Most reliable hard drives in the world – MyBroadband

Backblaze has released its Drive Stats report for the second quarter of 2022, giving useful data on the performance of the hard drives it uses in data centres across the world.

By the end of June 2022, Backblaze was monitoring 219,444 hard drives and SSDs in its data centres.

The company removed 4,020 boot drives and 413 drives that were used for testing purposes or did not meet monitoring parameters, ending up with a total of 215,011 drives in its sample.

The cloud storage and backup company measured reliability using an annualised failure rate (AFR) for each drive.

AFR is calculated using the number of drive failures relative to the number of active drive days for each disk.

Backblazes report shows five drive models that recorded zero failures during the second quarter:

The WDC 16TB drive (model: WUH721816ALE6L4) is the only device with one recorded drive failure.

Backblaze said the Toshiba 4TB drive (model: MD04ABA400V) is the second oldest drive in their sample, sitting at an average age of 86.7 months.

Despite its age, the 4TB Toshiba had no failures in Q2, with the last failure recorded in Q2 2021.

The previous most reliable drive was Seagates 6TB (model: ST6000DX000), which recorded its first failure since Q3 2021.

Given this is the oldest drive model in our fleet with an average age of 86.7 months of service, a failure or two is expected, Backblaze said.

The company said the 4TB Seagate drives with an average age of 80.3 months had consistent increases in quarterly failure rate over the last four quarters to 3.42% in Q2 2022.

After accounting for a minimum drive days number of one million, Backblazes simplified lifetime hard drive failure rate table showed the drives with the highest AFRs.

The three drives with the highest lifetime annualised failure rates are as follows:

The table below shows the most reliable mechanical hard drives as monitored by Backblaze in Q2 2022.

Originally posted here:
Most reliable hard drives in the world - MyBroadband

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