Windows 10 Gets 64-Bit Version of OneDrive – WinBuzzer

Microsoft has announced Windows 10 users can now access the 64-bit version of OneDrive. The company is now rolling out the new version of its file sharing and cloud storage app.

Having a 64-bit version of OneDrive is important, not least because it means the app can support larger files more efficiently on Windows. Of course, this will depend on whether your version of Windows 10 supports 64-bit.

The 64-bit version is the right choice if you plan to use large files, if you have a lot of files, and if you have a computer thats running a 64-bit version of Windows, Microsofts Ankita Kirti said in a blog post at the time.


Computers running 64-bit versions of Windows generally have more resources such as processing power and memory than their 32-bit predecessors. Also, 64-bit applications can access more memory than 32-bit applications (up to 18.4 million Petabytes).

Back in April, Microsoft confirmed Windows 10 would finally get a 64-bit OneDrive application. Windows 10 is a little late to the party considering the macOS version of OneDrive has been 64-bit for three years. Apple moved to 64-bit with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 in 2018.

Still, better late than never and it is good to see Microsoft bring Windows 10 up to speed with Apples platform.

We know this has been a long awaited and highly requested feature, and were thrilled to make it available for early access, added Kirti.

In recent OneDrive News, Microsoft brought its Universal Print feature to the app, via Microsoft 365. users of the cloud storage and file sharing platform will be able to tap into the printing tool directly within the OneDrive app.

Universal Print works through cloud servers provided by Microsoft Azure. It is designed to remove the complexity of organizations handling their own print servers.

Tip of the day:

Do you sometimes face issues with Windows 10 search where it doesnt find files or return results? Check our tutorial to see how to fix Windows 10 search via various methods.


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Windows 10 Gets 64-Bit Version of OneDrive - WinBuzzer

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