Magnus Carlsen Hates the World Chess Championship Format, Apparently – World Chess

While theWorld Chess Championship inDubai continues with aseemingly unending streak ofdraws, Magnus Carlsen, thedefending world champion, has again voiced disdain fortheformat oftheChampionship cycle something he said before andlikely topush forinthefuture.

ANorwegian journalist asked both Nepo andCarlsen about their view oftheChampionship format. Carlsens answer: You have nothing good tosay, its better nottosay anything atall.

Inhis previous comments, Carlsen stated that thesystem is skewed infavor ofthedefending champion, who has totake part inthebiannual match while his opponents must go through agrueling cycle ofquestionable logic that does notnecessarily produce thebest challenger. Carlsens idea toreturn tothesystem that was inplace inthe90s, where theChampion was decided inalarge knockout tournament similar tothecurrent FIDE World Cup.

When this system was used byFIDE todetermine theWorld Champion, it was ridiculed forthefact that it produced random champions, who played well inthat particular tournament butwere notremotely thestrongest players intheworld.

Thecurrent World Chess Championship system, which includes aseries ofqualification tournaments (Grand Swiss, theGrand Prix Series, andtheCandidates) brings substantial revenue toFIDE, thesports governing body, andsupports Carlsens position both inchess andinbusiness. Butits adouble-edged sword: inanunlikely event ofCarlsen losing theMatch, he will face aneed towin theCandidates on demand analmost impossible task even forCarlsen especially if he is out ofform.

Having anannual knock-out World Chess Championship with likely random results will mean that thechampionship title will be slightly debased, giving space totherankings (where Carlsen has been number one formore than adecade).

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Magnus Carlsen Hates the World Chess Championship Format, Apparently - World Chess

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