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Hashing vs. Encryption: What’s The Difference? – FedTech Magazine

What Is Encryption in Federal Agencies?

According tothe National Institute of Standards and Technology, encryption refers to the cryptographic transformation of data (called plaintext) into a form (called ciphertext) that conceals the datas original meaning to prevent it from being known or used.

In laymans terms, asOktanotes ina blog post, encryption basically scrambles data that can be decoded with a key. The goal of encryption is to send along encrypted data to a third party, who will then decrypt that information into a usable form with a decryption key.

The method used to conduct the scrambling (encryption) and unscrambling (decryption) is known as a cryptographic algorithm, and the security of the ciphertext does not depend on the secrecy of the algorithm,a CDW white paper notes. In fact, the most trusted algorithms are those that have been publicly vetted to find weaknesses.

According to Okta, there are at least three fundamental elements to modern encryption tools:

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Hashing is a concept related to encryption, but it focuses on a different set of priorities.

According to Okta, hashing involves scrambling data at rest to ensure its not stolen or tampered with. Protection is the goal, but the technique isnt built with decoding in mind.

AsSentinelOnenotes ina blog post, hashes are the output of a hashing algorithm like MD5 (Message Digest 5) or SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), which aim to produce a unique, fixed-length string the hash value, or message digest for any given piece of data or message.

Organizations with vast numbers of usernames and passwords on file, such as federal agencies, are rightly very concerned with those usernames and passwords becoming compromised, increasing the risk that sensitive data will be exposed or exfiltrated. A password hash system could protect all of those passwords from hackers while ensuring those points arent tampered with before theyre used again, Okta notes. Hash encryption like this doesnt anonymize data, although plenty of people believe that it does. Instead, its used to protect this data from those who might misuse or alter it.

Importantly, according to Okta, a typical hashing protocol doesnt come with an automatic translation key. Instead, the process is used to determine alterations, and the data is stored in a scrambled state.

MORE FROM FEDTECH:How should agencies rethink data protection?

Because encryption and hashing serve different purposes for federal IT security teams, its important to know the key differences.

While encryption is primarily used to protect data in transit, hashing is used for protecting data in storage. Encryption can be used to protect passwords in transit while hashing is used to protect passwords in storage.

Data that has been decrypted can be decoded, but data that has been hashed cannot.

In neither case is data anonymized. Encryption relies on both public and private decryption keys while hashing relies only on private keys.

Each approach has its vulnerabilities, Okta notes. Breaking a hash means running a computer algorithm through the codes and developing theories about the key. It should be impossible, but experts say some programs can churn through 450 billion hashes per second, and that means hacking takes mere minutes, the company notes. Meanwhile, encrypted files can be easily decrypted if attackers are skillful enough.

Its important to note that agencies can combine hashing and encryption techniques. You might use hashing to protect password data on your server, but then you lean on encryption to protect files users download once they have gained access, Okta notes.

DIVE DEEPER:How do granular identity and access management controls enable zero trust?

Since hashing can be defeated, there are other ways agencies can use the technique to secure data. This is known as salting the hash.

Salting is the act of adding a series of random characters to a password before going through the hashing function,Okta notes in a separate blog post.

By adding a series of random numbers and letters to the original password, agencies can achieve a different hash function each time, according to Okta. This way, we protect against the flaw of the hash function by having a different hashed password each time, the post notes.

Salt encryption must be stored in a database along with the user password, according to Okta, and it is recommended that salts be random and unique per login to mitigate attacks using rainbow tables of pre-computed hashes.

While an attacker could still re-compute hashes of common password lists using a given salt for a password, a way to provide additional defense in depth is to encrypt password storage at rest, preferably backed by a hardware security module or cloud key management service like Amazon Web Services Key Management Service, Okta notes.

EXPLORE:Create a zero-trust environment among users and on your network.

See the original post here:
Hashing vs. Encryption: What's The Difference? - FedTech Magazine

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Which Types Of Encryption Will Remain Secure As Quantum Computing Develops – And Which Popular Ones Will Not – Joseph Steinberg

As I discussed last month, unless we take actions soon, a tremendous amount of data that is today protected through the use of encryption will become vulnerable to exposure.

The reason that such a major threat exists is simple much of todays data relies on the security of what are known as asymmetric encryption algorithms, and such algorithms rely for their security on the fact that the mathematics that they use to encrypt cannot easily be reversed in order to decrypt. (For those interested in the details: the most common difficult-to-reverse mathematics employed by asymmetric encryption systems are integer factorization, discrete logarithms, and elliptic-curve discrete logarithms).

While todays computers cannot efficiently crack asymmetric encryption through the use of brute force trying all possible values in order to discover a correct key could literally take centuries, and there are no shortcuts to doing so we have already seen the dawn of so-called quantum computers devices that leverage advanced physics to perform computing functions on large sets of data in super-efficient ways that are completely unachievable with classic computers. While it has long been believed that quantum computers could potentially undermine the integrity of various forms of encryption, in 1994, an American mathematician by the name of Peter Shor showed how a quantum algorithm could quickly solve integer factorization problems transforming a theoretical risk into a time bomb. It became clear then that a powerful quantum computer utilizing Shors Algorithm could both make mincemeat out of modern encryption systems, as well as trivialize the performance of various other forms of complex math and, since then, we have already seen this happen. Just a few years ago, Googles early-generation quantum computer, Sycamore, for example, performed a calculation in 200 seconds that many experts believe would have taken the worlds then-most-powerful-classic-supercomputer, IBM Summit, somewhere between multiple days and multiple millennia to complete. Yes, 200 seconds for a de facto prototype vs multiple millennia for a mature super computer.

To protect data in the quantum computing era, therefore, we must change how we encrypt. To help the world achieve such an objective, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been running a competition since 2016 to develop new quantum-proof standards for cryptography winners are expected to be announced sometime in the next year, and multiple approaches are expected to be endorsed.

Some quantum-safe encryption methods that appear to be among the likely candidates to be selected by NIST employ what are known as lattice approaches employing math that, at least as of today, we do not know how to undermine with quantum algorithms. While lattice approaches are likely to prove popular methods of addressing quantum supremacy in the near term, there is concern that some of their security might stem from their newness, and, that over time, mathematicians may discover quantum algorithms that render them potentially crackable.

Other candidates for NISTs approval utilize what is known as code-based encryption a time-tested method introduced in 1978 by Caltech Professor of Engineering, Robert McEliece; code-based encryption employs an error-correcting code, keys modified with linear transformations, and random junk data; while it is simple for parties with the decryption keys to remove the junk and decrypt, unauthorized parties seeking to decrypt face a huge challenge that remains effectively unsolvable by quantum algorithms, even after decades of analysis.

NISTs candidates also utilize various other encryption approaches that, at least as of now, appear to be quantum safe.

Of course, security is not the only factor when it comes to deciding how to encrypt practicality plays a big role as well. Any quantum-safe encryption approach that is going to be successful must be usable by the masses; especially as the world experiences the proliferation of smart devices constrained by minimal processing power, memory, and bandwidth, mathematical complexity and/or large minimum key sizes can render useless otherwise great encryption options.

In short, many of todays popular asymmetric encryption methods (RSA, ECC, etc.) will be easily crackable by quantum computers in the not-so-distant future. (Modern asymmetric systems typically use asymmetric encryption to exchange keys that are then used for symmetric encryption if the asymmetric part is not secure, the symmetric part is not either.) To address such risks we have quantum-safe encryption, a term that refers to encryption algorithms and systems, many of which already exist, that are believed to be resilient to cracking attempts performed by quantum computers.

While NIST is working on establishing preferred methods of quantum-safe encryption, sensitive data is already, now, being put at risk by quantum supremacy; as such, for many organizations, waiting for NIST may turn out to be a costly mistake. Additionally, the likely rush to retrofit existing systems with new encryption methods once NIST does produce recommendations may drive up the costs of related projects in terms of both time and money. With quantum-safe encryption solutions that leverage approaches submitted to NIST already available and running on todays computers, the time to start thinking about quantum risks is not somewhere down the road, but now.

This post is sponsored byIronCAP. Please click the link to learn more about IronCAPs patent protected methods of keeping data safe against not only against todays cyberattacks, but also against future attacks from quantum computers.

See original here:
Which Types Of Encryption Will Remain Secure As Quantum Computing Develops - And Which Popular Ones Will Not - Joseph Steinberg

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Math That Helped Solve Fermats Theorem Now Safeguards the Digital World – The New York Times

Defenses against digital snoopers keep getting stronger. Encryption is what keeps communications safe when you use Signal and other messaging apps, make online financial transactions, buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and trust that private information in your Apple iPhone will stay private.

While a variety of end-to-end encryption techniques seek to protect the flows of information from spies and eavesdroppers, one of the most powerful and ubiquitous is elliptic curve cryptography, invented in 1985. The methods underlying math helped solve the famous riddle of Fermats last theorem and was promoted by the charitable foundation of James M. Vaughn Jr., an heir to oil riches. In the 1970s and 1980s, Mr. Vaughn funded experts who pursued knotty questions of mathematics that were assumed to have no practical value.

Mr. Vaughns funding of Fermat studies backed the investigation of elliptic curves as a possible solution. The obscure branch of mathematics turned out to beget a new generation of powerful ciphers in particular, elliptic curve cryptography.

In his 2009 autobiography, Random Curves, Neal I. Koblitz, a University of Washington mathematician who aided Mr. Vaughn and was one of two inventors of the technique, described its biggest friend as the National Security Agency. An arm of the Pentagon, the N.S.A. works to strip governments of their secrets while concealing its own. It relies heavily on elliptic curve cryptography.

In an interview, Mr. Vaughn said N.S.A. officials sent math experts to the conferences he sponsored. They always had people there, he recalled.

Of course, digital thieves are trying to undo the decades of encryption strides with new kinds of spyware and cyberweapons. Public encryption has become so powerful that the hackers often try to seize control of smartphones and steal their data before its been scrambled and securely transmitted.

In public talks, Andrew Wiles, an Englishman who solved the Fermat puzzle, has seldom spoken of cryptography. In 1999, however, he touched on the topic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in describing recent math advances.

Dr. Wiles now teaches at the University of Oxford, which in 2013 opened a $100 million building named after him. Officials from Britains equivalent of the N.S.A. the Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, are no strangers to the Andrew Wiles Building.

In 2017, for instance, two officials from GCHQ gave talks there. They were Dan Shepherd, a researcher who helped uncover a major vulnerability in a proposed cipher, and Richard Pinch, the agencys head of mathematics.

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Math That Helped Solve Fermats Theorem Now Safeguards the Digital World - The New York Times

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Network security gets a boost in Windows Server 2022 – TechTarget

Cyber attacks spring from every conceivable angle in the data center, but multiple improved and new Windows Server 2022 network security features aim to thwart these breach attempts.

The last several years have seen numerous data breaches across organizations of all sizes, underscoring the need for better network security. Due to the prominence of Windows Server as a key component in enterprise infrastructure, it's critical to implement any means at the administrator's disposal to reduce the chance of falling victim to an intrusion. For organizations that want to improve their defensive posture, using Windows Server 2022's improved network security features can help limit their exposure to a wide range of attacks.

In addition to its secured-core server defensive measures, one of the biggest security improvements Microsoft added to Windows Server 2022 is native support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3, which was released in 2018. This latest version of the protocol used to encrypt network traffic addresses the vulnerabilities found in TLS 1.2 and provides better performance, particularly during the handshake process.

Microsoft enabled TLS 1.3 by default in Windows Server 2022, but the operating system can still use earlier TLS versions to accommodate incompatible clients.

HTTP has been around since 1989. Developed to transfer content from the World Wide Web to clients, its creators might not have foreseen the rapid pace of its adoption. The last major update to HTTP in 2016 addressed security and performance concerns and now the third revision HTTP/3 has been implemented in Windows Server 2022.

HTTP/3 is currently in development but is already in use by Google and Facebook. HTTP/3 uses the QUIC transport protocol based on the User Datagram Protocol. In addition to better performance, HTTP/3 uses encryption by default to maintain a secure connection.

Enabling HTTP/3 requires adding the following registry key:

reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesHTTPParameters" /v EnableHttp3 /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Microsoft recommends administrators configure the Windows Web service to advertise the availability of the service via HTTP/3. Clients that connect with an older protocol will be notified of HTTP/3 support and switch to the more secure protocol. To enable HTTP/3 advertisement, add the following registry key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesHTTPParameters" /v EnableAltSvc /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Reboot the server to make the registry keys take effect.

Microsoft enhanced Windows Server 2022 network security with support for Secure DNS, which is an industry standard that goes by a variety of other names such as DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH).

DoH keeps DNS queries private. If someone monitors network traffic, they will see DNS queries being made, but the contents of those queries will be hidden. Some organizations use Secure DNS to conceal their online activities from the ISP. Secure DNS can also help to prevent DNS manipulation attacks.

Organizations should consider whether it is in their best interest to use Secure DNS. While there are security benefits, Secure DNS can also make it more difficult to detect malicious activity from the network because it will mask DNS queries generated by those attacks.

SMB encryption encrypts Server Message Block (SMB) traffic across the network. SMB is the protocol that Windows devices use to access Windows file shares. SMB is also commonly used for connectivity to NAS appliances and other storage arrays.

Microsoft added SMB encryption to Windows Server 2012 and enhanced it in Windows Server 2022 by adding support for both AES-256-GCM and AES-256-CCM encryption.

Admins turn on SMB encryption from the Windows Admin Center by connecting to the server hosting an SMB share, clicking on Files and File Sharing, followed by the File Shares tab. From there, select the share to encrypt and check Enable SMB encryption.

To do the same procedure but from PowerShell, enter the following command to use SMB encryption on a Windows file share:

Set-SmbShare Name -EncryptData $true

When using SMB encryption, understand the difference between enabling and requiring SMB encryption. Enabling means clients that connect to an SMB share will use encryption if possible while requiring SMB encryption will reject any non-encrypted connections.

Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 are currently the only Windows operating systems that support AES-256 encryption. Older Windows clients that connect to an SMB share hosted on a Windows Server 2022 host will revert to an older encryption standard, such as AES-128.

Windows Server 2022 also supports SMB encryption for east-west traffic, which refers to the SMB traffic that flows between Windows failover cluster nodes and a cluster shared volume. If the failover cluster uses Storage Spaces Direct, then this option allows the encryption of cluster communications for better overall security.

The easiest way to force a cluster node to encrypt all SMB traffic is to enter the following command into PowerShell:

Set-SMBServerConfiguration -EncryptData $True -Force

Verify the operation was successful by checking the EncryptData value after running the Get-SMBServerConfiguration command.

Microsoft developed support for encryption with SMB Direct in Windows Server 2022. This protocol uses Remote Data Memory Access (RDMA) to transfer large amounts of data without the CPU overhead normally required for these types of operations.

In previous Windows Server versions, enabling SMB encryption disabled direct data placement, which resulted in significantly slower SMB Direct performance making it on par with a normal SMB session. Microsoft addressed this issue in Windows Server 2022 to give organizations high-speed encrypted transfers by encrypting the data prior to placement. While the encryption process does require some CPU resources, the performance impact is typically very minor.

Microsoft covers these SMB improvements at the following link.

Originally posted here:
Network security gets a boost in Windows Server 2022 - TechTarget

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Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Market SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape and Massive Growth 2021 | Amazon Web Services, AT & T, Google,…

The global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market report covers the issues existing in the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services industry and gives suggestions to overcome the risks in the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market. The report forecasts expected growth rates, market share, marker size, and market position of the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market. It uses statistical and analytical tools to clearly define the performance of the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market. Forecast data presented in the study is used to analyze the strategic importance of the sectors, sub-sectors, and regions to the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market. The policy scenarios are studied to analyze the implications of the market forecast on the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services industry.

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A research study conducted on the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market report imparts a holistic approach and provides insights of various aspects of the Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services industry including the market opportunities probable to drive the future growth, market history and strategies implemented in the past and future trends and innovations. The main objective of the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services report is to focus on the regional analysis and to portray the competitive environment of the industry. Major countries with widened opportunities discussed in the report include China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, and Malaysia along with some scope in European countries such as Italy and Belgium. Segmentation by application is also included in the global report. The Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services industry finds its application in multiple industries in need of convenient and affordable components. This is the key driver explained the Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services report. Marketers can benefit by understanding the target customers and trends in the market.

Moreover, the Global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Market report also studies various aspects efficiently segmenting the market which include the services offered, mode of deployment, applications and end-users along with regional segmentation. The market research study also identifies the key competitors along with key customers potentially driving the Global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Market growth. Along with this, the market study applies multiple analytical techniques with a purpose of offering holistic market overview which include SWOT analysis and Five Porters analysis studying the Global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Market opportunities and threats influencing the recent strategies implemented by top players to sustain the increasing competition and stringent regulations posing immense stress on the Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services industry.

The Key players in the international Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services marketplace are:Amazon Web Services, AT & T, Google, GoDaddy, Dreamhost, Earthlink, and Endurance

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Further, it prescribes ways to deal with reimburse with the impact of the pandemic of the global emergency of Coronavirus and helps the relationship with taking some fundamental decisions that are likely going to help the associations in recuperating advantage designs all through the following not many years. It also states how the pandemic has affected several businesses that are dependent upon the development of the global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market in the recent times. Further, the document offers important insights on latest happenings and also suggests ways which will help the industry players in making difficult decisions that are likely to help them in ensuring their profit trajectories in the coming years.

A holistic comprehension of the market developments pertaining to multi-faceted developments in global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market is crucial in gauging into the prevailing economical scenario, that adequately lends market participants in gaining absolute competitive edge pertaining to diverse elements such as production and consumption patterns, logistics alterations as well as untapped dormant opportunities that further accelerate growth and revenue sustainability in the Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market. The report also enables careful assessment and identification of global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market, marking events repositioning growth prognosis and aligning growth objectives. The report is a recent data compilation that is highly integral to initiate impeccable business decisions in global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market.

Global Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market is segmented based by type, application and region.

Based on Type, the market has been segmented into:by Product (Web-Site Builders, Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Collocation Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Cloud Hosting), By Organization Size (Small, Medium and Large enterprises), By Countries (Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Rest of Southeast Asia)

Based on application, the market has been segmented into:By Application (IT & Telecom, BFSI, Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Government & Utilities, Retail, Consumer Electronics and Others)

Predominant Questions Answered in This Report Are:

1. Which segments will perform well in the Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services market over the forecasted years?

2. In which markets companies should authorize their presence?

3. What are the forecasted growth rates for the market?

4. What are the long-lasting defects of the industry?

5. How share market changes their values by different manufacturing brands?

6. What are the qualities and shortcomings of the key players?

7. What are the major end results and effects of the five strengths study of industry?

Extracts from Table of Content:

Chapter 1: Market Overview, Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities, Segmentation overview

Chapter 2: Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 3: Production by Regions

Chapter 4: Consumption by Regions

Chapter 5: Production, By Types, Revenue and Market share by Types

Chapter 6: Consumption, By Applications, Market share (%) and Growth Rate by Applications

Chapter 7: Complete profiling and analysis of Manufacturers

Chapter 8: Manufacturing cost analysis, Raw materials analysis, Region-wise manufacturing expenses.

Chapter 9: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10: Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11: Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12: Market Forecast

Chapter 13: Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source.


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Southeast Asia Web Hosting Services Market SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape and Massive Growth 2021 | Amazon Web Services, AT & T, Google,...

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5 tips to help you in your next cloud computing job interview –

Hays Christine Wright gives her top tips for tech professionals looking to sell themselves in a cloud computing interview.

Cloud computing is a very well-paid industry, with professionals potentially earning more than 60,000 per year in the UK and around $100,000 in the US according to the Hays salary guide and with demand for such roles increasing greatly in recent years.

The pandemic is also accelerating the number of cloud migrations, further increasing demand for a host of IT cloud jobs. This trend shows no signs of stopping.

With this level of demand, now is the perfect time for many tech professionals to start applying for cloud computing jobs. But if you do not have much experience in the cloud, how can you stand out from the crowd during a job interview?

Every company has a reason to migrate to the cloud. But if you can position yourself as a candidate who understandswhya cloud migration is important to an organisation, this exhibits your wider knowledge.

Remember, every company is at a different stage of its cloud migration. While81pc of companieshave at least one application running on the cloud, most are still developing their cloud migration strategies. However, the majority of businesses will also know what they want to get out of the cloud even if they are still not sure how to get there.

Thats where you come in. If you can link your previous tech roles to the wider enterprise, you are clearly demonstrating that you understand the big picture. It also shows that youre a well-rounded candidate who is willing to adapt to the business, which is another important skill to emphasise.

During any interview, you are usually asked about your qualifications and career development plans. This is your opportunity to not just reel off a list of exam results and past projects, but to also demonstrate your knowledge of the latest cloud computing advancements.

So, before your job interview, ensure youve researched the industry thoroughly. You can then use this research to structure your responses to any questions about your continuous education and professional development.

If youre moving from a role as a solutions architect to a cloud solutions architect, for example, try to demonstrate and explain how you have prepared for this shift. You may have taken on additional responsibilities in your current role or completed a continuous education course, for example.

This prep would certainly be worth your while. An AWS/Azure cloud architect earnsmore than 100,000on average per year in the UK. And in the US, a cloud solutions architect could earn around$150,000. Whereas an infrastructure architect earns around 83,000 in the UK.

Cloud-based applications development is a growing field and one that is attracting a lot of talented software developers. During an interview, it is important to highlight your understanding of developing applications specifically for the cloud.

To start, you must be familiar with a range of cloud platforms and understand the implications of designing a tool with scalability in mind. Also, while a cloud-based app can technically be unlimited in size, remember cloud hosting is not free. So, data size optimisation and condensed user requests could help, for example. And dont forget to brush up on your cloud security knowledge, too.

Cloud-native development also covers emerging development areas such as containers, continuous delivery, orchestration and microservices. Even if you are still developing your skills in this space, it is important to show your awareness and understanding as much as possible.

If you are unsure on the technical details, focus instead on how such areas can help the business and show your willingness to learn.

Cloud DevOpsis an emerging area where cloud computing and DevOps are both essential for any digitisation initiative. Now, cloud professionals often find themselves working under a DevOps methodology.

DevOps essentially empowers developers to respond to the business in near real time. In other words, your development efforts are highly accelerated. The centralised nature of the cloud provides DevOps efforts with a standard platform for development, testing and production. As such, the cloud and DevOps are often intrinsically linked.

During your interview, it is important to have an understanding of DevOps and demonstrate your familiarity with some best practices in this space. You may want to ask questions about how the organisation embraces DevOps practices, for example, to further showcase your knowledge.

Multi-cloud initiatives are growing in popularity and, as a result, there is now demand for tech professionals that can work across multiple vendors, developing cloud-agnostic tools.

If you want to demonstrate your expertise in this area, you could work towards a certification in AWS, Google Cloud, Azure or another popular cloud platform. Then, learn how other organisations manage their workloads across multiple clouds.

The world has changed a lot in recent times, massively accelerating many organisations digital transformation efforts. This has provided tech professionals with the perfect opportunity to explore new skillsets and careers.

Cloud computing is an area that is predicted to grow and grow in the years ahead. And if you can market yourself effectively, you could secure one of these highly lucrative and in-demand cloud jobs.

By Christine Wright

Christine Wright is senior vice-president of Hays US. A version of this article previously appeared on the Hays Technology blog.

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5 tips to help you in your next cloud computing job interview -

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Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Size, Share, Trends and Future Growth Predictions till 2026 – Get News Alert

Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Research Report 20202025 is a historical overview and in-depth study on the current & future market of the Health Care Cloud and Hosting industry. The report represents a basic overview of the market status, competitor segment with a basic introduction of key vendors, top regions, product types and end industries. This report gives a historical overview of the market trends, growth, revenue, capacity, cost structure, and key drivers analysis.

The report offers detailed coverage of the Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting market which includes industry chain structure, definitions, applications, and classifications. The global Health Care Cloud and Hosting market analysis is provided for the international markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, investment plan, business strategy, opportunity, and key regions development status. Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, industry share, policy, price, revenue and gross margins.

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Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market providing information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also carried out. The Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting market development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. Finally, the feasibility of new investment projects is assessed and overall research conclusions offered.

Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting market competition by TOP MANUFACTURERS, with production, price, revenue (value) and each manufacturer including

This report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering

On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into

On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including

Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into:

Some of the key questions answered in this report:

With tables and figures helping analyze worldwide Global Health Care Cloud and Hosting market, this research provides key statistics on the state of the industry and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.

Some Major Points from Table of Content (TOC):

Chapter 1 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market OverviewChapter 2 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Segment Analysis by PlayerChapter 3 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Segment Analysis by TypeChapter 4 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Segment Analysis by ApplicationChapter 5 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Segment Analysis by Sales ChannelChapter 6 Health Care Cloud and Hosting Market Segment Analysis by RegionChapter 7 Profile of Leading Health Care Cloud and Hosting PlayersChapter 8 Upstream and Downstream Analysis of Health Care Cloud and Hosting Chapter 9 Development Trend of Health Care Cloud and Hosting (20202025)Continued

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Daily Crunch: Shark Tank India host Ashneer Grover tries to get his BharatPe CEO removed from board – TechCrunch

To get a roundup of TechCrunchs biggest and most important stories delivered to your inbox every day at 3 p.m. PST, subscribe here.

Hello and welcome to Daily Crunch for Friday, February 4, 2022! The TechCrunch team is getting pretty stoked for our 2022 slate of live and online events. Equity and Found are hosting live tapings for which I can confirm that tech checks are underway and weve got Early Stage coming in short order. Its going to be, if I may, a party. Alex

One recent survey of sales and marketing professionals found that only half of respondents said they were likely to attend an event in H1 2022.

Traditionally, companies hold in-person sales kickoffs (SKOs) in January and February to brief sales teams about new products and devise strategies. Today, those convention centers and hotel ballrooms are dark and quiet.

Hybrid events wont give teams a chance to bond over karaoke, but with a tight agenda and a compelling theme, you can create a virtual or hybrid SKO that people will actually want to attend.

If you lead a sales team, this post shares strategies for finding a theme that reflects your goals, as well as advice on scheduling and tips on ways to express your company culture.

Even if your team is spread across several time zones, theres still time to grab a sandwich and network, and Zoom karaoke counts as team-building.

(TechCrunch+ is our membership program, which helps founders and startup teams get ahead. You can sign up here.)

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How to evaluate the transition to Cloud MIS – Technology Magazine

The technology exists for educational MIS tools to make the essential move away from desktop and into the cloud. However, a staggering 70% of school IT systems (consisting of MIS software and data hosting) still run on desktop solutions that are essentially locked away in a room. While these tools may be deemed adequate by some, their desktop nature means educators cannot benefit from connected and real-time data.

Being tethered to desktop MIS software has many limitations, including having to use valuable resources to host, manage and secure the systems. The old ways of running schools kept data out of the hands of the people who needed it and has created a significant admin burden for teaching staff today, who have to duplicate data entry across different systems.

Educators do not have the ability to quickly fulfil the information needs of stakeholders (i.e. governors, parents, pupils, teachers) and waste considerable time trying to organise data into something meaningful.

The technology exists to bring real-time MIS data together into a connected cloud system. Absence data can be collected at registration and dealt with in real-time. Every teacher has a central, holistic view of each child and can join up the dots on changes in behaviour, wellbeing and safeguarding. Attainment and progression can be contextualised and even scrutinised taking other factors into account. Educational leaders are able to look at and for trends in the numbers.

Preconceptions around technological change are that it is scary and hard. However, schools that have already made the switch successfully demonstrate the many practical actions that can be taken to make the process as painless as possible. Heres four principles to consider.

Its easy to get caught up in complex change management models and a mindset of feeling the need to hire expensive consultants when switching. However, the successes of those who have already made the move to the cloud prove that it is possible to take more pragmatic and cost-effective steps to managing change.

Create collateral to support internal communications, building a champion group to evangelise about the change and providing learning opportunities for team members. These are powerful and straightforward actions that can be taken to ease cultural fears and get the process on track.

Champion groups should be formed from across an entire school or MAT and comprise a diverse range of people rather than just early adopters and power users. These individuals will be ambassadors, so they should be involved in decisions and given appropriate bandwidth to perform their champion role.

It is the softer side of change that is important to get a handle on, which is why internal communications plays a pivotal role. Have a clear communications plan with a regular drumbeat of outreach using a variety of different mediums. Cloud MIS vendors are starting to support schools with these vital internal communications efforts. Some provide posters, tutorial-style videos and raise awareness. These focus on the benefits at an individual level.

Internal communications vehicles can also be used to celebrate successes and achievements during the transition. This is a great way to motivate stakeholders to try new ways of doing things and reinforce the necessity to change. If there are fears around change, this should be dealt with head-on through two-way communication and engaging everyone in decision-making. This provides opportunities for concerns to be discussed honestly.

Teachers are drawn to the profession to inspire and teach students, not to fulfil admin requirements. The UK is facing the largest skills shortage for generations. According to ONSs latest labour market statistics, recruitment difficulties are persisting as open vacancies rocket to record highs. Employers are having to fight harder for every candidate, and no one wants to lose quality teaching staff. If a teacher has been empowered through modern technology before, they will be horrified to have to revert back to a desktop world of work.

Sticking with desktop technology may therefore make it harder to retain key staff and attract younger teachers, who may be digital natives themselves and are likely to be more aware of what cloud technologies can bring.

Cloud-based systems offer internal messengers, planners and registrations while tools like voice-to-text dictation remove the pain of term-end reporting. Live notifications mean no more needless notes, errands or calls and vendors are working hard to deliver a superior, consumer-grade user experience; the standard younger generations now expect in all aspects of their daily lives.

Choosing the right technology partner is key to dealing with the scale of the task. Fully explore with them how the new solution will work in practice. For example, it should support ease of use, streamline workflows and provide access for all stakeholders. It should also connect data silos, providing a rich flow of information throughout the school and a real insight into what is going on. Schools generate a great deal of information and school leaders need to have this information in their hands, in an easy to consume format.

In the case of MATs, where infrastructure around change is likely to require diverting critical peoples time, and in worst-case scenarios, educators away from what they are supposed to be doing, it is essential to get the planning right. Choose a technology partner capable of supporting you through this. One that has the resources to take the role of change management hand holder.

Vendors should also have the experience and scale to bring in resources to support implementations, especially if requirements change or something doesnt quite go to plan.

You dont have to go on the journey to changing vendors on your own. IT Support Providers play a key role in supporting schools in evaluating their options. They have deep expertise and provide advice as well as high-quality support.

Working with these providers allows schools and MATs to benefit from knowledge across the whole community. They have a great skillset and a wealth of users stories to draw on.

MIS Support Units like SBS and iCT4, for example, are on a quest to transform the classroom through technology. Computeam is another organisation that Schools and MATs trust to deliver future-proofed, cloud solutions that make a positive impact on school life, whether in the classroom or outside of it.

The demands on teaching staff and governors are increasing, so there is an opportunity cost to not moving to cloud MIS software. Indeed, our recent data shows that 90% of schools are expected to do more with less funding.

There is no doubt that the pandemic has further exacerbated the admin burden on teaching professionals who must report on increased absence, deliver lessons remotely and play a more active role in the pastoral care of students; all alongside fulfilling Ofsted and School Workforce Census requirements.

Cloud MIS tools free up teachers time so it can be spent on the things that matter the most; the students. To me this offers schools the ability to change their whole environment; picking out those repetitive, non-value added tasks and giving time back to teachers. The wider societal impact this could have is huge.

The requirement of MATs and schools having to analyse data to provide insights about the performance of pupils and operational effectiveness is also a particular challenge. 43% of teaching staff list this as the most significant issue they currently face and 90% of school leaders now say report data and analysis is a huge issue impacting their workload.

Remaining on desktop solutions makes data analysis harder, with educators having to use valuable time moving around sensitive data manually. We dont want to see schools manipulating data in spreadsheets, when there is such a powerful alternative.

The richness of data that cloud software brings ranges right across the school day, from joining the dots on pupil safeguarding concerns in real time, through to maximising school assets. The ability to host this data in the cloud, and then interrogate it quickly and easily, means that those schools without this capability will be left with a huge disadvantage.

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How to evaluate the transition to Cloud MIS - Technology Magazine

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Global Bare Metal Cloud Market Is Set For A Rapid Growth And Is Expected To Reach Around $14.32 Billion Globally By 2024 | Exclusive Report by…


Esticast Research has published a new report titledBare Metal Cloud Market: by Component (Solutions and Services [Integration & Migration, Consulting & Assessment, and Maintenance Services]), by End-User (Advertising, BFSI, Government, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Telecommunication & IT, and Others): Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis, and Forecast, 2017-2024.According to the report, Bare Metal Cloud Market Is Set For A Rapid Growth And Is Expected To Reach Around USD 14.32 Billion Globally By 2024.

The top Leading Market Players Covered in this Report are :IBM Corp., Oracle Corporation, Centurylink Incorporation, Rackspace Hosting Incorporation, Internap Corporation, Packet, Joyent Inc., BIGSTEP, Scaleway, and Liquid Web Inc. among others.

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About Esticast Research:

Esticast Researchis a research firm providing research reports on various industries with a unique combination of authenticity, extensive research, and infallibility. We provide syndicated market research reports, customization services, and consulting services to help businesses across the world in achieving their goals and overcoming complex challenges. We specialize in providing 360-degree view of the markets to assist clients in determining new opportunities and develop business strategies for the future with data and statistics on changing market dynamics. Esticast Research & Consulting has expert analysts and consultants with an ability to work in collaboration with clients to meet their business needs and give opportunities to thrive in a competitive world. A comprehensive analysis of industries ranging from healthcare to consumer goods and ICT to BFSI is provided by covering hundreds of industry segments. The research reports offering market forecasts, market entry strategies, and customer intelligence will help clients across the world in harnessing maximum value on their investment and realize their optimum potential.


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Global Bare Metal Cloud Market Is Set For A Rapid Growth And Is Expected To Reach Around $14.32 Billion Globally By 2024 | Exclusive Report by...

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