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Maximize Your Returns with These Top 5 Storage Tokens for 2023 – – Bitcoin Price, Ethereum Price & Crypto News

With the increasing adoption of decentralized technologies, the need for secure and reliable data storage solutions has become more important than ever. This has led to the rise of storage tokens, which are cryptocurrencies that enable users to store data securely and earn rewards in return. In this article, we will take a look at thetop 5 storage tokensthat are worth considering as investment options in 2023.

Storage tokens are cryptocurrencies that provide users with a secure and decentralized way to store data. These tokens work by utilizing distributed storage networks that are powered by blockchain technology. By storing data on these networks, users can enjoy a high level of security and privacy, as well as earn rewards in the form of tokens for contributing to the network.

Storage tokens offer several benefits over traditional storage solutions. For one, they provide a high level of security and privacy, as data is encrypted and stored across a distributed network rather than on a centralized server. Additionally, storage tokens can be a profitable investment option, as users can earn rewards in the form of tokens for contributing to the network.

In addition to providing secure data storage and investment opportunities, storage tokens can also be used for a variety of other purposes. For example, some storage tokens can be used for file sharing or content delivery, while others can be used for decentralized cloud computing. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, storage tokens offer a wide range of use cases that can benefit both individuals and businesses.

Decentralized storage tokens have been gaining momentum in recent years as more individuals and businesses look for secure and cost-effective ways to store their data. These tokens offer a decentralized approach to data storage, utilizing a network of nodes to securely store and distribute data. Lets take a look at the top 5 storage tokens to invest in 2023. Each of these tokens offers unique features and benefits, from low storage costs to high security and privacy, making them attractive investment options for those looking to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio.

Filecoin News 65

Highlights Network v19 Lightening and nv20 Thunder FEVM + Brave Wallet @MessariCrypto State of Filecoin Q1 2023 VideoJam Hackathon The FVM Imaginarium: Developer Tooling, Hackathons and other Opportunities for Builders

Filecoin (FIL)is a decentralized storage network that allows users to buy and sell storage space. It offers low storage costs and a high level of security and privacy, making it a popular choice for those looking to store large amounts of data.



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Storj (STORJ)is a decentralized cloud storage platform that utilizes a distributed network of nodes to store data securely. Users can earn STORJ tokens for providing storage space to the network, making it an attractive investment option for those looking to earn passive income.



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Siacoin (SC)is a decentralized storage platform that uses a distributed network of nodes to store data securely. It offers low storage costs and a high level of privacy and security, making it a popular choice for individuals and businesses looking to store large amounts of data.



Arweave can be called a "Content Blockchain", as its purpose is to store any type of data permanently.

In a single transaction, the content is part of the transaction itself.

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Arweave (AR) is a decentralized storage network that uses a novel blockchain-based consensus mechanism to ensure the long-term storage and preservation of data. It offers a unique value proposition, making it an attractive investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio.



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Swarm (SWM) is a decentralized storage network that allows users to earn SWM tokens for providing storage space to the network. It offers a range of use cases, including decentralized cloud storage and content distribution, making it an attractive investment option for those looking for a diversified portfolio.



Investing in storage tokens can be a profitable way to diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio while also contributing to the development of decentralized technologies. The top 5 storage tokens discussed in this article offer a range of features and benefits, from low storage costs to high security and privacy. By carefully considering your investment goals and risk tolerance, you can select the storage tokens that best meet your needs and position yourself for long-term success in the world of decentralized storage.

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Maximize Your Returns with These Top 5 Storage Tokens for 2023 - - Bitcoin Price, Ethereum Price & Crypto News

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Innovative Solution To Keep Your Office Branches Connected And … – Harlem World Magazine

As organizations grow, they face the challenge of connecting their various office branches and ensuring that all departments remain in sync with each other to ensure maximum efficiency.

Understanding how to best equip your organization with a collaborative workflow solution is essential for success. In this blog post, we will discuss the need for an innovative solution to keep your office branches connected and productive, as well as offer our information and insights on how you can achieve this goal. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, organizations can create a powerful workflow between offices increasing both communication exchange and productivity.

With the rise of cloud computing and remote workforces, traditional Wide Area Networks or WAN just cant keep up with the demands of modern technology. Thats where Software-Defined Wide Area Networks or SD-WAN come in. This innovative technology allows businesses to completely re-imagine their networks, providing a more efficient, flexible, and secure way to connect to the internet and the cloud. With SD-WAN, businesses can easily manage their network resources and applications, while providing faster and more reliable connectivity to their employees, customers, and partners. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional networking and say hello to the future of connectivity with SD-WAN.

By utilizing remote servers and networks to store, manage, and process data, businesses can reduce costs and increase efficiency. Cloud storage allows for easy access to data from anywhere in the world, with just an internet connection. Additionally, cloud computing offers the flexibility to scale and adjust resources as needed, without the need for costly hardware upgrades. This makes it a highly popular option for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative cloud computing and storage solutions in the future.

These sophisticated systems enable employees to connect and communicate seamlessly through a variety of channels, such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and document sharing. With UCC, collaboration can happen anytime, anywhere, and from any device, making remote work a viable option for many. Moreover, UCC platforms offer robust security features, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive corporate data. As such, organizations are increasingly adopting UCC as a critical part of their IT infrastructure to facilitate more effective and efficient teamwork.

These advanced tools can help organizations streamline their processes and reduce errors by automating repetitive tasks, eliminating bottlenecks, and improving communication between departments. With the right automated business process management tools, companies can optimize their workflows, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, these tools provide valuable insights into business operations, enabling companies to make data-driven decisions and stay competitive in their industries. Overall, automated business process management tools offer a powerful solution for modern businesses looking to boost their performance and achieve their goals.

It is designed to streamline and automate routine tasks and processes, improving overall efficiency and productivity. With the ability to integrate with other business systems, this software allows for seamless collaboration across departments while reducing the likelihood of errors caused by manual data entry. Its advanced features enable users to create custom workflows and automate complex business processes, leaving more time for other important tasks. In addition, workflow automation software also provides real-time data analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions based on up-to-date information. Its impact on businesses is significant, resulting in reduced costs, increased accuracy, and enhanced performance, making it an indispensable tool in the modern workplace.

This is where data analytics and reporting tools come into play. These tools offer powerful solutions for data management, analysis, and visualization, enabling businesses to identify trends, insights, and valuable information to drive strategic decision-making. Whether its analyzing customer behavior patterns, tracking sales performance, or measuring marketing results, these tools are essential for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve. With many advanced features available, there has never been a better time to explore the benefits of data analytics and reporting tools for your business.

In a world where remote work has become the new norm, reliable video conferencing solutions have never been more important. Whether youre catching up with colleagues or presenting to clients, having a system that is both user-friendly and efficient is essential. With so many options available, it can be tough to know where to start. Look for a video conferencing solution that offers high-quality video and audio, easy screen sharing, and a variety of features to enhance collaboration.

These tools help organizations better manage workflows, budgets, timelines, and resources to deliver projects on time and within budget. With the rise of remote work, project management software has become even more crucial as it provides a centralized platform for team collaboration and communication. The software solutions available today offer a range of functionalities and features, from simple task management to advanced project scheduling and resource allocation.

All in all, when it comes to office branch connections and their processes, there are many automated business process management tools available to help companies streamline their operations and achieve their goals. Whether its workflow automation software, data analytics and reporting tools, video conferencing solutions, or project management software solutions, these tools provide powerful solutions that can make a big difference in the performance of any business. With the right combination of automated business process management tools, any organization can reach its goals and stay ahead of the competition.

This content is part of the HWM Partnership.

Innovative Solution To Keep Your Office Branches Connected And ... - Harlem World Magazine

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Blockchain and Smart Contracts – Enabling Trustworthy Digital … – Tech Critter

In todays digital age, where most transactions and interactions occur online, it is crucial to have a system that ensures the security and authenticity of digital agreements. Blockchain technology and smart contracts are two innovative solutions that have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to create trustworthy digital agreements. In this article, we will explore how blockchain and smart contracts work and the benefits they offer. If you are looking for a reliable trading, The Bitcoin Era AI bot is one of the best platforms to start bitcoin trading.

Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that is used to record and verify transactions on a network. In simple terms, a blockchain is a chain of blocks that contains information. Each block in the chain contains a unique code, a timestamp, and a record of recent transactions. Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted, ensuring the integrity of the data stored on the blockchain.

Blockchain technology operates on a peer-to-peer network, where each node has a copy of the blockchain. Whenever a new transaction is made, the nodes on the network validate the transaction and add it to the blockchain. The blockchains decentralized nature ensures that there is no central point of failure or control, making it nearly impossible to hack or manipulate the data stored on the blockchain.

Smart contracts are self-executing digital contracts that are programmed to execute automatically when certain conditions are met. They are built on top of blockchain technology and operate on the same principles of decentralization and transparency. Smart contracts enable the creation of trustless agreements, meaning that the parties involved in the agreement do not have to rely on a third-party intermediary to enforce the terms of the contract.

Smart contracts are created using programming languages and are stored on the blockchain. The terms of the contract are written in code, and once the contract is deployed on the blockchain, it cannot be altered. The contracts code is designed to execute automatically when certain conditions are met, such as a certain date or the fulfillment of certain obligations by the parties involved in the contract. Once the conditions are met, the contract executes and the agreed-upon transaction takes place.

The combination of blockchain technology and smart contracts offers numerous benefits for creating trustworthy digital agreements:

One of the significant benefits of using blockchain technology for digital agreements is its transparency and immutability. The information stored on the blockchain is visible to all parties involved, making it impossible to modify or delete the information without the consent of the network. This ensures that all parties have access to the same information and that there is no chance of fraud or manipulation.

Smart contracts eliminate the need for third-party intermediaries, such as lawyers, brokers, or banks, to enforce the terms of a contract. This significantly reduces the cost of executing agreements and makes the process more efficient and streamlined.

Smart contracts are programmed to execute automatically when certain conditions are met, making the process of executing contracts faster and more efficient. This reduces the risk of errors and eliminates the need for manual intervention in the contract execution process.

The decentralized nature of blockchain technology ensures that there is no central point of failure or control, making it nearly impossible to hack or manipulate the data stored on the blockchain. Smart contracts, once deployed on the blockchain, cannot be altered or deleted, ensuring the integrity and security of the contracts terms.

Blockchain technology and smart contracts offer a revolutionary solution for creating trustworthy digital agreements in todays digital age. The transparency, immutability, cost-effectiveness, automation, efficiency, and security that they provide make them an ideal solution for creating digital agreements in various industries, such as finance, real estate, healthcare, and supply chain management. As the technology continues to evolve and improve, it is likely that we will see even more widespread adoption of blockchain and smart contracts in the years to come.

In addition, blockchain and smart contracts offer a powerful solution for creating trustworthy digital agreements that are transparent, secure, and cost-effective. By leveraging the power of decentralized networks and self-executing contracts, businesses and organizations can streamline their contract execution process, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency.

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Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Enabling Trustworthy Digital ... - Tech Critter

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The Impact Of Blockchain Technology In The Legal Industry … – Blockchain Magazine

April 20, 2023 by Diana Ambolis


Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries, and the legal industry is no exception. With its ability to store and share data in a secure and transparent manner, blockchain has the potential to transform the legal industry in several ways. In this article, we will explore the impact of blockchain technology in the legal industry, with

Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries, and the legal industry is no exception. With its ability to store and share data in a secure and transparent manner, blockchain has the potential to transform the legal industry in several ways. In this article, we will explore the impact of blockchain technology in the legal industry, with a particular focus on smart contracts and digital identities.

One of the most promising applications of blockchain technology in the legal industry is the use of smart contracts. A smart contract is a self-executing agreement programmed to perform automatically when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts can be used to automate many legal processes, such as contract management, escrow, and dispute resolution.

Smart contracts can be used to streamline legal processes by eliminating the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers and judges, to oversee the execution of agreements. This can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and reduce the risk of fraud and errors.

Another area where blockchain technology can have a significant impact on the legal industry is in the area of digital identities. Digital identities are a way of verifying the identity of individuals online, and blockchain technology can provide a secure and decentralized way of managing digital identities.

Blockchain technology can potentially revolutionise how digital identities are managed and verified in the legal industry. Currently, digital identities are often managed using centralized databases, which can be vulnerable to cyber attacks and data breaches. Blockchain technology, on the other hand, is decentralized and uses advanced encryption algorithms to protect user data.

Here are some ways digital identities can impact blockchain technology in the legal industry:

Blockchain technology can significantly impact the legal industry in the area of digital identities. By providing increased security, improved data privacy, greater user control, elimination of intermediaries, enhanced traceability, streamlined identity verification, and cross-border identity verification, blockchain technology can help make digital identity management more efficient, secure, and reliable.

By using blockchain to manage digital identities, the legal industry can reduce the risk of identity theft and fraud. Digital identities can also be used to streamline legal processes, such as KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) compliance checks.

Also, read Advantages Of Blockchain technology in the legal industry

While blockchain technology presents many opportunities for the legal industry, it also presents several challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the legal status of smart contracts. While smart contracts are self-executing, they may not be legally enforceable in all jurisdictions. This can create uncertainty and make it difficult to use smart contracts for certain types of agreements. Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the legal industry, but it also presents several challenges.

Here are the top 10 challenges blockchain technology has in the legal industry:

While these challenges may seem daunting, it is important to remember that blockchain technology is still in its early stages of development. As the technology evolves and becomes more mature, many of these challenges may be overcome, paving the way for widespread adoption in the legal industry.

Top 10 opportunites blockchain technology has in the legal industry:

Blockchain technology has many opportunities in the legal industry. By leveraging the power of blockchain, legal organizations can improve contract management, intellectual property management, legal documentation, dispute resolution, identity verification, supply chain management, notarization, registries, crowdfunding, and data management. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it is likely that even more opportunities will emerge in the legal industry.

In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potential to transform the legal industry in many ways, from automating legal processes with smart contracts to managing digital identities. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as the legal status of smart contracts and the need for interoperability between different blockchain networks. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see more innovative applications in the legal industry, and it will be interesting to see how these developments impact the way we practice law.

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The Impact Of Blockchain Technology In The Legal Industry ... - Blockchain Magazine

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Cardano (ADA) launches the future of smart contracts with Aiken in … – Crypto News Flash

Source: Akarat Phasura - Shutterstock

The Cardano Foundation has been pushing hard and working on the effective functioning of smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain network. A novel and accessible programming language Aiken is working to enhance the development of smart contracts on Cardano.

The Aiken language comes with state-of-the-art features offering an effortless integration with other tools that meet the expectations of developers. Also, Aiken seeks to foster the growth of the Cardano ecosystem by providing smart contract development along with an optimized developer experience.

As we know, the Haskell Plutus platform is one of the only fully developed smart contract languages on the Cardano network. However, setting up a working Haskell environment is certainly challenging for developers as it involves ad-hoc compiler plugins such as PlutusTx.

Furthermore, accessories such as language serves do not usually work with the default installation settings and thus are cumbersome to configure. Also, as the Plutus platform is tied to Haskells existing language, it adds different built-in libraries, program semantics, and ecosystems that will differ from standard Haskell, which often leads to confusing situations.

Additionally, Plutus also discourages the use of other languages for off-chain code, thereby preventing teams from working with their usual tools and languages. The good thing about Cardanos architecture and smart contracts virtual machine allows for third-party tooling as well as new languages to be created atop it. Heres exactly where Aiken comes into the picture.

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Aiken will be introducing a new easy-to-learn programming language to bring a smooth smart contract development experience to developers. Since Aiken is purpose-built for the Cardano network, it will include domain-specific conveniences making the development process a lot more easier and efficient. Some of the benefits of using the Aiken programming language are:

The Aiken language seeks to reduce the time it takes for developers to get started as well as finish their projects. Aiken converts the multi-day setup experience into just a 10-minute quickstart without compromising on security and other quality aspects.

With Aiken, the compiler can take the code written in the Aiken programming language, performs a variety of checks on it, and then outputs Untyped Plutus Core programs that can be used on the Cardano blockchain.

Related: Cardano: Million TPS with Hydra and Interoperability solutions IOG and Wanchain will lead ADA to #1 in blockchain space

Furthermore, Aiken also provides a toolkit for working with the Cardano smart contracts along with low-level Untyped Plutus Core. It provides an approachable way to compile on-chain code into a higher-level representation. It can also evaluate scripts in the context of a transaction or reports execution costs.

The Aiken project started with the initial support from TxPipe having shared goals and a common philosophy. In less than a year, Aiken is now ready for the alpha release. Santiago Carmuega of TxPipe said:

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With the immense support provided by the Cardano Foundation, Im confident that Aiken will have a profound impact on our ecosystem, fostering innovation and empowering developers.

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Ethereum is going to transform investing – Cointelegraph

Ethereum is often depicted as traditional finances adversary in a Manichean struggle for decentralization. In reality, there isnt any conflict at all. Rather than subverting the traditional financial sector, Ethereum is improving it. Soon, the two systems will be inextricably entwined.

Ethereums core value propositions self-custody, transparency and disintermediation are enormously relevant to financial institutions, and they can be realized within existing regulatory frameworks. Ethereum has already taken the first steps toward institutional adoption, and with its unmatched network decentralization, it is all but destined to become the primary settlement layer for the worlds financial transactions.

Ethereum isnt here to deliver a stateless alternative currency or an anonymized shadow economy. What it offers is simple: neutrality.

Ethereum is the global financial systems first truly unbiased referee, and its arrival couldnt be more timely. The geopolitical stability afforded by the United States preeminence is eroding, and domestic politics in major economies have become increasingly volatile. In a multipolar world, the financial system urgently needs to maintain reliable rules of the road.

Related: Thanks to Ethereum, altcoin is no longer a slur

Ethereums system for settling transactions and storing data is practically incorruptible. That is largely because of the unrivaled decentralization of its consensus layer, which spans more than 500,000 validators distributed among more than 10,000 physical nodes in dozens of countries. Despite concerns to the contrary, Ethereum is trending toward greater decentralization over time, not less.

To be sure, Ethereum will never replace traditional contracts or legal authorities for mediating disputes. What it promises, with its inviolable and unbiased code, is to prevent countless disputes from arising in the first place.

From Celsius to FTX and Silvergate, the events that led up to crypto winter speak more to the shortcomings of traditional finance than to the failings of crypto. In each instance, the classic principal-agent problem was worsened by lax oversight and overcentralization.

Historically, the default approach to this problem has been regulation. Greater oversight is certainly needed, but Ethereum offers more foundational solutions. Trustless smart contracts and distributed ledgers can remove certain dimensions of the principal-agent problem entirely.

Soon, Ethereum and its scaling chains will permeate traditional banking and asset management. From savings accounts to retirement portfolios, virtually every investor will self-custody their assets in trustless smart contracts, and carefully regulated on-ramps will render the tokenization of fiat currencies virtually frictionless.

Meanwhile, investors and, eventually, regulators will insist that asset managers report fund performance using trustless on-chain oracles. In these areas, Ethereum wont run afoul of regulations, it will reinforce them. Eventually, authorities will become as attentive to the technical specifications of smart contracts as they are to required liquidity reserves.

The future of Ethereum is not permissionless. Identity-based permissioning will be standard fare, but so seamless as to be practically unnoticeable. With the proliferation of central bank digital currencies, state censorship will be a serious concern. Laws restraining governments from arbitrarily freezing digital assets will gather significant political momentum.

In short, Ethereum has the potential to dramatically reduce private financial malfeasance, but its impact on state censorship will be more limited.

Ethereums future may still be far off, but its building blocks are already here. Decentralized finance (DeFi) overheated into a speculative conflagration in 2021, but that frenzy of activity spurred considerable innovation. The technology now exists to create a wide array of disintermediated markets and tokenized financial instruments.

What is missing is connectivity with the broader financial system. That is the focus of an emerging class of regulated fiat-to-crypto on-ramps and custodians, such as Circle. The U.S.-based company had laid the foundation for the digital economy with USD Coin (USDC), its tokenized dollar. Circle is now building out additional critical infrastructure, such as hybrid fiat-and-crypto accounts that on-ramp directly to Ethereum and its scaling chains.

Related: Federal regulators are preparing to pass judgment on Ethereum

In the coming years, expect to see a proliferation of tokenized securities, starting with risk-off fixed-income assets. There will also be heavy investment in Ethereum staking pools, which will emerge as a critical strategic asset in the institutional crypto market. Other areas of focus will include on-chain financial reporting, streamlined user flows for regulatory compliance and institutional-grade tokenized derivatives.

To be sure, a recent spate of enforcement actions has cooled development activity in the U.S., but it will remain a major market for the coming wave of regulated protocols.

The surge in regulatory pressure on crypto, particularly DeFi, marks the end of an era. Large swaths of Ethereums ecosystem, especially protocols that cant or wont adapt to the changing landscape, will effectively be weeded out. Those that remain, however, will be well adapted to integration with the existing financial system. Ethereums transformative impact on traditional finance has only just begun.

Alex ODonnell is the founder and CEO of Umami Labs and worked as an early contributor to Umami DAO. Prior to Umami Labs, he worked for seven years as a financial journalist at Reuters, where he covered M&A and IPOs.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

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Ethereum is going to transform investing - Cointelegraph

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XRP Ledger Makes Progress Towards Supporting Native Smart … – The Crypto Basic

XRPL Labs and FYEO have teamed up to conduct a security evaluation of the Hooks Amendment, which seeks to bring smart contracts to the XRP Ledger.

XRPL Labs has partnered with FYEO to conduct a security assessment for the Hooks Amendment, a feature intended to enable smart contract functionality on the XRP Ledger. This collaboration brings the XRP Ledger one step closer to supporting native smart contracts.

FYEO disclosed the partnership in a recent tweet, emphasizing that it has already begun a comprehensive security audit on the Hooks Amendment feature. The objective of the assessment is to ensure the security of the feature.

FYEOs proficiency in blockchain-agnostic processes will be valuable in scrutinizing the Hooks Amendment. By conducting the security audit, FYEO will comprehensively evaluate the security of the Hooks Amendment to detect and address any possible issues.

In an official statement, FYEO confirmed that the security audit of the Hooks Amendment has commenced, starting with an assessment of the features foundation before moving on to scrutinize the code base. The audit has specifically examined the usage of WebAssembly (WASM), the hooks helper functions, and the setting and execution of hooks.

The Hooks Amendment is a proposed feature for the XRP Ledger that seeks to bring smart contract functionality to the network through the implementation of Hooks, a series of lightweight smart contracts. The feature was proposed by XRPL Labs, a team of software developers working towards enhancing and maintaining the XRP Ledger.

Smart contracts are programs that automate the execution of a contract. They operate on a blockchain and can transfer assets, verify identity, and execute contractual terms automatically. The benefits of smart contracts include increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved transparency, and greater security in transactions.

Despite its robustness, the XRP Ledger does not feature smart contracts. XRPL Labs unveiled Hooks Amendment in July 2020 to address this. They released the public beta version in April 2021, which was made available to all developers looking to test the feature for any issues.

The smart contracts implemented through the Hooks Amendment aim to surpass Ethereums smart contracts in functionality by providing a more streamlined and efficient solution.

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XRP Ledger Makes Progress Towards Supporting Native Smart ... - The Crypto Basic

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What Is Bitcoin Mining Centralization and Why Is It a Concern? – MUO – MakeUseOf

When building Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned a decentralized digital currency that could operate without the need for centralized institutions such as banks and governments.

Satoshi did not picture a situation where a few entities controlled a significant portion of the entire network, essentially centralizing power and influence.

Bitcoin mining centralization, a result of market competition over the years, goes against the fundamental principle of cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin mining centralization is the concentration of mining power among a few dominant players. Originally, anyone with a computer and internet connection could mine Bitcoin. However, the network grew with time, and as a result, mining became more competitive.

This led to the development of specialized chips known as ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), which outperformed GPUs and CPUs by being more efficient. Unfortunately, ASICs are expensive and out of reach for most people, and the fact that newer, better, but more costly versions are released exacerbates the situation.

Miners began to form pools to combine their computing power and share the rewards earned. The largest pools also acquire the latest technologies to stay ahead of the competition, which caused others who couldn't keep up to drop off.

Over time, a few large mining pools, including Foundry USA, Antpool, and F2Pool, have come to dominate the Bitcoin mining industry, controlling a significant percentage of the total hash rate at any given time. This beats the logic of cryptocurrency, which is supposed to distribute power among many players.

Several factors contribute to the centralization of Bitcoin mining. Most of these factors also apply in a typical competitive market. They include

While Bitcoin mining centralization is a natural process inspired by competition, it presents a few challenges to the network and ecosystem.

All these challenges require careful consideration and action if the integrity and security of the Bitcoin ecosystem are to be preserved. But how?

Over time, various parties have suggested ways to solve the centralization issue.

Bitcoin Core developer Matt Corrallo proposed the BetterHash Protocol, which involves decentralizing the selection of transactions going into a block to individual hardware operators. However, it didn't provide a mechanism that would ensure miners will choose transactions that create a balanced difficulty for the Bitcoin network hence opening another loophole for centralization. It also introduced inefficiencies due to the need to constantly monitor the network, which was hard to adopt.

Meanwhile, the crypto mining pool P2Pool suggested decentralizing payouts to address the issue. However, by decentralizing payouts, small miners who rely on consistent payouts to cover costs would be disadvantaged. Also, it required low-latency connections between miners and the P2Pool server, which meant whenever a miner experienced high latency, their mining performance would be negatively impacted. For these reasons, it didn't incentivize its adoption.

The most direct way to solve Bitcoin mining centralization is to decentralize the mining pools. This can be achieved through incentives that encourage the use of smaller and more decentralized mining pools. A practical incentive would be to fund innovation and experimentation by small miners, leading to better and more competitive mining strategies.

Notably, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's payment company, Block, started working on an open Bitcoin mining system to make the network more decentralized and permissionless. Block aimed to build its own high-performance open-source ASIC and a Bitcoin wallet to make Bitcoin custody more mainstream.

Nevertheless, incentives alone may not be enough to encourage decentralization. Regulatory policies, network upgrades, and community initiatives may also be necessary to encourage the growth of smaller and more decentralized mining pools.

It's difficult to predict that Bitcoin mining will become more decentralized. Mining power will remain centralized among dominant players as mining becomes more expensive.

Due to economies of scale and other bottlenecks, smaller miners continue to struggle against the big dogs. As a result, it would take tremendous efforts by the rest of the Bitcoin network to implement strategies and solutions to solve Bitcoin mining centralization.

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What Is Bitcoin Mining Centralization and Why Is It a Concern? - MUO - MakeUseOf

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Why security teams need to focus on log management – SC Media

If organizations aren't currently incorporating log management and monitoring as a critical part of their cybersecurity strategy, they aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

Logs record every system event that takes place across a network, as well as when and how it happened. And because logs are so detailed, security teams can determine whether their devices have been breached by closely examining them, making log management a proven, proactive approach to detecting intrusions and safeguarding data.

Given the evolving nature of cyber threats, the shift from on-premises data storage to the cloud, and the sheer amount of data generated daily more than 2.5 billion gigabytes globally it's not surprising that this cybersecurity practice has accelerated.

According to Research and Markets, organizations worldwide are projected to nearly double their log management and monitoring spend from $1.83 billion in 2021 to $3.43 billion by 2026. Yet, while log management and monitoring spend has increased, understanding why it's a wise decision requires exploring the benefits that come with investing in these tools.

The importance of log management

Logs tie events together within a system and correlate what's happened across multiple systems. Log management keeps track of system and application logs to gain insights into user activity, vulnerabilities, security breaches, and other potential issues. They are often structured as encrypted text files, but can also include binary data such as images and videos.

Security analysts can review logs in the moment to determine if a system has been breached. The WannaCry ransomware attacks, for instance, infected hundreds of thousands of devices worldwide in May 2017 and brought organizations such as FedEx, Renault, and the United Kingdom's National Health Service to a standstill. Users could detect whether the malware was present on their computers by scanning server logs for files that were encrypted with a specific extension or connections that were made through certain TCP ports.

SOC analysts can also preserve logs for forensic analysis following intrusions. After Equifax was breached in 2017 and the Bank of Montreal was attacked in 2020, investigators reviewed log files to determine how attackers accessed each company's systems. Closer scrutiny of those logs by each organization in the moment would have detected the entries earlier and limited damage.

How the cloud changed log management

Log management and monitoring have become increasingly complex as more companies adopt cloud storage solutions. According to Netwrix, organizations have moved 41% of their workloads to the cloud and expect to increase that figure to 54% within the next 12-18 months. Additionally, 80% of businesses use the cloud to store sensitive data, including personally identifiable information of employees and customers.

Organizations have traditionally had unlimited access to very detailed logs because their data has been stored on-premises. When data gets hosted in the cloud, tenancy agreements prevent access to the underlying systems, thereby reducing visibility and making conventional logging methods impractical.

Companies also have to consider cost because organizations are limited by the price and capacity of their cloud storage plan. They must decide which logs are most relevant for a cloud-based monitoring system to review since a massive number of logs gets generated, and sending them all to the cloud isn't feasible.

That results in security teams having less insight into potential threats, so they must trust that cloud providers can detect any malicious activity before it becomes an issue.

Ensuring successful log management

Even the best-trained security operations analysts need help reviewing the significant number of logs created. That's why many companies turn to a security information and event management system, or SIEM.

A SIEM uses machine learning algorithms to correlate data from various sources, filter out routine events, and alert analysts to suspicious activities or patterns that may signal malicious actors are present.

Companies need to make smart decisions about how they allocate resources. Understand what the budget allows and the licensing models the companys cloud provider offers, as some models can restrict access to certain types of logs that could get used for meaningful monitoring efforts. If the provider gives the team logging tools or sets up a SIEM, find out what the gaps are and identify limitations. Even then, consider whether the team wants to move its logs back on-premises or find another provider that can offer better visibility into potential threats.

Many companies still find it difficult to automate incident response, so training the teams analysts to incorporate a SIEM and review and act on its alerts has become critical to successful log management. With these procedures in place, the company would have taken valuable steps toward reacting quickly once incidents occur or helping to prevent them altogether.

Three questions for organizations to ask

Ultimately, any log management and monitoring strategy still boils down to what the organization needs. Here are three questions for the team to ask:

Is the company trying to maintain compliance with regulatory standards? Is it trying to meet requirements for cyber insurance? And, does the company have a weak security posture that needs strengthening? A responsible approach to log management and monitoring can address them all.

Its important to comply with data protection laws and industry standards given how much sensitive information gets stored. Understand the cloud provider's approach to compliance and the scope of the agreement to ensure the organization is protected should an incident occur.

Likewise, the rising frequencies and costs of data breaches have led to rising cyber coverage thresholds. Most insurers now require staunch log management processes, and some even go as far as mandating a SIEM to monitor and alert potential threats before a policy can be issued.

Price and storage capacity shouldn't serve as limits when it comes to effective log management. Companies need access to as much data as possible for effective monitoring and protection the more data the company has, the sooner it can spot and address network intrusions.

Data breaches are surging in frequency today, and they're more costly than ever. A more vigilant approach to log management and monitoring, including the use of a reliable SIEM, can further safeguard the company against emerging cyber threats, regardless of whether data gets stored on-premises or in the cloud.

Brian Knudtson, director, product market intelligence; product manager, 11:11 Systems

Originally posted here:
Why security teams need to focus on log management - SC Media

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What’s a Better Buy: Ethereum or Solana? – The Motley Fool

Since Ethereum (ETH -1.16%) was created in 2015 it has radically altered the cryptocurrency landscape. Thanks to an innovation known as smart contracts, developers could create blockchain-based applications that automatically run and transfer value when certain criteria are met.

Initially, Ethereum was the only smart-contract-capable blockchain, but in recent years this has changed. New blockchains have come into existence that not only offer smart contract functionality, but also a slew of other features hoping to build off of Ethereum.

One of those blockchains is Solana (SOL -0.19%), a blazingly fast smart contract blockchain that has a considerable user base and is the 10th most valuable cryptocurrency by market cap. Many believe Solana could eventually outdo Ethereum as the premier smart contract blockchain, but those hopes might be greatly inflated.

Image source: Getty Images.

First, let's address the elephant in the room: Solana's multiple outages. Over the past year, Solana has experienced at least six network outages, including the most recent one in February where the blockchain was down for more than 18 hours, disrupting a number of exchanges and apps running on the network.

In contrast, Ethereum has a proven track record of stability and reliability. Ethereum's network has been operating smoothly for years, even with the increasing demand for decentralized applications and smart contracts.

Another key factor to consider when comparing Ethereum and Solana is the total value locked (TVL) metric. TVL is an important measure of the adoption and usage of a blockchain in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). Since DeFi functionality is one of the primary use cases for both Ethereum and Solana, evaluating TVL can be an easy way to compare the two.

Ethereum utterly dominates the decentralized finance (DeFi) market with a TVL of more than $31 billion, compared to Solana's TVL of just over $292 million. That means Ethereum supports 100 times more value in DeFi than Solana. Clearly, the competition isn't even close and demonstrates the greater adoption and usage of Ethereum's network in the DeFi market. From this perspective, Ethereum is a much more attractive investment option for those looking to tap into the growing DeFi niche.

Fans of Solana often say that it has some of the fastest transaction speeds. While this is true, it distorts the purpose of a blockchain. One of the primary reasons blockchain technology is so profound is because it allows users to transfer value in a decentralized and secure fashion. While Solana prioritizes speed, it sacrifices higher levels of decentralization and security found in Ethereum.

Although many are quick to point out that Ethereum moves at a snail's pace compared to Solana, they also fail to realize that there is serious progress being made to narrow this gap thanks to new solutions known as Layer 2s.

Through the use of Layer 2 solutions such as Optimism, Polygon, and Arbitrum, Ethereum is transformed into a lightning-fast network, while also maintaining its decentralized and secure nature. As these solutions continue to be developed and adopted, Ethereum's competitive advantage over Solana will likely become even more apparent.

So, what does this mean for investors looking to pick between Solana and Ethereum? Although Solana may seem like a tempting option with its impressive speed, the lack of value it supports in DeFi and the sacrifices in decentralization and security make it a riskier investment, especially considering it still remains down more than 90% from its all time high.

Ethereum, on the other hand, has a proven track record and a solid foundation in the decentralized finance market. Its market dominance, along with the development of Layer 2 solutions, makes it a safer and more promising investment for those looking for long-term growth.

RJ Fulton has positions in Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Read the original here:

What's a Better Buy: Ethereum or Solana? - The Motley Fool

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