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Protect the Value of Trade Secrets Specific to AI/ML Platforms – The National Law Review

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Wepreviously discussedwhich portions of an artificial intelligence/machine-learning (AI/ML) platform can be patented. Under what circumstances, however, is it best to keep at least a portion of the platform a trade secret? And what are some best practices for protecting trade secrets? In this post, we explore important considerations and essential business practices to keep in mind when working to protect the value of trade secrets specific to AI/ML platforms, as well as the pros and cons of trade secret versus patent protection.

What qualifies as a trade secret can be extraordinarily broad, depending on the relevant jurisdiction, as, generally speaking, a trade secret is information that is kept confidential and derives value from being kept confidential. This can potentially include anything from customer lists to algorithms. In order to remain a trade secret, however, the owner of the information must follow specific business practices to ensure the information remains secret. If businesses do not follow the proscribed practices, then the ability to protect the trade secret is waived and its associated value is irretrievably lost. The business practices required are not onerous or complex, and we will discuss these below, but many businesses are unaware of what is required for their specific type of IP and only discover their error when attempting to monetize their inventions or sell their business. To avoid this devastating outcome, we work to arm our clients with the requisite practices and procedures tailored to their specific inventions and relevant markets.

In the context of AI/ML platforms, trade secrets can include the structure of the AI/ML model, formulas used in the model, proprietary training data, a particular method of using the AI/ML model, any output calculated by the AI/ML model that is subsequently converted into an end product for a customer, and similar aspects of the platform. There are myriad ways in which the value of the trade secret may be compromised.

For example, if an AI/ML model is sold as a platform and the platform provides the raw output of the model and a set of training data to the customer, then the raw output and the set of training data would no longer qualify for trade secret protection. Businesses can easily avoid this pitfall by having legally binding agreements in place between the parties to protect the confidentiality and ownership interests involved. Another area in which we frequently see companies waive trade secret protection is where the confidential information that can be independently discovered (such as through reverse-engineering a product). Again, there are practices that businesses can follow to avoid waiving trade secret protection due to reverse-engineering. Owners, therefore, must also be careful in ensuring that the information they seek to protect cannot be discovered through use or examination of the product itself and where that cannot be avoided, ensure that such access is governed by agreements that prohibit such activities, thereby maintaining the right to assert trade secret misappropriation and recover the value of the invention.

To determine if an invention may be protected as a trade secret, courts will typically examine whether the business has followed best practices or reasonable efforts for the type of IP and relevant industries. See e.g. Intertek Testing Services, N.A., Inc. v. Frank Pennisi et al., 443 F. Supp. 3d 303, 323 n.19 (E.D.N.Y. Mar. 9, 2020). What constitutes best practices for a particular type of IP can vary greatly. For example, a court may examine whether those trade secrets were adequately protected. The court may also look to whether the owner created adequate data policies to prevent employees from mishandling trade secrets. See Yellowfin Yachts, Inc. v. Barker Boatworks, LLC, 898 F.3d 1279 (11th Cir. Aug. 7, 2018)(where the court held that requiring password protection to access trade secrets was insufficient without adequate measures to protect information stored on employee devices). If the court decides that the business has not employed best practices, the owner can lose trade secret protection entirely.

Most often, a failure to ensure all parties who may be exposed to trade secrets are bound by a legally-sufficient confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement forces the owner to forfeit their right to trade secret protection for that exposed information. Owners should have experienced legal counsel draft these agreements to ensure that the agreements are sufficient to protect the trade secret and withstand judicial scrutiny; many plaintiffs have learned the hard way that improperly-drafted agreements can affect the trade secret protection afforded to their inventions. See, e.g., BladeRoom Group Ltd. v. Emerson Electric Co., 11 F.4th 1010, 1021 (9th Cir. Aug. 30, 2021)(holding that NDAs with expiration dates also created expiration dates for trade secret protection); Foster Cable Servs., Inc. v. Deville, 368 F. Supp. 3d 1265 (W.D. Ark. 2019)(holding that an overbroad confidentiality agreement was unenforceable); Temurian v. Piccolo, No. 18-cv-62737, 2019 WL 1763022 (S.D. Fla. Apr. 22, 2019)(holding that efforts to protect data through password protection and other means were negated by not requiring employees to sign a confidentiality agreement).

There are many precautions owners can take to protect their trade secrets, which we discuss below:

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements:One of the most common methods of protecting trade secrets is to execute robust confidentiality agreements and non-disclosure agreements with everyone who may be exposed to trade secrets, to ensure they have a legal obligation to keep those secrets confidential. Experienced legal counsel who can ensure the agreements are enforceable and fully protect the owner and their trade secrets are essential as there are significant pitfalls in these types of agreements and many jurisdictions have contradicting requirements.

Marketing and Product Development:The AI/ML platform itself should also be constructed and marketed in such a way as to prevent customers from easily discovering the trade secrets, whether through viewing marketing materials, through ordinary use of the platform, or through reverse-engineering of the platform. For example, if an AI/ML platform uses a neural network to classify medical images, and the number of layers used and the weights used by the neural network to calculate output are commercially valuable, the owner should be careful to exclude any details about the layers of the AI/ML model in marketing materials. Further, the owner may want to consider developing the platform in such a way that the neural network is housed internally (protected by various security measures) and therefore not directly accessible by a customer seeking to reverse-engineer the product.

Employee Training:Additionally, owners should also ensure that employees or contractors who may be exposed to trade secrets are trained in how to handle those trade secrets, including how to securely work on or discuss trade secrets, how to handle data on their personal devices (or whether trade secret information may be used on personal devices at all), and other such policies.

Data Security:Owners should implement security precautions (including limiting who can access trade secrets, requiring passwords and other security procedures to access trade secrets, restricting where data can be downloaded and stored, implementing mechanisms to protect against hacking attempts, and similar precautions) to reduce the risk of unintended disclosure of trade secrets. Legal counsel can help assess existing measures to determine whether they are sufficient to protect confidential information under various trade secret laws.

Trade secret protection and patent protection are obtained and maintained in different ways. There are many reasons why trade secret protection may be preferable to patent protection for various aspects of an AI/ML platform, or vice-versa. Below we discuss some criteria to consider before deciding how to protect ones platform.

Protection Eligibility:As noted in ourprevious blog post, patent protection may be sought for many components of an AI/ML platform. There are, however, some aspects of an AI/ML platform that may not be patent-eligible. For example, while the architecture of a ML model may be patentable, specific mathematical components of the model, such as the weight values, mathematical formulas used to calculate weight values in an AI/ML algorithm, or curated training data, may not, on their own, be eligible for patent protection. If the novelty of a particular AI/ML platform is not in how an AI/ML model is structured or utilized, but rather in non-patentable features of the model, trade secret protection can be used to protect this information.

Cost:There are filing fees, prosecution costs, issue fees, and maintenance fees required to obtain and keep patent protection on AI/ML models. Even for an entity that qualifies as a micro-entity under the USPTOs fee schedule, the lifetime cost of a patent could be several thousand dollars in fees, and several thousand dollars in attorneys fees to draft and prosecute the patent. Conversely, the costs of trade secret protection are the costs to implement any of the above methods of keeping critical portions of the AI/ML model secret from others. In many instances, it may be less expensive to rely on trade secret protection, than it may be to obtain patent protection.

Development Timeline:AI/ML models, or software that implements them, may undergo several iterations through the course of developing a product. As it may be difficult to determine which, if any, iterations are worth long-term protection until development is complete, it may be ideal to protect each iteration until the value of each has been determined. However, obtaining patent protection on each iteration may, in some circumstances, be infeasible. For example, once a patent application has been filed, the specification and drawings cannot be amended to cover new, unanticipated iterations of the AI/ML model; a new application that includes the new material would need to be filed, incurring further costs. Additionally, not all iterations will necessarily include changes that can be patented, or it may be unknown until after development how valuable a particular modification is to technology in the industry, making it difficult to obtain patent protection for all iterations of a model or software using the model. In these circumstances, it may be best to use a blend of trade secret and patent protection. For example, iterations of a model or software can be protected via trade secret; the final product, and any critical iterations in between, can subsequently be protected by one or more patents. This allows for a platform to be protected without added costs per iteration, and regardless of the nature of the changes made in each iteration.

Duration of Protection:Patent owners can enjoy protection of their claimed invention for approximately twenty years from the date of filing a patent application. Trade secret protection, on the other hand, lasts as long as an entity keeps the protected features a secret from others. For many entities, the twenty-year lifetime of a patent is sufficient to protect an AI/ML platform, especially if the patent owner anticipates substantially modifying the platform (e.g., to adapt to future needs or technological advances) by the end of the patent term. To the extent any components of the AI/ML platform are unlikely to change within twenty years (for example, if methods used to curate training data are unlikely to change even with future technological advances), it may be more prudent to protect these features as trade secrets.

Risk of Reverse-Engineering:As noted above, trade secrets do not protect inventions that competitors have been able to discover by reverse-engineering an AI/ML product. While an entity may be able to prevent reverse-engineering of some aspects of the invention through agreements between parties with permission to access the AI/ML product or through creative packaging of the product, there are some aspects of the invention (such as the training data that needs to be provided to the platform, end product of the platform, and other features) that may need to remain transparent to a customer, depending on the intended use of the platform. Such features, when patent-eligible, may benefit more from patent protection than from trade secret protection, as a patent will protect the claimed invention even if the invention can be reverse-engineered.

Exclusivity:A patent gives the patent owners the exclusive right to practice or sell their claimed inventions, in exchange for disclosing how their inventions operate. Trade secrets provide no such benefit; to the extent competitors are able to independently construct an AI/ML platform, they are allowed to do so even if an entity has already sold a similar platform protected by trade secret. Thus, to the extent an exclusive right to the AI/ML model or platform is necessary for the commercial viability of the platform or its use, patent protection may be more desirable than trade secret protection.

Trade secret law allows broad protection of information that can be kept secret from others, provided certain criteria are met to ensure the information is adequately protected from disclosure to others. Many aspects of an AI/ML platform can be protected under either trade secret law or patent law, and many aspects of an AI/ML platform may only be protected under trade secret law. It is therefore vital to consider trade secret protection alongside patent protection, to ensure that each component of the platform is being efficiently and effectively protected.

1994-2022 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. All Rights Reserved.National Law Review, Volume XII, Number 41

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Protect the Value of Trade Secrets Specific to AI/ML Platforms - The National Law Review

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The Role Of Artificial Intelligence in Network Evolution – Analytics Insight

Artificial Intelligence in network evolution makes things much better than what it was in the past.

Internet connectivity has been growing at around 2% between 2015 2019. But over the last 2 years, it has grown by 8% which is a drastic increase in connectivity. Change in professional and personal life demands since the last two years has led to a transition in the users expectations. From work from anywhere to e-healthcare and online education, the transition of everything from offline to online has led to growth in connectivity over the period. Adding to the listed gaming and entertainment have scaled up the expectations of the users by many folds. Customer Experience has taken a centre stage for all the Communication Service Providers. To meet these expectations, modern networks are becoming more complex. Experience Disruption has replaced Service Disruption today.

The new experience paradigm is expected to bring about various changes. Measuring Experience, Troubleshooting these networks with End to End Insights would be a key factor. Machine Reasoning, Machine Learning are going to play a vital role in this Network Evolution. Networks are going to get smarter and adapt to the needs of the consumers.

Artificial Intelligence is going to play a key role in the following areas

Awareness Measurement & Prediction of Experience

Reasoning Root cause Analysis in Networks

Interactive Natural Language Interaction

Mature Intelligence that would Evolve over time and correct decisions

Autonomous Self adjust to the needs of the consumes

This is the new ARIMA of networks.

Awareness Powered by Artificial Intelligence, networks would be completely aware of the type & nature of Connected Devices and their current bandwidth requirements. By understanding the trends, Networks of WiFi connections for home as well as in offices should be able to measure and personalize the experience of each user that comes on board. For certain IoT devices latency could be critical, but for other devices bandwidth. AI will help the networks to become completely aware of these demands. As home and office networks always have many devices working in tandem, it is important that AI optimizes the networks to obtain a collective optimum smooth user experience.

Reasoning: Network Engineers always equip themselves with a lot of Network Monitoring tools which help them to be very confident and in control of the networks. Conventionally, when we face issues with the network, the process of complaining and getting the issue resolved takes a lot of time. Artificial intelligence-powered networks would help reduce the task of dealing with the entire process of complaining to a great extent. The problem could be escalated and necessary troubleshooting could be done in a few clicks. The problem will be recorded as soon as the user faces any issue with the network and diagnosis for the same will take place automatically without any human intervention. The root cause will automatically be identified and the resolution will be accelerated.

Interactive Natural Language Engines have got the power to bring about a great evolution. NLP provides Networks a voice to interact with humans in a way like never before. We have been seeing products like Alexa which are bridging the gap of communication between IoT devices and humans using Voice Interface. Network Admin and Home Users can interact with the network in a similar way. Networks would be able to understand human indentions and adapt accordingly.

Mature AI allows the transfer of the intelligence possessed by the Network Experts to Routers, Switches, and other elementals which are part of the network. Working in tandem with each other and with customer Experience as feedback systems in place, Machine Learning models engage in continuous learning and constantly optimize to maximize the experience.

Autonomous Integrating artificial intelligence in networks gives a switch from traditional reactive methods to proactive methods. Automating the method of finding a problem, diagnosing it, and prescribing a solution, help in the reduction of human interventions. With this proactive approach, we can expect maximum uptime of the network as the solution to the problem is identified and accelerated. This eventually will help the IT department to focus on its core objectives.

Technology evolves over time; it makes things much better than what it was in the past. With these new changes and enhancements, new vulnerabilities arise as well. Nothing has been more frustrating than not being able to connect to the network or getting slow internet despite having connectivity. Other than this, the safety of our information uploaded could be prone to risk. Sudden loss of network in the mid of an urgent task makes a user feel as if the world took a halt. AI has left no industry untouched. The network industry is no exception to that.

Following are a few transformations that have begun with artificial intelligence getting into networks.

Since the pandemic, we saw a great shift across all the major industries to the digital space. This shift has increased the importance of the availability of a superior and consistent network across the globe.

Technology is evolving at an extreme pace; more network transformations in the future will arise. Networks will also start evolving just like humans at a pace that we cannot imagine as the computing powers are growing rapidly. New technologies that are coming to play, can potentially make the networks and devices associated with them mimic human intelligence and reasoning.

Pramod Gummaraj, CEO, Aprecomm

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Analytics Insight is an influential platform dedicated to insights, trends, and opinions from the world of data-driven technologies. It monitors developments, recognition, and achievements made by Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics companies across the globe.

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The Role Of Artificial Intelligence in Network Evolution - Analytics Insight

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North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market Developments, Competitive Analysis, Forecasts to 2027 Talking Democrat – Talking…

North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market

North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists. It provides the industry overview with growth analysis and historical & futuristic cost, revenue, demand, and supply data (as applicable). The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Market study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding, scope, and application of this report.

This North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market represents a CAGR of 44.3% from 2020 to 2027

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North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosisincludes market research report Top Companies:General Electric Company, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Aidoc, Arterys Inc., Isometric, IDx Technologies Inc., MaxQ AI Ltd., Caption Health, Inc., Zebra Medical Vision, Inc., Siemens Healthcare Private Limited have their own company profiles, growth phases, and market development opportunities. This report provides the most recent business details associated with business events, import/export scenarios, and market share.

North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market Split by Product Type and Applications:

This report segments the North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market on the premise ofTypesis:

Medical Imaging Tool

Automated Detection System


On the premise ofApplication, the North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market is segmented into:

Eye Care





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Important sections of the TOC:

-Economic Impact Variables on North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market: Illuminates the consequences of environmental, political, and economic fluctuations, and explains changes in customer and consumer requirements. We also provide a detailed report of North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis on the technology risks and advancements in the market.

-Forecasts based on macro-and micro-economy: Ensuring price, revenue, and volume North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis forecasts for the market. It also includes, in addition to forecasting growth, revenue, and import volume for the region, with revenue forecasting for the North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis application, along with revenue forecasting by cost, revenue, and type.

-Marketing Strategy Analysis: In this section, North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis analysis aims at niche positioning and provides information regarding the target audience, new strategies, and pricing strategies. We provide a comprehensive North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis marketing station analysis that investigates the problem. Marketing channel development trends, direct marketing as well as indirect marketing.

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Research Methodology:

The North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market Report includes estimates of value (million USD) and volume (M Sqm). each top-down and bottom-up approaches area unit wants to estimate and validate the market size of the North America Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis Market and therefore the size of varied different sub-markets of the market as an entire.

The key players within the market are known through secondary analysis, and market share has been determined through primary and secondary analysis. Percentage splits and breakdowns area unit all determined using secondary and valid primary sources.

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Business Market Insights is a market research platform that provides subscription service for industry and company reports. Our research team has extensive professional expertise in domains such as Electronics & Semiconductor; Aerospace & Defense; Automotive & Transportation; Energy & Power; Healthcare; Manufacturing & Construction; Food & Beverages; Chemicals & Materials; and Technology, Media, & Telecommunications.

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Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Market is slated to grow rapidly 2022 to 2028 Talking Democrat – Talking Democrat

Global Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Market Overview:

Global Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Market presents insights on the current and future industry trends, enabling the readers to identify the products and services, hence driving the revenue growth and profitability. The research report provides a detailed analysis of all the major factors impacting the market on a global and regional scale, including drivers, constraints, threats, challenges, opportunities, and industry-specific trends. Further, the report cites global certainties and endorsements along with downstream and upstream analysis of leading players. The research report comes up with the base year 2021 and the forecast between 2022 and 2028.

This report covers all the recent development and changes recorded during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain market report aims to provide all the participants and the vendors will all the details about growth factors, shortcomings, threats, and the profitable opportunities that the market will present in the near future. The report also features the revenue share, industry size, production volume, and consumption in order to gain insights about the politics to contest for gaining control of a large portion of the market share.

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Top Key Players in the Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Market:IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, SAS, SAP SE, Siemens, Salesforce, Cambridge Analytica, Civis Analytics, RapidMiner

The Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Industry is severely competitive and fragmented due to the existence of various established players taking part in different marketing strategies to increase their market share. The vendors operating in the market are profiled based on price, quality, brand, product differentiation, and product portfolio. The vendors are turning their focus increasingly on product customization through customer interaction.

Major Types of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain covered are:On-premiseCloud-based

Major end-user applications for Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain market:AutomotiveAerospaceChemicalsBuilding ConstructionOthers

Regional Analysis For Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply ChainMarket

North America(the United States, Canada, and Mexico)Europe(Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)Asia-Pacific(China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)South America(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.)The Middle East and Africa(Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

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Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Market is slated to grow rapidly 2022 to 2028 Talking Democrat - Talking Democrat

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Bitcoin, Terra (LUNA) and One More Altcoin Set for Rallies …

A popular crypto strategist says Bitcoin (BTC), Terra (LUNA), and one other low-cap altcoin are preparing for their next moves up.

Pseudonymous crypto analyst Capotellshis 229,500 Twitter followers that he expects an upcoming spring movement from Bitcoin, the largest crypto asset by market cap.

Still expecting that spring movement before the start of the mark-up.

The traders chart refers to the Wyckoff method for technical analysis, an approach that aims to identify when large investors are accumulating or selling an asset. An accumulation pattern highlights a period where institutional investors are controlling an assets price to buy at discounted prices.

According to the trader, BTCs current value of $46,822 placesBitcoin right around the zone where a price spring should occur, driving BTC upwards.

As for smart contract platform Terra (LUNA), which has exploded over 13,000% in value since January 2021, the trader seesLUNA consolidating around the $75 range before making another price jump.

Terrais trading at $87.06 at time of writing, down 4.79% on the day.

Finally, Capo foresees low-cap smart contract platform Hathor (HTR) making huge gains in the coming months.

Hathor is a scalable cryptocurrency alternative combining direct acrylic graph technology with decentralized blockchain technology. Hathor is a proof-of-work blockchain designed for real-world tokenization use cases.

Capo highlightsthe $2.08 range as key resistance for the little-known blockchain. Beyond that range, Capo only sees HTR moving upwards.

Hathoris currently trading at $2.10, down 2.32% on the day.

Featured Image: Shutterstock/Sergey Nivens/Webuz/Nikelser Kate

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Bitcoin, Terra (LUNA) and One More Altcoin Set for Rallies ...

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This Altcoin Gained Over 3,000% in 2021 — and Could Skyrocket in 2022 – The Motley Fool

Image source: Getty Images

Avalanche is a smart contract crypto that's going places.

The cryptocurrency industry had an incredible 2021. The total market cap -- the amount of money invested in crypto -- stood at about $770 billion on Jan. 1 and finished the year at $2.25 trillion. And various individual cryptos outperformed the market. For example, smart contract crypto Avalanche (AVAX) gained over 3,000% across the year, taking it to 10th place in the crypto charts.

Avalanche launched in 2020 and quickly became a serious player in the crypto space. It has a strong team behind it in the form of Ava Labs and has also secured investment from major players such as Polychain and Three Arrows Capital.

Here are some of the reasons Avalanche could skyrocket in 2022.

Programmable cryptos are the building blocks of the crypto industry. These are whole ecosystems where other applications and cryptocurrencies can be built. Ethereum (ETH) was the original smart contract crypto, but it struggles with network congestion and high fees. As a result, a number of Ethereum alternatives have grown in popularity -- including Avalanche.

It is early days and it isn't clear which smart contract cryptos will come out ahead. But these networks will be at the heart of any upcoming developments in the crypto industry. Whether it's metaverses, decentralized finance, Web 3, or non-fungible tokens (NFT), they all run on smart contract platforms.

We don't yet know which of these sub sectors will blossom, nor do we know for sure which individual projects will succeed. But we do know smart contracts are the secret sauce that powers all of them, making the platforms themselves a solid investment choice.

There are a few different metrics we can use to evaluate programmable cryptocurrencies. These include transactions per second (TPS) and time to finality. The time to finality is the length of time it takes for a transaction to become permanent and irreversible. It's a bit like how a credit card payment is listed as pending on your account before it's completely finalized.

Avalanche says it is the fastest platform when it comes to finality. According to its site, Bitcoin (BTC) has a time to finality of about 60 minutes, whereas Avalanche's is less than two seconds. It achieves this by having three interconnected blockchains, each of which serves a different purpose.

Another key metric when looking at cryptos is total value locked -- the amount of money that's been deposited on all the applications on that network. According to DeFi Llama, Avalanche has around $9 billion locked on its system, putting it in 4th place ahead of Solana, another one of last year's top-performing cryptos. It still has a way to go to catch up to Ethereum, which tops the list with about $126 billion on its network.

What's interesting is that decentralized finance projects that were originally built on Ethereum, like Aave (AAVE), Curve (CRV), and SushiSwap (SUSHI) are now also running on Avalanche. So, for example, traders can now use the SushiSwap decentralized exchange without having to pay exorbitant Ethereum fees.

Avalanche also announced a strategic alliance with Deloitte at the end of last year. Deloitte will use Avalanche's blockchain to help state and local governments demonstrate their eligibility for federal emergency funding. The Close As You Go platform helps officials streamline disaster reimbursement applications to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

If you're considering buying Avalanche, it is available from most of the top cryptocurrency exchanges. However, make sure you do your own research and only invest money you can afford to lose. This is still a relatively new industry and cryptocurrency prices can be volatile.

We've covered some of the reasons to be optimistic about Avalanche. But it's also worth considering what's happening in the wider crypto market. Prices have slumped in recent months, primarily due to tightening economic policies around the world. People are pulling out of riskier investments like crypto. Depending on how the economic situation evolves, crypto prices might not see the same extraordinary growth they did last year.

There's also the spectre of increased regulation. In the long term, regulation could help bolster investor confidence and remove some of the bad actors in the market. But in the short term, regulatory moves worldwide may hit crypto prices even harder. As a result, it's important to see any crypto investment you make now through a long-term lens. The question is not whether AVAX can skyrocket in 2022, but whether it can perform well in the coming five to 10 years.

There are hundreds of platforms around the world that are waiting to give you access to thousands of cryptocurrencies. And to find the one that's right for you, you'll need to decide what features that matter most to you.

To help you get started, our independent experts have sifted through the options to bring you some ofour best cryptocurrency exchanges for 2021. Check out the list here and get started on your crypto journey, today.

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This Altcoin Gained Over 3,000% in 2021 -- and Could Skyrocket in 2022 - The Motley Fool

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Is This Altcoin About To Dominate The NFT Market? – Benzinga – Benzinga

Image provided by Masterworks

This post contains sponsored advertising content. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice.

With $338 million in sales in 2020, and $24.9 billion in 2021 (a 73x difference), theres no denying the NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) market is on fire. And many analysts predict things are just heating up, with Nasdaq.coms Luke Lango speculating the NFT Market Could Really Grow by 1,000x.

And its not slowing down. According to The Block Research, NFT trade volume jumped almost 3x this past month of January to $6.86 billion up from $2.67 billion in December. With this surge in interest and the NFT market at an all time high, investors are looking for ways to invest.

One option with a lot of potential is the tiny altcoin, Cardano (CRYPTO: ADA). Dubbed the Ethereum killer by many, its focus is on transaction speed and low fees the very problems currently plaguing projects on the Ethereum blockchain.

Cryptocurrencies with blockchain technology to host, mint, and handle transaction speed are key to the NFT market's growth. And with more than 100,000 NFTs Cardano hosted on Cardano-based marketplaces, and a talented team of software developers working tirelessly on the project, Cardano looks promising.

Bondly COO Robert Tran agrees and preaches about the benefits of Cardano. His biggest concern is that Ethereums current energy consumption is unsustainable. He was recently quoted saying:

One transaction on Ethereum literally uses as much power as the conventional hospital uses in a day and a half. Its simply just not sustainable.

He goes on to say that interoperability is key to sustainable growth.

Environmental concerns and the speed of transactions we feel will be key drivers in onboarding major consumer brands in the future. The other one is you know our view as a company but the future of blockchain is interoperability. Bondly has been built as an interoperable transparent portable swap protocol and we feel that this is the future of NFTs and Cardano is literally the most anticipated smart contract platform in the blockchain space.

As more and more companies start to work with NFTs and the market continues to expand, Cardano is perfectly positioned to seize a large percentage of the market share.

Another interesting byproduct of the interest in NFTs is the renewed interest in contemporary art. And its not just digital art, but physical, tangible artwork by masters. Platforms like Masterworks have become very popular with over 320,000 investors buying shares of million-dollar paintings by famed artists like Monet, Banksy, and Picasso.

Paintings have been selling out in hours, with crypto investors opting to buy art versus Lamborghinis. One example is the $7,428,000 Banksy called Mona Lisa which sold out in 3 hours, handing investors on Masterworks a 32% annualized appreciation, net of fee.

With the recent market dip, Cardano has dropped in price, trading for just $1.05 at the time of publishing. Thats a drop of 64% from its all-time high. But that gives investors the opportunity to take advantage of this recent market pullback with this undervalued altcoin.

While nothing is certain in the market, many in the space predict Cardano (ADA) is positioned to capture the lion's share of the market with its increased transaction speed and low fees.

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Is This Altcoin About To Dominate The NFT Market? - Benzinga - Benzinga

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Analyst Says One Altcoin Primed To Skyrocket, Gives Update on Ethereum (ETH), Terra (LUNA) and Avalanche (A… – The Daily Hodl

The anonymous host of cryptocurrency channel InvestAnswers is listing one altcoin that he expects to skyrocket.

InvestAnswers tells his 409,000 YouTube subscribers that Cosmos (ATOM), a network of many independent but interconnected blockchains known as zones, is slated to surge by about 40% in a month or less.

Its pretty clear to me that we will hit $45 in probably a month or less. It [ATOM] just looks absolutely perfect and set to skyrocket as we go forward. Not much selling pressure on the horizon and we should be able to get to that level [of] $45 which it hit four or five times in the last couple of months.

ATOM is trading at $31.08 at time of writing.

Next up,InvestAnswers says that Ethereum (ETH) is currently at the 0.5 Fibonacci level, a key Fibonacci retracement level that represents the halfway mark of a prevailing trend.

The crypto analyst adds that ETH could hit a new all-time high if it manages to break above the 50 and 200-day moving averages.

Were now getting close to the 0.5 Fibonacci level, about $3,300. Notice as well we need to break through the 50-day moving average. And then the next is to break through the 200-day moving average. And then well get to hopefully $3,700. After that, $4,150. After that, new all-time high $4,800.

ETH is trading at $3,146 at time of writing.

Next up is the native token of Terra (LUNA), a blockchain protocol consisting of a suite of decentralized stablecoins.

The crypto analyst says that LUNA is eyeing the $65 price level after bouncing off the 200-day moving age.

This one [LUNA] is making a nice recovery too

We are heading back towards the 0.386 Fibonacci level of $65. And then after that, you know LUNA can move very very fast when it wants to.

LUNA is trading at $55.55 at time of writing.

Next up is the native token of Avalanche (AVAX), a smart contract-enabled blockchain. The crypto analyst says that AVAX is in an overbought zone based on the Relative Strength Indicator (RSI). The RSI indicator ranges from 0 to 100 where 70 or higher indicates overbought conditions, and potentially the end of a rally, while 30 or lower indicates oversold conditions, and potentially the end of a sell-off.

Avalanche did get rejected off the $95 level. Its now at about $87 and the RSI is quickly approaching overbought

Avalanche chart might be running a little bit out of steam, well see. But hitting $95 was a clear selling point.

AVAX is trading at $88.85 at time of writing.


Featured Image: Shutterstock/Natalia Siiatovskaia/NextMarsMedia

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Analyst Says One Altcoin Primed To Skyrocket, Gives Update on Ethereum (ETH), Terra (LUNA) and Avalanche (A... - The Daily Hodl

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6 Altcoins to Watch, and Why the Crypto Market Is Bottoming: Analyst – Business Insider

Most crypto bulls would argue that digital assets are good investments because of their fundamentals. Blockchain technology will revolutionize finance. Bitcoin is a hedge for inflation and a store of value. Adoption is increasing. And so on.

Bears will argue the digital assets are nothing but high-risk vehicles for speculation, tethered to liquidity in the financial system. Bitcoin, ether, and tons of other cryptocurrencies have already sold off massively in recent months, as investors have turned bearish in anticipation of monetary tightening. Bitcoin and ether fell by as much as 50% from the former's November 8 high.

Gritt Trakulhoon, the top crypto analyst at asset management startup Titan, seems to be one of the few bears to acknowledge this argument as legitimate.

"In some ways it's sort of true," Trakulhoon recently told Insider.

But if he gives weight to that argument, and with the Federal Reserve pulling its support from the market and getting set to hike interest rates in the months ahead, why should investors be in crypto at all in the near-term? Liquidity is drying up, and quickly why bother for the time being?

Trakulhoon's answer was that investors seem to have digested the news around Fed tightening.

He pointed to signs that back this up, that the market may be bottoming though he admitted that bottoms are difficult to call in crypto as prices have indeed started to slightly recover in recent days.

For one, flows into digital asset funds have turned positive again, Trakulhoon said, citing data from CoinShares.

Relatedly, bitcoin "whales," or those that hold vast amounts of bitcoin, have started to add to their positions again, he said. The supply of bitcoin per whale is now at a 10-year high, according to Cointelegraph.

Further, long-term holders of bitcoin have also slowed selling, which Trakulhoon said has been a bullish indicator in the past.

Bitcoin's relative strength index, or RSI, also shows that the cryptocurrency appears to be oversold, he said in an email.

If bitcoin hasn't yet bottomed, Trakulhoon said the crypto, currently near $44,300, should ultimately go no lower than around $24,000. That's because this is bitcoin investors' average cost basis, he said. If and when bitcoin goes into the high $20,000s or low $30,000s, Trakulhoon said it would present an attractive risk-reward proposition.

Of course, there are also the long-term bullish trends that excite Trakulhoon, as his investment outlook is for the next 3-5 years.

Major banks are ramping up their crypto infrastructure and hiring teams of people familiar with the space. Banks are also investing heavily.

He also believes a bitcoin spot ETF will eventually be approved, which will mean more inflows, he said.

"Regardless of what the market does in the short-term, we still see development going on, progress being made," he said. "The number of developers and people who work in the space have multiplied dramatically in the last year, like 4-5 times. And I think going forward it's going to be quite interesting, because we're at the crux of really gaining that mainstream adoption."

In addition to bitcoin, which he likes as an inflation hedge and store of value, Trakulhoon said he is "quite bullish" on a number of other projects. All of them are layer-one blockchains, meaning they provide the base layer for other applications to build on.

The biggest of them is ethereum, which is currently the second-biggest crypto by market cap .

"I don't even consider ethereum as an altcoin anymore. It's a blue chip, the world's largest blockchain, has thousands of applications on it, and is undergoing a pretty transformative change in terms of moving from proof of work to proof of stake," he said about the smart-contract blockchain.

But ethereum has had its issues. Trakulhoon said it was "over compromised on security," and pointed to its high gas fees and lack of scalability as problems that need fixed.

That's why he also likes a number of ethereum's competitors, other smart-contract, layer-one blockchains. These include Avalanche, Terra, Solana, Phantom, and NEO.

"We look at these layer-one blockchains as a good sort of pick-and-shovel play to capture the potential growth that will come with metaverses, NFTs, gaming, and DeFi, because all these applications have to be built on these blockchains."

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6 Altcoins to Watch, and Why the Crypto Market Is Bottoming: Analyst - Business Insider

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Bitcoin, Ethereum and major altcoins reduce earnings –

Bitcoins price rose above the USD 45,500 resistance level. However, BTC failed to continue higher and began a new decline below USD 44,000. Currently (04:17 UTC) it is trading close to USD 43,200 with a bearish angle.

Likewise, most of the main ones too altcoin have decreased. ETH was trading below the USD 3,120 support level. XRP fell below the key USD 0.85 support zone. ADA is approaching the USD 1.12 support.

After a decent move above USD 45,000, Bitcoins price also rose above USD 45,500, but failed to stay above this zone. As a result, there was a new bearish reaction below USD 44,000. The price has fallen below the USD 43,500 level, while immediate support is near the USD 43,000 level. The next key support is near USD 42,750, below which the price could fall stronger.

On the upside, an initial resistance is found near the USD 43,800 level. The next major resistance is near the USD 44,000 level, above which the price could revisit USD 45,500.

The Ethereum price failed to stay above the USD 3,250 level again. It fell below USD 3,100 and may continue to fall towards the USD 3,020 support. The next major support is near USD 3,000, below which the price could slide to USD 2,950.

If there is another hike, the price could face resistance near USD 3,120. The next key resistance could be near the USD 3,200 zone.

Cardano (ADA) fell below the USD 1.15 support level. It is now approaching the USD 1.12 support zone. If there are further losses, the bears could test the USD 1.05 support.

Binance coin (BNB) is back below USD 420 and is trading near the USD 412 support. If the bears stay in action, the price could drop below the USD 400 support. The next major support is near the USD 380 level.

Solana (SOL) is down 6% and is approaching the USD 102 support. If there is a break down below USD 102 and USD 100, the price could have a stronger decline. In this case, it might test USD 85 support.

Dogecoin (DOGE) is once again consolidating near the USD 0.150 level. If there is a break down below USD 0.150, the price could drop to USD 0.132. Conversely, it could move up towards the USD 0.175 resistance.

The price of XRP failed again to break out of the USD 0.920 resistance. There was a new bearish reaction and this time the price was also trading below the USD 0.85 support. The next major support is near USD 0.82.

Many altcoins fell more than 5%, including LUNA, DOT, SHIB, MATIC, ATOM, LINK, NEAR, UNI, ALGO, LEO and FTM. Conversely, THETA gained 21% and broke the USD 4.00 resistance, increasing its weekly gains to 45%. SLP was up 23% in one day and 232% in one week, surpassing the $ 0.036 level.

Overall, bitcoins price is struggling below USD 44,000. If BTC slips below USD 42,500, there could be further falls towards USD 41,250 or even USD 40,000.


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Bitcoin, Ethereum and major altcoins reduce earnings -

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