Reality is subjective to the observer – scientists make stunning claim in quantum study –

Scientists have discovered that facts and reality may be subjective to the individual observing them. This is because in quantum mechanics which examines particles on the sub-atomic level particles can exist in a point of superposition. Perhaps the most famous example of superposition is Erwin Schrodingers thought experiment, Schrodingers Cat.

To demonstrate his theory, Schrodinger said a cat placed in a box whose fate depended on the outcome of a random event could be both alive and dead simultaneously, its state only being known when the box is opened.

In quantum physics, these facts are established as a contradiction and a person inside the box would observe a definite answer, while a person on the outside observes a superimposed state.

Massimiliano Proietti, lead author of a new study and PhD student at Heriot-Watt Universitys Mostly Quantum Lab, said: This brings about a paradoxical situation where the fact established inside the laboratory seemingly contradicts the fact observed on the outside.

To test the theory, the team created a quantum test which included four observers in a quantum computer.

Six entangled light particles which means they are in a state of superposition were introduced to the observers.

The team were able to show that inside and outside observers could not agree as to what happened to the entangled particles.

Lab leader Professor Alessandro Fedrizzi, adds: The insight we gained is that quantum observers may indeed be entitled to their own facts. If we insist that this shouldnt be the case for classical human observers, the challenge now is to pin down where the two domains depart from each other.

It may for example hint at quantum mechanics not being applicable to big, everyday objectssomething that is allowed by textbook quantum physics.

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Reality is subjective to the observer - scientists make stunning claim in quantum study -

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