Box & IBM to open new UK data centre cloud storage Box Zone … – Computer Business Review

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IBM and Box have announced a new Box Zone coming to the UK in Spring 2017.

Box has announced a new Box Zone, utilising the IBM Cloud, the Zone will be coming to the UK this year.

Boxs data storage solution willbe expandingits services to the UK by Spring 2017, for an additional fee. The partnership with IBM will also benefit zones in the US, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, Australia, and Canada.

The global cloud partnership with IBM is designed to help businesses control their local data storage by centralising content within specific regions to comply with both regulatory and compliance reasons. The UK Box Zone will be based inLondon and backed up in Frankfurt.

Aaron Levie, co-founder and CEO of Box, said: Were seeing significant demand for Box Zones from customers in Europe who want greater flexibility over where their data is stored. As international regulations and demands continue to become more complex, our ability to help enterprises move to the cloud and simplify their content management strategy is incredibly valuable.

With Box Zones were able to serve a much larger international customer base, including reaching organizations in the most security-conscious industries.

Currently Box is certified by Binding Corporate Rules, Privacy Shield, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Cross-Border Privacy Rules and others, meaning that companies can now confidently store data and avoid any regulatory issues.

Box and IBM entered into the partnership in June of 2015 and last year the two companies announced Box Relaywhich enables businesses to automate routine work and everyday processes in the cloud.

John Morris, general manager, Cloud Object Storage, IBM, said: Todays announcement continues to deepen the strong collaboration between IBM and Box in Europe, with IBM Cloud powering the first implementation of Box Zones in the UK.

Using Box Zones, businesses will soon have the ability to tap into IBMs global network of cloud data centers to store their data in-country with Box Zones whether for performance, regulatory or security reasons.

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Box & IBM to open new UK data centre cloud storage Box Zone ... - Computer Business Review

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