Threat Actors Organize: Welcome to Ransomware Inc. – Virtualization Review


"Many people still think of a ransomware actor as the proverbial 400-pound hacker in his mom's basement -- nothing could be further from the truth," says in-the-trenches security expert Allan Liska. "There are a number of cottage industries that have sprung up in support of ransomware."

In fact, the intelligence analyst at Recorded Future outlined a businesslike environment and workflow he has discerned from his more than 20 years in the IT security field, most recently focused on ransomware:

"In fact, the leader of a ransomware group is often nothing more than a 'marketing' person whose sole purpose is to get more affiliates for the group," said Liska, who is known as the "Ransomware Sommelier."

He shared his thoughts with Virtualization & Cloud Review following his presentation in a recent multi-part online event titled "Modern Ransomware Defense & Remediation Summit," now available for on-demand viewing.

It's no surprise Liska started off discussing initial access brokers early on, as he has become somewhat of a specialist in that area. For example, last year took to Twitter to lead a crowdsourcing effort to create a one-stop-shop for a list of initial access vulnerabilities used by ransomware attackers, as we explained in the article "'Ransomware Sommelier' Crowdsources Initial Access Vulnerability List."

Of course, organized ransomware has been a known thing for a while now, with even nation-state actors getting in on the action, but Liska and other security experts indicate the bad guys are getting more sophisticated.

"Outsourcing the initial access to an external entity lets attackers focus on the execution phase of an attack without having to worry about how to find entry points into the victim's network," said an article last summer in Infosecurity Magazine titled "The Rise of Initial Access Brokers," which noted the flourishing market often sees compromised VPN or RDP accounts as network inroads, along with other exposed remote services like SSH.

Digital Shadows also charted "The Rise of Initial Access Brokers" a year ago, complete with a chart showing popular access types and their average prices (note that prices have likely gone up with the recent inflation spike):

Liska detailed the initial access scene in his opening presentation, titled "The Current Ransomware Threat Landscape & What IT Pros Must Know."

"So one of the things that you have to understand with ransomware is it's generally not the ransomware actor that's gaining that initial access," he explained. "There are other criminals that are called initial access brokers, and they're the ones who generally gain that access. And then they turn around and they sell it to the ransomware actors themselves, whether it's to the operator of the ransomware-as-a-service offering, or whether it's one of their affiliates that people that sign up to be able to deploy their ransomware.

"Think of it like flipping houses, except you're flipping networks. You're turning that network over to a ransomware actor who's then going to deploy the ransomware."

Allan Liska, Intelligence Analyst, Recorded Future

"So when you're talking about an attack like this, you're generally talking about two different types of actors: one to get the initial access and one that turns around and sells it. Think of it like flipping houses, except you're flipping networks. You're turning that network over to a ransomware actor who's then going to deploy the ransomware. And they generally sell that initial access from anywhere from a couple thousand to 10, 15, even 100,000, depending on the type of access they're able to get -- so if you have administrator access -- and the size of the network. But you know, the thing is, if you're a ransomware actor, it's still a good investment. Because if you're confident you can deploy the ransomware you're gonna make way more than what you're paying for that initial access."

Liska explained he and other security experts are seeing four primary initial access vectors: credential stuffing/reuse; phishing; third-party; and exploitation, summarized in this graphic:

Phishing was the popular vector throughout 2019 and 2020, Liska said, but RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) -- "low hanging fruit" -- is gaining traction. Here are Liska's thoughts on RDP, third-party attacks and exploitation:

RDP: "Ransomware Deployment Protocol"?"What we're starting to see in 2021 -- and we expect this to continue into 2022 -- is that credential stuffing and credential reuse attacks are becoming much more common," Liska said. "In fact, we kind of have a joke in the industry that RDP actually stands for ransomware deployment protocol, instead of what it actually means, only because RDP is one of the most common entry methods. Because it's so easy for these initial access brokers to just fire up an old laptop and start scanning, looking for open RDP connections, and then trying credential stuffing/credential reuse attacks. You have to keep in mind, there are literally billions of credentials that are being sold on underground markets.

"So while it seems like a credential use attack would be a challenge, it really isn't. You connect to the RDP server, you see what network it belongs to, you search on Genesis market or one of the other markets for usernames and passwords that match it. And then you try those -- you get 100 of them -- you try them and unfortunately, most the time, they will find a match, and they'll be able to gain access. That's why Multi-Factor Authentication is so important for any system that's exposed to the internet."

Third-Party Attacks"These are increasingly common," Liska said. "We really saw this take off in 2021. So a ransomware actor, or the initial access broker, gains access to a managed service provider, or a vendor of some kind. And rather than [deploy] the ransomware on that vendor, what they do is they use that access to jump to those partners. They find it's really easy, because you get to start right in the gooey center, and work your way out. So we're seeing a big increase in that. And again, that goes with the sophistication and increasing sophistication of the ransomware access."

Exploitation"And then exploitation is also growing in popularity," Liska continued. "So, you know, in the last year, we catalogued more than 40 different exploits that were used by ransomware groups or the initial access focus in order to gain that first access. So it's really, really important that you're patching. Again, anything that's public facing, especially anything that has proof of concept code, or anything like that release, has to be patched immediately."

RaaS: Ransomware-as-a-ServiceOne striking fact that speaks to the businesslike organization of ransomware are numerous RaaS operations that have sprung up around the globe, as Liska's chart below shows:

Cybersecurity specialist Rubrik, in a ransomware compendium, says of RaaS: "Criminals don't have to create their viruses anymore. Developers will create ransomware for a fee or share of the profits, creating a whole new industry that caters to ransomware." Also, the company noted a growing ecosystem of dedicated infrastructure has formed to support ransomware, including "bulletproof" hosts who will refuse to take criminal users offline, along with dedicated networks to help criminals avoid anti-virus software and move and hide virtual currency payments.

See the original post:
Threat Actors Organize: Welcome to Ransomware Inc. - Virtualization Review

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