Ann Coulter – Conservapedia

Ann Coulter Born December 8, 1961Spouse NoneReligion Catholic

Ann Hart Coulter (born December 8, 1961) is a leading conservative commentator who often criticizes liberals by cleverly using their own point-of-view to ridicule them. Feminists are particularly intolerant of her incisive analysis, and many other Leftists consider her their greatest adversary. They forced a cancellation of her scheduled talk at the University of California, Berkeley on April 27, 2017. Coulter was an early conservative endorser of Donald Trump; and early critic of the liberal push for immigration; and an early supporter of the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. She became critical of President Trump as he appeared to retreat from his campaign promises on immigration.[1]

She is an attorney, legal affairs correspondent, social commentator and a well known maverick political pundit. She has written five bestselling books on U.S. politics. U.S. Federal Judge Richard Posner included her in a list of America's top public intellectuals.[2][3]

Coulter's primary focus is exposing what she says are the faults of liberalism, and she has enjoyed a popular following for her strong defense of family values against abortion and same-sex marriage. She is well known for her forthright statements against those who she accuses of wanting to hurt the United States.

Coulter is a high-profile female conservative, in line with Phyllis Schlafly and Condoleezza Rice. Her books and strong speaking style have endeared her to fans and infuriated opponents, who falsely try to mischaracterize her to the public.

Being an seemingly unabashedly conservative pundit, Coulter's social commentaries often draw the ire of liberals. Her comments are frequently controversial and her critics often feign being offended.[4][5]

Coulter says that the Democratic Party has a "history of supporting slavery, segregation, racial preferences, George Wallace and Bull Connor."[6]

As a Christian, Coulter adheres to the Judeo-Christian tradition the view that human beings are utterly and distinctly apart from other species.

Coulter made headlines during the 2008 Presidential primaries by endorsing Hillary Rodham Clinton for president instead of John McCain. Coulter asserted that McCain is not conservative, but liberal.

In August 2011 Coulter created a stir by agreeing to join the advisory board of GOProud, the Republican homosexual activist organization. Earlier this year WorldNetDaily chief Joseph Farah withdrew an invitation to Coulter to speak at WND's "Taking America Back National Conference" in Miami in September, because of her appearance at a GOProud fundraiser.

From early 2012 she was a vocal supporter and defender of Mitt Romney as presidential candidate.

Some of her books include

In Godless, Coulter illustrates the concepts of liberals making a religion out of their beliefs, following with the sort of intolerant zeal which they claim fundamentalists do. "Liberalism is a comprehensive belief system denying the Christian belief in man's immortal soul [and] that we are moral beings in God's image." (pg. 3)

Ann Coulter wrote:

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Ann Coulter - Conservapedia

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