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How Ethereum Reaped Success with Solidity and Smart Contracts … – Cryptopolitan

Ethereum smart contract is a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized our interaction with decentralized applications. They have opened up a new world of possibilities for developers and businesses alike.

The creation of the Solidity programming language further fueled the success of Ethereum and increased its adoption by allowing developers to build highly sophisticated smart contracts. But what is Solidity? And why did the founders of Ethereum decide to create Solidity? In this article, we will answer these questions and discuss the importance of Solidity in the blockchain ecosystem.

Ethereum was conceived in 2013 by the computer programmer Vitalik Buterin. Recognizing the limitations of Bitcoins scripting language, Buterin envisioned a more robust and versatile blockchain platform that could support a wide range of decentralized applications beyond simple transactions.

Vitalik Buterin launched Ethereum in 2015, along with the co-founders Gavin Wood, Charles Hoskinson, Anthony Di Iorio, and Joseph Lubin. This marked the beginning of a new era in the blockchain industry.

Ethereum smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements that run on the Ethereum blockchain. They are written in Solidity or other Ethereum-compatible programming languages like Vyper and they get deployed on the blockchain. Smart contracts get automatically executed and eliminate the need for intermediaries. They also reduce the risk of human error, fraud, or bias.

Smart contracts are a crucial aspect of Ethereums value proposition, as they enable the creation of a wide variety of decentralized applications (dApps) that leverage blockchain technology for various use cases. Some key benefits of smart contracts include:

As the Ethereum platform started to get traction, developers quickly realized the need for a new programming language specifically tailored to smart contract development. Ethereum Smart contracts require a Turing-complete programming language. The existing languages were not well-suited for these unique requirements.

There was also a need for the code of smart contracts to be very deterministic, meaning that it always produces the same output against an input. This would ensure predictable and consistent behavior on the blockchain.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which executes smart contracts, also had its quirks and limitations that needed to be addressed by a purpose-built language. One of its biggest quirks was its limited resources. A new programming language was required to manage resources efficiently and prevent issues like infinite loops.

Solidity was developed as the first high-level programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. It was created by a team of developers led by Dr. Gavin Wood, one of Ethereums co-founders. Inspired by popular languages like JavaScript, Python, and C++, Solidity was designed to be easy to learn and write while offering robust security features and seamless integration with the EVM.

The primary goals behind Soliditys creation were to provide a language that:

Soliditys development began in 2014, and the first official release, version 0.1.0, was made available in 2015. Since then, the language has undergone numerous updates and improvements, reflecting the growing needs of the Ethereum developer community and the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem.

Solidity was designed specifically for the development of smart contracts on the Ethereum platform, offering several key advantages over traditional programming languages:

The creation of Solidity as a dedicated programming language for smart contract development addressed several critical challenges that developers faced before.

Lets take a look at some specific problems that Solidity helped to solve and how it paved the way for a more robust and accessible ecosystem for smart contract development.

Several other smart contract languages have similar characteristics to Solidity, such as Vyper, Rust, and Go. While these languages offer their unique advantages, Solidity remains the most popular and widely-used language for Ethereum smart contract development.

Some key differences between Solidity and other smart contract languages include

Solidity language comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks, like any programming language. Let us take a look at some pros and cons of using Solidity for smart contract development.

Embarking on the journey to learn Solidity can be a rewarding and potentially lucrative endeavor. With a wealth of resources available, its essential to know where to begin and how to make the most of the learning process.

In this section, we will guide you through the best resources, platforms, and communities to help you become a proficient Solidity developer. Eventually, you will be able to unlock the full potential of Ethereums smart contract capabilities.

Here is a list of some of the most helpful resources.

With the growing demand for blockchain technology and smart contracts, a career in Solidity development can be both rewarding and lucrative. Some tips for building a successful career in Solidity development include:

Solidity has played a crucial role in the growth and success of Ethereum. It has enabled developers to create secure, efficient, and sophisticated smart contracts that power many decentralized applications.

It addressed the unique challenges of smart contract development and provided a robust and easy-to-learn language. Hence, there is no doubt that Solidity has now become an essential tool for the blockchain industry.

As the adoption of blockchain technology and smart contracts increases, it is impossible to overstate the importance of Solidity as a programming language. It is quite an in-demand skill nowadays and has a huge potential impact on the future of decentralized applications.

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How Ethereum Reaped Success with Solidity and Smart Contracts ... - Cryptopolitan

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How To Build A Successful Web 3.0 Business: 6 Key Insights For … – Jumpstart Media

Unlock the potential of Web 3.0 with these tips for launching a successful business in the decentralized world.

For entrepreneurs, Web 3.0 represents an exciting frontier that promises to transform online interactions as we know them. With the introduction of decentralized applications (dApps) built on blockchain technology, Web 3.0 has opened up new possibilities for transparency, security and trust in digital transactions. The ever-evolving Web 3.0 ecosystem presents entrepreneurs and businesses with an opportunity to explore and capitalize on its potential and create innovative products and services.

However, launching a successful Web 3.0 business is no walk in the park. With new technologies and a constantly evolving landscape, it can be a daunting task to navigate the market and stand out from the competition. Thats why we have compiled six essential tips to help aspiring Web 3.0 entrepreneurs on their exciting yet challenging journey to building a profitable business. By leveraging the full potential of Web 3.0 technology and following these tips, you can turn your dreams into reality. So lets dive in and discover how you can make the most of this exciting yet challenging industry!

To succeed in the Web 3.0 space, entrepreneurs must first understand the unique landscape it presents. Web 3.0 is based on blockchain technology and enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries. To launch a successful Web 3.0 business, you need to understand the different components of the Web 3.0 ecosystem, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and dApps.

Furthermore, you need to be familiar with the latest Web 3.0 tools and technologies, such as smart contracts and decentralized identity (DID) systems. Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that automatically enforce the terms of an agreement. DID is a way of creating and managing digital identities that are not tied to a central authority.

Attending industry conferences and events, following thought leaders and engaging with online communities and forums can all provide valuable resources for learning and networking. Its also advisable to follow influential figures such as Binance Co-founder Changpeng Zhao and Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin. By immersing yourself in the Web 3.0 world, you can create innovative solutions that solve real-world problems and stay ahead of the curve.

This involves identifying a specific area within the Web 3.0 space and developing a unique value proposition that sets you apart from other businesses in that space. By doing so, you can establish yourself as a leader in that niche and attract a loyal customer base.

Its important to research your target audience and their needs to ensure that your niche and value proposition align with their interests and pain points. Remember, constant refinement of your niche and value proposition is crucial as new opportunities arise in the Web 3.0 space.

By bringing together the right mix of skills, experience and values, you can create a team that is capable of navigating this exciting new frontier and building a business that stands the test of time. When building your team, look for individuals who have expertise in areas such as blockchain technology, programming, business development, cryptography, user experience (UX) design and marketing.

In addition to assembling a talented team, foster a collaborative culture where team members can openly communicate and share ideas is key. Regular team meetings and transparent decision-making processes can help build trust and ensure everyone is working towards the same goals. To remain competitive, be sure to invest in training and development opportunities for your team to continually enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest Web 3.0 trends and technologies.

As users interact with dApps and conduct transactions using cryptocurrencies, they need to have confidence that their personal information and funds are secure. This is why prioritizing user experience (UX) and security measures is crucial for any successful Web 3.0 business.

To improve UX, businesses can make it easy for users to access and use your dApp by creating a clear and intuitive user interface. They can also use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to improve the experience. Furthermore, optimizing loading times and providing helpful feedback during the user journey can go a long way in improving UX.

In addition to UX, businesses should invest in robust security measures, such as multifactor authentication, encryption and audits, to protect user data and funds from potential threats. By prioritizing UX and security, business can build trust with their user base, increasing the likelihood of users returning to their dApp and recommending it to others.

With the ever-changing regulatory landscape in the crypto and blockchain industries, it is essential to be up-to-date with the latest rules and guidelines. Failure to comply with regulations can result in hefty fines, legal issues and reputational damage. Therefore, to ensure your Web 3.0 business is on the right side of the law, research and understand the regulatory requirements specific to your industry and location.

Consulting with legal experts who specialize in crypto and blockchain regulations can help you stay compliant with all relevant laws, including those related to data protection, anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. By staying compliant, you can build trust with customers and investors and create a solid foundation for long-term success.

In the fast-paced and constantly evolving world of Web 3.0, businesses must be prepared to pivot their strategies and offerings to stay competitive. This means embracing a culture of continuous learning and experimentation and being open to feedback and collaboration from customers and industry peers.

Additionally, having a lean and flexible organizational structure can enable businesses to quickly respond to changes in the market and scale their operations as needed. By prioritizing agility and adaptability, Web 3.0 businesses can stay ahead of the curve and seize new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Despite the immense potential, launching a Web 3.0 business has its possible drawbacks and risks which entrepreneurs must take into consideration. The volatility of cryptocurrencies, which can lead to significant financial losses, is a key concern. Moreover, the constantly changing and uncertain regulatory landscape in many jurisdictions requires entrepreneurs to stay well-versed in legal matters. Technical issues such as interoperability and scalability can also pose obstacles, as can the risk of security breaches or hacks due to the newness and potential vulnerabilities of blockchain technology and smart contracts. Lastly, the lack of awareness of these technologies within the mainstream population hinders entrepreneurs trying to build effective Web 3.0 businesses.

Overcoming these challenges requires building a strong team with experience in Web 3.0, keeping abreast of regulatory changes and creating a user-friendly product and service that is accessible to a wide range of consumers. Entrepreneurs who prioritize community building, remain agile and focus on regulatory compliance can increase their chances of success in this rapidly-evolving industry.

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How To Build A Successful Web 3.0 Business: 6 Key Insights For ... - Jumpstart Media

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Future of Finance: EYs Brody on why tech history shows there can be only one winning blockchain – Yahoo Finance

Welcome to Future of Finance, where Fortune asks prominent people at major companies about their jobs, how their firm fits into the crypto ecosystem, and what this all means for how we use money.

The following is from a recent conversation with Paul Brody, the global blockchain leader at EY and author of the upcoming Ethereum for Business: A plain-English guide to doing business on the worlds largest blockchain.

Brody is a member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, a CoinDesk contributor, and has done stints at IBM and McKinsey. He also has a soft spot for Swedish Fish.

(This interview has been edited for length and clarity.)

So youre writing an Ethereum book?

Im getting there. I started in December. I wrote like 10 chapters, and it was really, really tough. And now, theres, like, six chapters left? The format of the book is how Ethereum works and whywhy public blockchains are so important for businessspecifically why theyre more important than private blockchainsbusiness use cases, procurement, supply chain management, tokenization, carbon footprint, and why it takes so long for enterprises to adopt technology.

When you were at IBM you did some Internet of Things stuff, and some other projects that were cutting edge. Is this sort of a pattern for you, where you want to do the cool new thing? Is that just whats most appealing to you?

The thing is, I am very driven by intellectual curiosity. I dont necessarily go after every single new thing, but when I find a thing thats really, really important, I go after it. When I was in collegeIm dating myself hereI was like, Wireless! Wireless is the thing! I went to work as a summer job at the first mobile network operator in Africa, in Nigeria, and I took an entire year off to work for them before I came back and went to work at McKinsey, where I can remember just telling colleagues, Mobile data, youve got to invest in mobile data.

The best perk of being a VP at IBM was you had access to IBM research. And I had a couple of amazing products, and before I did the one that got me into crypto, I did another one, which was immensely fun, around 3D printing. A lot of people do these corporate white papersthey just do a survey, they present it like its subjective data that nine out of 10 executives think that not burning down the planet is a good ideathey present it as if its factual data, and its not really. What I love to do is get a couple layers below that, and what's really fun is, for instance, wed ask, Okay, 3D printing will transform manufacturing, but how will it transform manufacturing?

Story continues

What happened with thatthe 3D printing?

We picked three productsa smartphone, an electric razor, and a washing machineand we tore them down, literally one piece at a time, evaluated every single component, scanned them in 3D, and then tried to remanufacture as much of the product as possible using a 3D printer. And that was amazing. We came back with specific data on the carbon footprint of 3D printing, the cycle time with 3D printing, we built the economic model of what your manufacturing scalesit's quite transformational. And the next project I did after that was IoT.

How did that lead you to Ethereum?

So I'm out at Samsung, talking to the head of the multimedia solution center, and hes like, Paul, we are going to go broke, the cloud is going to bankrupt usyouve got to come up with a better plan. I thought to myself, this is really bizarre. Imagine a really smart light bulb with the brains of an iPhone, and its connected to WiFi. What is your iPhone processor doing? Like nothing, 99% of the time! So why on earth are we paying all this money to maintain massive cloud data centers, when your refrigerator could be providing cloud services, or your phone? So I called a bunch of guys and was like, We should be able to make a cloud of computing devices that manage themselves, right? The cloud should be in the devices.

Halfway through this project, colleagues were like, I want you to think about using this thing called Bitcoin, because its distributed computing. And weve had lots of debateson the one hand, its very computationally intensive, but then on the other hand, its not like these machines are doing anything else. So John Cohn, an IBM distinguished engineer, comes and says, Paul, Ive met this guy, I think youd really like him. His name is Vitalik [Buterin]. And he wants to do Bitcoin, but instead of for money, for computing. So we built this thing called ADEPTAutonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry, sort of this decentralized cloud infrastructurefor Samsung, with help from Vitalik. And we showed it at CES in January 2015. Thats how I got into Ethereum. Thats how I got into blockchain. And at that point, I was like, this is going to be absolutely revolutionary.

What important lessons or ideas from other projects or jobs have you applied to ones on the blockchain?

We're heading toward this world where the marginal cost of almost everything is zero. One of the most brilliant things that I heard when I worked at McKinsey was if you want to think about the future, try to imagine some important process or input is free. Just imagine, like, what if electricity was free? What if airfare was free? What if phone calls were free? Like 25 or 30 years ago, this idea that phone calls would be free, it was ridiculous. And yet, we sort of forget. One of the reasons we liked Ethereum was it comes with account payments and smart contracts. And we used to joke that we dont know what anybody will actually pay for in the Internet of Things, but, eventually, someone will figure out how to monetize it. And when they do, theyll be so glad this architecture has payments and contracts built in.

Has embracing the blockchain helped EY from a competitive standpoint?

In the world of audit, we only have three competitors. So my fair share of any sort of global audit market is 25%, but it's actually been better than that because I don't think any of our peers have taken this space quite as seriously as we have.

So where is this leading? Can you tell me more about plans for the blockchain?

A lot of tech systems are natural monopolies. That's just how they are in a world where the marginal cost is zero for products. And then with Metcalfes lawthe value of a network grows along with the number of participantsat a certain inflection point, your network becomes so valuable youre effectively a natural monopoly. And thats hugely shaped our strategy here because it led me down the path to believe there can be only one winning blockchain. There cant be 50, cant be 100, and it almost certainly will be a public blockchain. All paths lead to a dominant chain. And when you look at the history of computing platforms, that dominant chain usually becomes clearly visible within a decade of an ecosystem starting.

And Ethereums that winner?

Ethereum was really the only programmable smart contract chain out there that was really dominant. So I said, Okay, we're making a play. It's a theory, a bit of the GE mentality where if I have a limited budget, am I going to spread it around, am I going to be okay with a bunch of different blockchains? Or am I going with the best?

What prevents the rest of the Big Four from just copying what youre doing at some point?

Obviously, in a decentralized system, you can't do that. And thats really tough. I've long accepted that. Even if we win this race, there will be no moment where we can just put our feet up and say, Well, we're a monopolist now. Great. We will have to keep running hard.

When clients come to EY, is it more often, Oh, hey, by the way, we hear you have this blockchain guy? or do they walk in like, Were here because of the blockchain guy?

It comes in both forms. All the time, Ill sit down with clients, and theyll come over, like, We had no idea you guys knew how to do this stuff. And that's great. I love that. And it makes me very happy. And, absolutely, you know, our senior people, it's great when somebody writes to the chairman and says, I just had this guy, Paul Brody, come in and talk to my clientstotally blew their minds. Like now they think of UI differently.

So whats nextboth on your end, and more generally when it comes to the future of finance?

If you were to boil down all of our aspirations into a single sentence, it would be this: We believe that blockchain will do for networks and enterprises what ERP did for organizations. It was transformational. Before ERP, the left hand and the right hand didn't really know what was going on.

With smart contracts on the public blockchain, I can create tokens that represent all the assets, that connect the buyers and the sellersand that automatically enforce the processes. Like if you have a volume discount rule, when you achieve your targeted volumes, it automatically gives you a discount. This sounds like a small thing, but, actually, it just happens. No one has to remember. And think about an insurance contract, like in health care, and how after your deductible expires youll be referred to specialists, and then the logic just gets more complicated, more challenging. So my goal is to get to the point where we can take any arbitrarily complex business agreement and run it on the public blockchain.

This story was originally featured on

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Future of Finance: EYs Brody on why tech history shows there can be only one winning blockchain - Yahoo Finance

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Will Bitcoin hit its $35,000 target in April: BTC deep dive – FXStreet

Bitcoin has emerged as one of the assets with the highest yield for holders in 2023. With BTC dominance rising, analysts are bullish on the digital assets comeback to the $35,000 level.

Experts believe the January 2022 support at $32,000 could get re-tested in April and set a minimum target of $35,000 for the Bitcoin price. A range of on-chain metrics supports the bullish thesis for Bitcoin.

Also read: Why Vitalik Buterin is bullish on ZK coins

Jackis, a trader and crypto analyst, identified a cup and handle formation on Bitcoins one-day price chart. While the cup and handle formation is not a classical chart pattern, Jackis argues that fitting the current BTC structure in it sets a target of $35,000 for the Bitcoin price.

The analyst believes a clean break above the $32,500 high would set BTC up for a rally to the $35,000 target.

BTC/USD 1D price chart

The cup and handle formation indicates an assets price movement in cup form, followed by a downtrend, a handle formation. When the handle formation is complete, it is typically followed by a new all-time high in the assets price.

Bitcoin supply redistribution to retail investors holding between 0.1 to 10 BTC is considered a bullish signal. Accumulation of the asset by retail investors is a bullish sign. While large wallet investors and whales are engaging in profit-taking, the asset is redistributed to retail investors.

BTC accumulation by retail investors

The supply of Bitcoin on exchanges has consistently declined since March 30, based on data from the crypto intelligence tracker Santiment. A decrease in BTC supply on exchanges is bullish as it reduces the volume of Bitcoin available for sale, a reduction in selling pressure on the asset.

Interestingly, the timeline coincides with the decline in whale transactions, greater than $100,000 worth of BTC.

BTC supply on exchanges, whale transaction count and Bitcoin price

Crypto analyst and YouTuber Jason Pizzino believe that the largest asset by market capitalization is following a Wyckoff accumulation pattern. This is a pattern that lasts four phases, and the analyst believes we are in the accumulation phase in BTC. This implies the asset is forming the base for a bull market.

Pizzino believes April is conducive to BTC testing its January 2022 support at $32,000. In his recent YouTube video, Pizzino was quoted as saying:

...I think April may be the month that we come up to test the $30,000 and the low $30,000 area, so about $32,000, which is the previous lows and support of January 2022 That is going to be a key area.

If Pizzinos thesis is validated, Bitcoin could test the January 2022 support and conquer the level in its uptrend to the $35,000 bullish target.

See more here:

Will Bitcoin hit its $35,000 target in April: BTC deep dive - FXStreet

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DreamHost Review 2023: Pricing, Pros & Cons Forbes Advisor – Forbes

Since its humble beginnings in 1997, DreamHost has grown to service over 400,000 customers in 100 countries. Today, it hosts more than 1.5 million websites, including 750,000 WordPress sites. No matter which of its five hosting services you choose, youll receive a number of freebies, including free SSL certificates, a free domain and free WHOIS Privacy protection.

DreamHost offers dedicated WordPress hosting as well as shared hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated server hosting and cloud hosting. If you choose shared hosting or WordPress hosting, youll get a 97-day or 30-day money-back guarantee, respectively. Other plans dont come with a money-back guaranteejust DreamHost credit if you cancel your plan early.

Because DreamHost offers such versatility for beginners to experts, weve ranked it highly in our list of best web hosting services.

DreamHost is the king of easy WordPress installs. It just takes one click to install the content management system (CMS) and have it up and running. If youre importing your WordPress site from another service, you can even migrate it for free using a manual plug-in. If you need a little extra help, handing over the reins to the customer support team is $99.

Speaking of free, DreamHost offers a number of free features that other hosting providers charge for. The free SSL certificates, domain and WHOIS Privacy protection are all things that can help save you money each month.

We also like DreamHosts wide number of plans. That can make it a little confusing to narrow down which option is right for you, but it means you can find a plan that has only the features and options you need. This makes it a good choice for newbie website builders to advanced programmers alike.

Unlike many other hosting providers, DreamHost charges for its anti-malware tool. At $3 a month, this cost could add up over time. Without this tool, your site may be susceptible to hackers who steal your customers private information or send them to harmful websites.

While DreamHost does offer robust 24/7 support, theres no way to call in and talk to a real person. It all happens through email and chat, which can be hard to deal with if you need an immediate answer when your site goes down.

Some users might also find the lack of a cPanel frustrating. Instead, youll have to use DreamHosts custom control panel. While it offers pretty much all of the same functionalities as a cPanel, including website management, databases, email access and billing, it might be limiting if youre used to another, more advanced setup. Most casual users shouldnt have issues, however. Additionally, if youre trying to import a cPanel from another web host, youll have to do all of this manually using file transfer protocol (FTP) or MySQL.

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DreamHost Review 2023: Pricing, Pros & Cons Forbes Advisor - Forbes

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Moving to the cloud –

Kings College Hospital London Dubai and Oracle Cerner have partnered to accelerate innovation. As part of the agreement, Oracle Cerner will utilise Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services via the Oracle Cloud Dubai Region to operate and manage the upgraded and enhanced electronic medical records system on behalf of Kings College Hospital London Dubai.

Kings College Hospital London Dubai is a renowned teaching hospital in London with over 175 years experience, that is now present in the UAE. Its multi-specialty medical centres are based in Jumeirah and Marina in Dubai and its 100-bed multi-specialty tertiary hospital in the Dubai Hills estate.

This will be the first UAE-based cloud deployment by Oracle Cerner in the region. It has the potential to support more than 10,000 concurrent users and will create a new care delivery model that can provide real-time coordination and information exchange among multiple providers, patients, and locations in the country.

Digital transformation is inevitable for enterprises in all industries including healthcare. Says Jyoti Lalchandani, IDCs Group Vice President, and Regional Managing Director META at the recent Directions 2023, In order to navigate storms of disruption, organisations will need to invest in strengthening their digital resiliency, so they are better positioned to succeed in new market environments as conditions continue to change.

Implementation of further digitalisation in critical areas such as customer experience, operations, and financial management, together with a more rapid shift to a digital business approach, will be key to separating the thrivers from the survivors.

IDC expects to see digital transformation spending as a share of overall IT spending reaching 43% in 2026, up from 30% in 2021. And spending on public cloud services will grow at 25% to surpass $10 billion in 2023, and SaaS apps will account for 43% of public cloud software spending in 2023.

Remarks Himanshu Puri, Head of Information Technology at Kings College Hospital London Dubai, Healthcare today is dependent on technology and innovation. To provide advanced medical care, hospitals need to evolve to host a large amount of clinical data and build the capability to support preventive and population health objectives.

Kings College Hospital London Dubai clinicians are modern and tech-savvy with a wealth of international experience and are keen to adapt to newer innovations. This is an opportunity to further improve the Hospitals technology which will result in the reduction of patient delays and improved user experience.

For Kings College Hospital London Dubai, Oracle Cerners cloud offering provides a cost-efficient, secure, and scalable foundation on which to grow. A mature digital ecosystem with these capabilities can pass a multitude of benefits to patients, community, and the region.

The Oracle Cloud Dubai Region will assist Kings College Hospital London Dubai in driving new advancements and boosting efficiencies by helping reduce its operational and financial obligations. The advancements will cover computing, storage, networking, database, analytics, mobile services, and more. The transition to Oracle Cerners cloud solution is also expected to reduce the hospitals IT expenditure and regain valuable data centre space at its facilities.

The engagement with Oracle Cerner is to remote-host clinical applications.

What is remote hosting

With this managed service offering model, Cerner would remotely house, administer and manage the Cerner suite for electronic health records solutions. Remote hosting option provides the technology infrastructure, OS and required layered software, installation of software and resources to support remotely hosted solutions.

Clients access solutions and data by communicating with the hosting facility via a secure, highly available wide-area network using dedicated telecommunication circuits or a secured VPN leveraging the Internet. Cerner assumes responsibility for the performance, availability, and security of the system, all backed by service-level guarantees for system availability.

Remote hosting option provides performance, security, reliability, and scalability with a lower up-front financial commitment from the client. It allows healthcare organisations to leverage sophisticated IT solutions, while providing significant cost-savings and competitive advantages. Remote hosting option helps avoid depreciation and obsolescence of hardware and frees the clients IT department to focus on their core business of providing quality healthcare.

Oracles cloud regions

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is hosted in regions and availability domains. A region is a localised geographic area, and an availability domain is one or more data centres located within a region. A region is composed of one or more availability domains.

In October 2020, Oracle first announced availability of its second-generation cloud regions in UAE, termed as UAE East Dubai. And in November 2021, Oracle announced the opening of its second cloud region in UAE, termed as UAE Central, Abu Dhabi. The Oracle Cloud Abu Dhabi Region and the Oracle Cloud Dubai Region provide customers with business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities.

Emaar Properties, Emirates Post Group, DP World, DAMAC, Tahaluf Al Emarat, and Etisalat have been the early adopters and partners of the Oracle Cloud regions based out of UAE.

Most Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources are either region-specific, such as a virtual cloud network, or availability domain-specific, such as a compute instance. Traffic between availability domains and between regions is encrypted. Availability domains are isolated from each other, fault tolerant, and very unlikely to fail simultaneously.

Because availability domains do not share infrastructure such as power or cooling, or the internal availability domain network, a failure at one availability domain within a region is unlikely to impact the availability of the others within the same region.

The availability domains within the same region are connected to each other by a low latency, high bandwidth network, which makes it possible to provide high-availability connectivity to the Internet and on-premises, and to build replicated systems in multiple availability domains for both high-availability and disaster recovery.

Disaster recovery, business continuity

Both Oracle Cloud regions in the UAE are built on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which enable customers to migrate existing workloads and data platforms or build new cloud native applications. Customers also have access to the full suite of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, as well as Oracle Autonomous Database, giving them the opportunity and choice to create the architecture that best suits their business needs.

Inside UAE, Oracle has a dual region strategy that enables customers to deploy resilient applications in multiple geographies for disaster recovery and compliance requirements, without having sensitive data leave the country. Customers that want to run critical systems of record in the cloud need fully independent cloud regions for disaster recovery purposes with multiple sites in the same country to meet data residency requirements. Today Oracle has 30+ cloud regions distributed globally.

UAE joins Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, India, Japan, South Korea, UK, and the US, that have two or more cloud regions inside their geographical boundaries.

Milestones and roadmap

Kings College Hospital London Dubai is currently undergoing a big technological transformation, which includes a full technology refresh in network, servers, security, and process optimisation. The engagement with Oracle Cerner as part of this project is to remote-host only clinical applications.

In addition to hosting, Kings College Hospital London Dubai is also upgrading to the latest HIS version available in the market. This will better the customer experience, and provider experience as well as enhance security, and improve the integrated systems for care.

Implementation starts with the creation of a temporary domain on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Kings College Hospital London Dubai. Then there will be migration and optimisation of data, followed by change management and finally the flip. The Hospital is targeting to accomplish these milestones before the end of this calendar year 2023.

Says Romel Khalife, General Manager, UAE and Kuwait at Oracle Cerner, The project we are embarking on with Kings College Hospital London Dubai is to move their on-premises, client-hosted technology stack onto the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in a PaaS model deployment. The same solutions along with the necessary software, management, and maintenance will come along with this as would be with remote hosting option.

This is the current and near-term offering worldwide until a full SaaS model completes its full development. For Kings College Hospital London Dubai and any remote hosting option clients, this will be a gradual transition over time occurring naturally as part of their Oracle Cloud Infrastructure remote hosting option service.

Additional return on investments includes improved system availability with increased service level protection, managed spending on hardware upgrades, storage, servers, and licenses as well as proactive monitoring and management of the system.

Oracle Cerner will own security and technology elements pertaining to the data centre, network, and patching the system. This will facilitate the hospitals expansion plans as more assets will join its integrated healthcare network.

List of primary Oracle applications deployed at Kings College Hospital London Dubai

This article was originally posted on Intelligent CIO (Middle East Issue 89). Click here to access the digital version of the magazine.

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Moving to the cloud -

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BingBang Shows Why Cloud Providers Need Bug Bounties – Analytics India Magazine

Earlier this week, a cloud security researcher from Wiz Research found a huge vulnerability in the Bing content management system. Termed BingBang, this bug exposed access to misconfigured systems, allowing third parties to access them without authorisation. While the bug was found by a white hat hacker and promptly fixed by Microsoft, the vulnerability itself shows a fatal flaw in modern web services centralisation.

Services offered by software companies, such as Microsoft or Google, are hosted on their own cloud computing infrastructure. While these tech companies have since made it into a product, it seems that there are still ways for parties to move beyond the security created by cloud service providers.

Earlier this week, Hillai Ben-Sasson, the aforementioned security researcher, published a tweet thread and accompanying blog that provided details on this vulnerability. Calling it BingBang, Hillai explained how finding this vulnerability began with a toggle in their Azure app settings. This toggle allowed users to switch an apps permissions from being single tenant to being multi-tenant. If a certain app was set to being multi-tenant, it meant that anyone could log in to the app.

Multi-tenancy is one of the secret sauces that make modern cloud service providers (CSPs) work. Using this approach, multiple tenants or users can access the same resources while not being aware of each other. This allows CSPs to effectively use resources for multiple users, increasing the scalability of the server farm while allowing resources to stretch for longer.

By finding a Microsoft application configured with multi-tenancy, the researcher was able to gain access to the backend of Bings CMS. Called Bing Trivia, this application provided backend access to a facet of Bing Search which covered features such as various quizzes, the On This Day feature, spotlights and common answers for entertainment queries. By accessing this application and abusing his privileges, Hillai was able to manipulate Bings search results.

While this is a relatively mild abuse of the bug, the researcher also found that it was possible to create a cross-site scripting (XSS) package and serve it to other applications on the network. Using this exploit, Hillai found that it was possible for attackers to get an authentication token, which could then be used to access Outlook emails, Calendars, Teams messages, and OneDrive files from any Bing user.

Reportedly, the researcher discovered this vulnerability in mid-January and proceeded to inform Microsoft about it. To Microsofts credit, it quickly responded to the report and fixed the vulnerable applications, awarding the researcher a $40,000 bug bounty under the Microsoft 365 Bounty Program. It also added further authorisation checks to address the issue and made additional changes to reduce the risk of future misconfigurations.

According to Wizs blog, about 25% of multi-tenant applications were found to be vulnerable to this bug. This was just one application they accessed, with the blog stating that there were several high-impact, vulnerable Microsoft applications. While Microsoft cannot be blamed directly for this vulnerability, it is important to note the risks that come with hosting sensitive applications on a publicly accessible cloud.

This isnt the first time that a vulnerability has been discovered in Azure. In the past 3 months alone, Microsofts security response centre (MSRC) has discovered six exploits in Azure. While some of these are low-risk, one of them allows attackers to elevate privileges in Microsoft Outlook, leading to possible credential theft. To this end, Microsoft has also handed out $13.7 million in bounties in 2022, with the biggest reward being $200,000 for a bug found in Hyper-V.

At a glance, CSPs can be subjected to denial of service attacks, cloud malware injection attacks, cross-cloud attacks, and insider attacks. This means that cloud service providers need to take multiple security measures to mitigate these possible attacks, However, sometimes vulnerabilities slip through the cracks due to the sheer amount of angles the problem can be approached from.

Azure is not the only one to suffer from such shortcomings. As part of the GCP vulnerability reward program, Google pays over $313,000 to a handful of security researchers every year. Apart from this, the vulnerability rewards program also pays bug bounties for security vulnerabilities discovered in GCP, with the company dishing out $8.7 million in rewards in 2021 alone.

AWS, on the other hand, has not disclosed how much they pay out in bounties, instead tying up with platforms like HackerOne and Bugbounter to discover and fix bugs in its platforms. However, it is clear that it is a priority for them, mainly due to the large amount of attack surfaces the centralised cloud service providers have.

Instituting bug bounty programs is a good place to start, as this will not only monetarily incentivise researchers to find bugs, but also instil a sense of curiosity around the workings of CSPs offerings. Googles Eduardo Vela, the head of GCPs security response team, said in an interview, We dont care about vulnerabilities; we care about exploits. The whole idea is what to do beyond just patching a couple of vulnerabilities. This is why we pay $100,000. It is so much more work, and we learn a lot from these exploits.

In 2022, both Google and Microsoft increased their bug bounty payouts to reflect the larger attack surface brought about by their upgrades and new products. As CSPs continue to innovate and accelerate, it seems that security researchers have now become their secret weapon, finding and reporting bugs in platforms with possibly thousands of security flaws.

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BingBang Shows Why Cloud Providers Need Bug Bounties - Analytics India Magazine

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IONOS Signs Partnership with AYOZAT Integrating Their Cloud … –

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London, England--(Newsfile Corp. - April 3, 2023) - AYOZAT partners with IONOS to scale up its deep tech product, AYOZAT TLC, "The Layer Cake". It is the layered mechanism that powers, stores, and distributes different ecosystems and market sectors, securely and reliably.

Ayozat & IONOS Signs Partnership

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AYOZAT TLC initially launched within the media industry and saw a highly successful 24-month commercial trial with leading brands. This led to 150 channels being processed and distributed, including 5 of its own across the Sky network and OTT, plus multiple streaming platforms, and premium live sporting brands. Live and pre-recorded media is captured, processed, monetized, delivered, and analysed in a seamless workflow.

Integrating IONOS's compute engine with AYOZAT TLC has made a powerful tool, enabling unlimited compute resources on demand with endless technology layers, for any sector or market, anytime, delivered anywhere with extremely low latency.

The partnership will include promotion of each companies' products and services, along with advertising technology solutions and a content delivery network from Ayozat with cloud computing and hosting from IONOS.

IONOS is the leading European digitalisation partner. The company serves six million customers and operates across 18 markets in Europe and North America, with its services being accessible worldwide. IONOS acts as a 'one-stop shop' for all hosting and cloud infrastructure needs.

"It has been an incredible journey to see AYOZAT start with IONOS. Starting on our base systems and now scaling on our Cloud Compute Engine integrating with AYOZAT TLC. Offering their clients this platform provides AYOZAT the ability to scale their workloads to keep up with their media platforms exponential growth as well as expand into new markets like finance and iGaming," said Sab Knight of IONOS.

With a strong foothold in the media sector, AYOZAT has begun integrating the finance, banking, iGaming, and governmental sectors, which will also be supported by IONOS.

"Having IONOS' compute engine married to our deep tech mechanism, AYOZAT TLC, opens a myriad of opportunities for both our respective clients and new entries to the market looking for transparency within deep technology," added Umesh Perera, founder of AYOZAT.

Collaborating at this level allows both companies to expand their brand recognition and exposure across the sectors they operate in, which includes products and skill sets.

For further information contactAntonio Marazzi - [emailprotected] Gabriella Szecsi - [emailprotected]

To view the source version of this press release, please visit

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IONOS Signs Partnership with AYOZAT Integrating Their Cloud ... -

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Industry Insights: Navigating the future of media asset management … – NewscastStudio

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The rapid evolution of the media landscape has created an increasing demand for efficient, scalable, and secure broadcast storage and media asset management (MAM) solutions.

As part of our Industry Insights series, leading vendors gathered to discuss the current challenges and explore the potential of cloud-based MAM systems along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to address these pain points. Central to the discussion is the importance of seamless collaboration, navigating the complex storage options landscape, managing high operational costs for new formats, and prioritizing flexibility and openness in MAM systems.

The roundtable participants acknowledge that cloud adoption for MAM and storage has gained significant traction, primarily due to the coronavirus pandemic, which emphasized the need for remote access and greater flexibility. However, professionals in the industry often operate within storage silos and face challenges in unlocking the full value of stored assets for distribution and monetization. As a solution, hybrid cloud models, which combine both on-premise and cloud storage, are emerging as a practical and efficient approach for many organizations.

In addition to embracing cloud solutions, the impact of AI and ML on broadcast workflows is becoming increasingly apparent.

These technologies have the potential to streamline operations through improved metadata management, automatic transcription and translation, and intelligent indexing of content. This allows media professionals to focus on creating and delivering high-quality content in a competitive market. As the industry evolves, leveraging these cutting-edge technologies will be essential for success and maintaining a competitive edge.

Sunil Mudholkar, VP of product management, EditShare:Current pain points I think are focused on making collaboration easier across locations that are more dispersed than ever. Whether this is performant, remote access to media or keeping NLE projects in sync across tools and creators/producers.

Jon Finegold, CMO, Signiant:The sheer variety of storage options and MAM vendors make it a very confusing landscape. There are so many different choices between on-prem and cloud, different tiers of storage, file and object storage, etc. IT teams have a lot of flexibility to balance cost and performance but that choice also creates complexity.

Toni Vilalta, director of product development, VSN:New formats, such as 4K or 8K, make the operational costs too high. With cloud or hybrid storage architectures, MAM systems should provide support for critical security services like encryption or cryptographic protocols. Another challenge of MAM systems is to be able to manage enormous amounts of content in storage, adding AI capabilities for automatic cataloging.

Sam Peterson, COO, Bitcentral: There is no one size fits all approach because customers and the industry as a whole will have varying business requirements and theyre constantly evolving depending on their needs and the market landscape. For some in the industry, there is also a resistance to change, which is undermining successful projects. Changing these attitudes can have a positive impact going forward.

Andy Shenkler, CEO and co-founder, TMT Insights: As people have shifted their supply chains to become predominantly cloud based, their assets continue to exist in a both a legacy on-prem storage model as well as single or multi-cloud. Processing of content must be co-located with your assets in order to be economically viable. Large content libraries are not easily migrated, and often times require clean-up before being viable for automated processing, all of which comes at a cost of both money and time.

Aaron Kroger, product marketing manager for media workflows, Dalet:Many people find themselves with aging on-premises infrastructure managed by an out-of-date monolithic MAM that is lacking the connectivity and scalability they need to achieve their business goals. Replacing this equipment comes at a high cost and leads people towards the cloud. While the cloud can alleviate many of the current pain points, its not without creating some new ones and raising questions such as what are the true costs, how do I migrate all my data, and is my data secure?

Savva Mueller, director of business development, Telestream:In this constantly shifting market, media companies do not want to be locked into any one vendors solution, and they need their content to be accessible to all of their business systems instead of being stored in a proprietary format. For these reasons, they are looking for more open approaches to asset management and storage.

Stephanie Lone, director of solutions architecture in media and entertainment, AWS:While our M&E customers are in varying stages of their digital transformation journeys, common pain points include: operating in storage silos; navigating the sheer volume of assets that require storage; unlocking the value of these stored assets for distribution and monetization; and localizing content for broader distribution. Presently, many of our customers operate multiple lines of business that use different MAM and storage solutions, making it challenging to uncover and unlock the value of all the assets across their enterprise. Often, they find that their on-premises storage capacity cant accommodate the growing volume of video footage being acquired.

Melanie Ciotti, marketing manager, Studio Network Solutions:Lack of speed, collaboration, ease-of-use, and organization are repeat workflow offenders, and creative teams are looking to solve those shortcomings when they set out to find their first shared storage and MAM solution. What they dont always consider is the flexibility of that system, which becomes an issue after its been in use for some time. Accessing the shared storage and MAM system remotely, adding users easily and cost-effectively, and scaling the system as your team grows are all pain points we see when well-established teams come to us to fix their existing storage or MAM workflow.

Geoff Stedman, CMO, SDVI:Users must select an archive format, a tape format, a tape library and drives, and a hierarchical storage management system. They also must continually keep track of milestones such as hardware and software end-of-life, and tape format or drive migrations. MAM systems were typically deployed to manage what assets were stored where, but most have significant gaps in metadata, making it difficult to find what a user is looking for.

Julin Fernndez-Campn, CTO, Tedial:The physical location of files and the obsolescence of hardware leading to hardware replacement and content migration from time to time.

Alex Grossman, VP of product management and marketing, Perifery, a division of DataCore: One of the most common pain points we hear is the overall complexity in setting and using most MAM systems, and the on-going difficulty in configuring for change.

Sunil Mudholkar:I think its practically in the main line at this point. Virtually every opportunity we are involved with has some sort of cloud component whether it be MAM or storage or both. Use cases range from simple archival to full cloud editing.

Jon Finegold:On the MAM side, it seems most deployments are still on-prem but there are some innovative approaches to media management leveraging cloud technology. Media Engine isnt a MAM, but it does leverage the power of the Signiant Platform and cloud technology to offer lightweight media management capabilities in a disruptive way.

Roberto Pascual, head of sales, VSN:The adoption of cloud technology in terms of MAM and storage has been accelerated for the last four years, especially after the Covid-19 outbreak, and it will continue as we discussed a few months ago on FIAT/IFTA World Conference.

Sam Peterson:MAM has generated more interest in recent times, and we are seeing more and more media companies make the transition to the cloud. This was accelerated due to the pandemic, but its evolution in a short space of time has really helped the whole value chain thrive in this new era for broadcasting.

Andy Shenkler:Cloud adoption for core MAM services has finally reached a crescendo and most go-forward activities now are being done in the cloud. Along with that adoption is a cloud-first model for storage, but trepidation still exists around mismanaged costs and lack of control. There is still emotional comfort that comes from having a fixed based cost model for storage that has been the predominant way on-prem storage has been thought of for so long.

Aaron Kroger:The industry is well on its way to transitioning to the cloud, but its happening in steps. Having a cloud-native solution such as Dalet Flex that can also be deployed on-premises or hybrid, is a popular option allowing for the best of both worlds. There are still some links in the chain that have not migrated to the cloud so a hybrid solution can create better connectivity to those today and be ready for the transition to a fully cloud-hosted business in the future.

Savva Mueller:Pre-2020, cloud adoption was still fairly low. While many customers were investigating hosting critical systems and storage in the cloud, very few had near-term plans to do so, and even fewer had already made the move. The Covid pandemic accelerated the move to cloud storage and cloud processing. This was most pronounced in North America. Other regions have seen a slower adoption.

Stephanie Lone:Challenges remain in defining the best practices for how the industry should build media supply chains for enhanced localization when it comes to MAM and storage. To this end, the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) Accelerator Initiative Cloud Localization Blueprint is working to standardize practices and formats to ultimately empower the entire industry to save time and money.

Melanie Ciotti:The cloud is everywhereits on our phones; its in our workflows; its omnipresent. And while the cloud has made its way into a majority of broadcast and post-production workflows across the nation (and around the world), very rarely is the cloud managing 100% of that workflow. It is much more common to see a hybrid approach with both on-premise and cloud storage working togetherwhich truly offers the best of both worlds.

Geoff Stedman:Today, the cloud has become a central location for media storage, as users have become much more comfortable with the reliability, security, and affordability of the cloud for content archives. In many cases, what started out as a secondary, or backup, location for content storage turned into the primary storage location as people discovered the ease with which they could access and collaborate on content from anywhere.

Julin Fernndez-Campn:Storage in the cloud has been adopted for some specific use cases, but not widely. Often a second, low-res copy is used for redundancy or native storage for workflows that are executed in the cloud, such as massive distribution or collaboration workflows.

Alex Grossman:Many organizations adopted a public cloud first initiative in 2018 or 2019 and archive was the most often preferred usage model. News and live broadcast saw the adoption of production/editing, but there has been a retraction due to unpredictable costs.

Sunil Mudholkar:MAM and storage can become easier to access for clients in varying sites. Utilizing tiered cloud storage for both block and object based, in an intelligent manner can be very cost effective for those that like OPEX style financial models with predictable infrastructure/software expenses.

Jon Finegold:Elasticity is probably the biggest benefit, being able to manage surges. If you have lots of projects at once or a big influx of assets at one time, the cloud gives you tremendous elasticity. There are cases where cloud can be a lot more economical, but that depends on a lot of factors and your use case.

Roberto Pascual:Firstly, the cloud allows maximizing flexibility as well as minimizing capital investment in terms of business, which is significantly appreciated in times of upheaval or constant adaptation to new viewer demands. Secondly, cost is high but evolution of hybrid solutions Finally, there is a final reason to think about since maintenance and security might be one of the unexpected benefits from moving to the cloud.

Sam Peterson:There are many benefits for broadcasters and other media companies including greater flexibility and reliability. Cloud also enables a level of scalability that would be otherwise unaffordable through on-premise storage. Moving to the cloud provides the added capabilities regarding remote access to content and tools, which allows the industry greater opportunity to work more collaboratively.

Andy Shenkler:A clear benefit from moving to the cloud is the ability to scale dynamically without needing to invest ahead of an activity or needing to procure capacity for peak loads that become costly and sit idle for the majority of the time. In addition, flexibility around business continuity without needing to stand-up complete duplicate physical footprints certainly changes the mindset about your business and its options.

Aaron Kroger:Moving your MAM to the cloud enables you to have a highly accessible, auto-scalable, metadata-rich library that will decrease your TCO while increasing your collaboration and ultimately, your revenue. Being able to easily access content from anywhere allows you to reuse content already captured in new and creative ways or even directly monetize it. With cloud storage, you can automatically scale your storage volume and tier as you need, allowing you to find the correct balance between storage costs vs retrieval time.

Savva Mueller:The trend toward remote work has been a major factor in the increased adoption of cloud services since cloud services are designed to be accessible anywhere. Hosting systems and storage in the cloud also provides operational benefits including built-in business continuity through data replication and the reduction of organizations data center footprints and associated costs.

Stephanie Lone: Elasticity is one key benefit, as providing live coverage of tent-pole events such as the Super Bowl and March Madness to large-scale audiences requires the ability to quickly spin up resources on-demand. The cloud enables content providers to deploy hundreds, or even thousands, of servers in just minutes and then promptly spin them back down as their traffic patterns return to normal. Cost savings is another cloud advantage, as it alleviates customers need to wade through the lengthy hardware purchasing and provisioning processes required to house data centers, which typically takes months to plan, acquire, install, and provision.

Melanie Ciotti:When done right, a cloud or hybrid cloud workflow can be a major catalyst for productivity and creativity. The cloud can enable better remote editing, archival, file sharing, mobile workflows, and so much more for a production team. No hardware needed can also be a benefit.

Geoff Stedman:Companies of all sizes are realizing that they can become more efficient and agile when they take advantage of cloud technologies. With content in the cloud, it can be easily standardized into a common format, and the metadata can be enriched using cloud-based AI tools. Moving their archives and media processing to the cloud, even at relatively smaller scale, makes monetizing that content for the plethora of distribution platforms now available much easier and faster.

Julin Fernndez-Campn:Benefits include redundancy, which is provided naturally for the storage service, scalability, and accessibility.

Alex Grossman:While most would say OpEx vs CapEx, the real benefits are derived from taking advantage of the apps and services provided by the cloud including AI/ML functionality.

Sunil Mudholkar:AI is making it easier to add value to content through extended metadata with great accuracy and volume, reducing the need for manual resources. Its also speeding up aspects of the remote workflow with features like automatic transcription.

Jon Finegold:There are some very practical applications of machine learning and AI that are in play today. One example is Signiants use of machine learning in its intelligent transport protocol to determine the most efficient way to move data over a network at any moment in time. Theres certainly a lot of buzz about using artificial intelligence to automatically translate content, to tag content, identify images in videos but that mostly seems in the early experimental phase but were on the cusp of some of that capability being used in more widespread ways.

Toni Vilalta:Thanks to AI, human tasks can be focused on supervising the metadata generated automatically, instead of wasting time and resources in manual cataloging. The automatic transcription and translation can save a lot of time too, and the closed captions or subtitle files can be easily generated, delivering packages to traditional broadcast or new multiple non-linear platforms. With machine learning capabilities, broadcast and media professionals can train their own archiving systems and create their own term structure, without worrying about the type of content or the localization of their companies.

Sam Peterson:AI and machine learning have the potential for significant positive impacts on broadcast workflows as they are helping broadcasters make more informed decisions. One application where broadcasters are using AI and ML technology today is for intelligent indexing of content. These techniques are also improving workflow efficiencies which is crucial in todays demanding market, allowing broadcasters time to focus on creating new products/productions.

Andy Shenkler:At the moment, the machine learning activities around broadcast workflows still remain heavily focused on reducing repetitive human tasks (i.e. identifying commercial breaks, credit points, augmented QC functions), not to say there isnt other more sophisticated processes being deployed. As both the technology and the skillsets of the people leveraging that technology improve, we will begin to see greater adoption around compliance editing, localization and real-time enriched consumer experiences.

Aaron Kroger:AI enables you to identify what is in your content, what was said, who is in it, what logos are shown, and more. Today, this also allows you to increase the automation of your existing workflows. With richer metadata, you can trigger automated processes to send those clips to the next step in the process and the relevant audiences.

Savva Mueller:Currently speech to text is being widely used, particularly to provide closed captioning and subtitles for content. The quality of these services has improved dramatically over the past decade. Visual recognition is not being used heavily today, both because of its costs and its effectiveness. Going forward, we expect that visual recognition services will become more effective, and that systems will provide more efficient ways to implement these services to reduce their costs.

Melanie Ciotti:AI and ML continue to astound me. ChatGPT and friends are making waves in every industry with well-written, well-researched content for virtually any purpose, and AI can add relevant metadata tags to video clips in ShareBrowser MAM at the click of a button, making decades worth of untagged media searchable within the media asset management system. AI is the present and future of broadcast workflows, and Im waiting with bated breath to see what it does next.

Geoff Stedman:The use of AI and machine learning is still in its infancy for broadcast workflows, although it is starting to have a positive impact. One way that AI tools are being used is to analyze video and audio content to extract information about the content that can be used to enrich the metadata for those assets. AI is also being used to perform automated QC reviews, with results that then guide operators for manual reviews of only questionable points.

Julin Fernndez-Campn:The impact of AI and machine learning is increasing in some use cases such as video analysis, image recognition, speech to text, but there are many features that currently exist as a result of AIs based on GPT 3 (Open AI) and others that claim to be able to do summaries, create pictures or videos.

Alex Grossman:The impact has been minimal compared to where it will go. As applications take advantage of AI/ML, the efficiencies provided will drive faster adoption.

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The ultimate guide to finding the best Cloud Computing Course … – Udaipur Kiran

With the world becoming more digitalized, cloud computing has become extremely popular in the job market. However, suppose you are still left unaware of the technology. In that case, cloud computing can be understood as the platform that delivers on-demand computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence, over the internet.

With this innovative technology, businesses can receive technology services through the cloud without purchasing or maintaining the supporting infrastructure. The cloud provider manages all of it, allowing companies to concentrate on their core skills.

The cloud market is expected to grow at 15.80% by 2028 globally, so this is the most crucial time to gain cloud skills. So basically, to fit perfectly into the role of a cloud computing professional, you will need all the right knowledge and skills.

Enrolling in a good cloud computing course online will increase your chances of kick-starting your career in the cloud computing industry correctly. So lets look at how you would choose the right path.

Cloud computing is a vast field that requires diverse skills, from basic knowledge to advanced technical skills. Therefore, consider your present level of expertise and the areas you need to grow before looking for a course.

Many platforms, such as Simplilearn, Coursera, and Udemy, provide cloud computing courses. To choose the platform that best suits your needs, it is best to investigate each one, as each has distinctive features and course offers.

When youve chosen a course that piques your interest, read testimonials from previous students. This will give you an idea of the courses quality and whether it fits you well.

The most excellent cloud computing courses will offer hands-on experience, so look for that. To improve your skills, look for courses that include real-world exercises, case studies, and projects.

When selecting a course, its essential to consider the instructors knowledge and experience in cloud computing. Seek teachers who have substantial industry expertise or who have held positions at respectable cloud computing organizations.

Ensure that the course you choose covers the most important subjects you need to learn. Ensure the course description and syllabus contain all the crucial facets of cloud computing. This will, of course, also include the tools covered by the course.

To get certified in cloud computing, you should look for courses that prepare you for the certification exam. Luckily, many platforms offer courses that provide certification upon completion, so its worth exploring these options.

When selecting an online cloud computing course, price is a crucial factor to consider. Compare the costs of various courses, and remember to account for extra expenses like exam and certification fees.

Around holidays and other occasions, several platforms provide discounts and promotions on their courses. To obtain the greatest deal, keep an eye out for these promotions and save a little extra while still getting the same knowledge.

Lastly, consider how much time you have to commit to the course. Choose a class that fits your schedule and is flexible enough to accommodate your learning style. After all, when choosing an online course, time reservations are on your mind.

While getting a certification in cloud computing will require you to enroll in a paid course that will cover all the topics and fully upskill you for the role, you can always start easy with cloud computing free courses.

Here are the best cloud computing courses you can take up for free:

Basic and advanced cloud computing ideas are covered in this free course by Simplilearn. You will discover more about cloud hosting, services, and architecture while also learning the principles of cloud computing, the cloud computing lifecycle, and the essential ideas behind Amazon, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Skills you will learn in this course:

Whether open-source or employed by businesses, cloud computing systems today are created utilizing a shared set of fundamental methodologies, algorithms, and design philosophies based on distributed systems.

This Coursera training program teaches you all about these basic concepts of distributed computing for the cloud.

Skills to be gained from this course:

The AWS course is a great way to get started on the Amazon learning plan for any beginner in the cloud computing job market. Plenty of on-demand courses are available on the platform, with the only limitation being focused on the AWS cloud computing systems.

Skills you learn from AWS:

With EdX, you will learn the fundamentals of cloud computing, including cloud architecture, security, emerging technologies, and potential jobs within weeks. Additionally, after completing the course, you will earn a skill badge indicating your knowledge and expertise in cloud computing.

What you will learn during this training:

We already know a big need for qualified people in the fast-expanding cloud computing industry. Many free and paid online courses can assist you in gaining the abilities and information required to excel in this industry.

Choosing the right program for you is essential as it might affect what you learn and how you learn it. So use this guide and pick the right course to enroll in.

See the rest here:
The ultimate guide to finding the best Cloud Computing Course ... - Udaipur Kiran

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