We’ve cut the cost of Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage by more than 90% [DEALS] – Android Community

Think your hard drive is immune to failure? Think again. Safely backup all your files for life with 2TB of Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage. This package would normally cost thousands but, this week, you can save over 90% off that price and get it for just $49.99 at Android Community Deals. Theres only three certainties in life: Death, taxes, and hard drive failure. One day, the hard drive inside of your computer you know, the one that stores all your data will eventually bite the dust. When that happens, all of your files, photos, music, and videos will be gone for good. Why take that kind of risk? Safely backup your computer with Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage.

Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage provides customers with an ample amount of real estate with which to safely store their files. They offer two different kinds of storage options and all of it is protected with military grade 256-AES encryption so no one can see your stuff but you. Its quite possibly the best and most cost efficient way of securing your data from eventual hard drive failure.

This package offers a grand total of 2TB of cloud storage. The first 1TB of space is designed for instant data backups and can be accessed at the drop of a hat. The second 1TB is a handy cold storage area, which is great for saving files you dont normally access but cant afford to lose. When combined, this package offers all the cloud space youll ever need.

Your hard drive wont last forever. Back it up and secure your data for life with 2TB of Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage, just $49.99 at Android Community Deals.

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We've cut the cost of Zoolz Dual Cloud Storage by more than 90% [DEALS] - Android Community

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