Things You Should Be Aware Of Behind the Cryptocurrency And 5G Covid-19 Plot – The Coin Republic

During the end of March, a statement came from a former Vodafone executive Jonathon James, alleging that the coronavirus pandemic is simply covering up all the deaths caused by armful 5G frequencies.

According to James insane testimonial, the coronavirus pandemic is just a plot that is used to hide the fact that people are dying from the 5G frequency, also, to track the worlds population through vaccines and to destroy human beings.

In reality, the baseless claims are made by the Pastor to convince the citizens of Zimbabwe to utilize cryptocurrency in their economy. He approached the countrys opposition party to convince for adopting cryptocurrency that will be backed by diamond deposits to save Zimbabwes economy.

He reached millions of people with his unjustifiable claims that COVID-19 is a completely fake disease which is covering the impact of 5G.

While James gained popularity with his impractical words that ultimately affected people to burn down their phone equipment and harassing telecoms engineers. The statement was delivered in a 38-minute recording by James which further claimed that the real cause of global deaths was due to cell poisoning.

Moreover, James also stated that the technology popular celebrity, Bill Gates is also involved in this plot to produce COVID-19 vaccinations that will carry computers chip to trace individuals.

However, James dedication to blockchain makes the crypto optimists hope that the Luton pastor will not defame the technology like 5G.

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Things You Should Be Aware Of Behind the Cryptocurrency And 5G Covid-19 Plot - The Coin Republic

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