Harry Potter And The Cryptocurrency of Stars | Kalzumeus …

If youre wondering why my blog suddenly has Harry Potter fanfic click this to show the spoiler otherwise it might be more fun to dive right in.

So I thought it was worth understanding how Stellar works, at the protocol level. It turned out to be easier to explain with a story than a code sample.

With apologies to J.K. Rowling, here we go:

Goblin Banker: So, young Master Potter,I understand that these last few days have been a bit trying for you, but on the upside, youre filthy stinking rich.

Harry Potter: Im still having trouble wrapping my head around piles and piles of gold coins in a vault guarded by a dragon. What did you call them again?

Goblin Banker: Galleons.

Harry Potter: And werent there Sickles and Knuts, too?

Goblin Banker: Meaningless complications for the moment, sir. Lets just focus on your galleons.

Harry Potter: What is a galleon worth, anyway?

Goblin Banker: What is anything worth, young Master Potter? An apple or a dragons egg or the limb of an ancient yew severed in a lightning strike? All things are worth what someone will happily trade you for them.

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Harry Potter And The Cryptocurrency of Stars | Kalzumeus ...

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