Light Start: WhatsApp rolls out backup encryption, LG is more attractive, Google goes dark and iPhones only laak gud vaabs Stuff – Stuff Magazines

Google is the next to go dark

In case you havent noticed, and at the risk of sounding dramatic, the dark mode revolution is upon us and will consume everything given enough time. Dark mode users rejoice as will soon offer a dark mode. If all of that went over your head, allow us to change your life for the better.

If you didnt know, the advances in science and technology have allowed us to make our apps darker. Gone are the days of receiving a text a few minutes after turning out the light, going to read the text and your phone screen burning your retinas. You need not suffer anymore. is by no means the first implementation of a dark mode, but it is an indication that the practice is becoming more mainstream.

Google says the feature is rolling out from today. To check if you can enable it, head to the Google home page in our case and look for the settings button in the bottom right corner. From the popup menu choose search settings. On the right, you should see a few options, one of which will be Appearance, you can enable dark mode in there. If you dont see it yet (like us) then youll need to wait a bit longer.

Source: ArsTechnica

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Light Start: WhatsApp rolls out backup encryption, LG is more attractive, Google goes dark and iPhones only laak gud vaabs Stuff - Stuff Magazines

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