cross-border transactions can be executed more efficiently.

However, while the potential benefits are substantial, its essential to approach the implementation of smart contracts with a clear understanding of the specific use case, potential challenges, and legal considerations. Staying abreast of evolving regulatory frameworks and prioritizing security best practices are paramount to ensuring the successful and secure deployment of smart contract solutions.

As smart contracts continue to evolve and gain wider acceptance, their impact on industries and everyday transactions is poised to grow, bringing about a new era of efficiency, transparency, and trust in the digital economy. Entities that strategically leverage smart contracts stand to gain a competitive edge and position themselves at the forefront of the ongoing technological revolution.

Read more here:

Top 10 Intriguing Ways To Capitalize On The Powerful Smart Contracts Technology - Blockchain Magazine

Dencun upgrade to further reduce Ethereum’s dominance and accelerate layer-2 solutions, Flipside says –

With most smart contracts no longer deployed on Ethereum, analysts expect the Dencun upgrade to further boost this trend as layer-2 solutions improve.

Ethereum is quickly losing its status as the top hub for deploying smart contracts amid growing competition among layer-2 networks (l2), analysts at Flipside revealed in a recent research report. According to their data, nearly 640 million smart contracts have been deployed since January 2022, with Polygon and BNB Chain (formerly Binance Smart Chain) leading in contract deployments.

Moreover, Flipside says Optimism, a layer-2 solution which operates on top of Ethereums architecture, has accounted for two thirds of total EVM smart contract deployments so far in 2024.

As the majority of EVM contracts are no longer deployed directly on Ethereum, we expect the forthcoming Dencun upgrade to further accelerate this trend as L2 solutions become more accessible and efficient.


Analysts noted that contract deployers have also surged, making up 34.7% of categorizable deployers across observed chains since Jan 1, marking a significant increase from 11.2% in both 2022 and 2023. However, Flipside pointed out that it isnt just developers that can deploy contracts, adding that smart contracts can also deploy contracts.

For instance, Factories like UniswapV2Factory allow anyone to create liquidity pools for their tokens permissionlessly. This tends to lead to deployments consolidating around deployers like these.


In the meantime, deployers related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) saw a decline from 18.6% to 8.2% over the same period, analysts said, suggesting that the next bull run might prioritize decentralized finance over NFTs, which dominated the previous cycle.

In January, Michael Novogratzs crypto bank Galaxy Digital said in a research report that 2024 will be a crucial year for Ethereum, as other layer-1 blockchains such asSolana will likely raise the stakes.

Galaxy Digital analysts note that Ethereums modular architecture, particularly various rollup types, will introduce new challenges and technological risks due to their early stage of development. Singling out Solana as the most distinctive general-purpose blockchain embracing a monolithic architecture, they position it as the primary competitor against Ethereum.

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Dencun upgrade to further reduce Ethereum's dominance and accelerate layer-2 solutions, Flipside says -