The pursuit of Carlsens world cup rival in the chess engine is stopped – The KXAN 36 News

It enlightens The international sjakkforbundet (Fide) in a statement on Thursday.

the Background for the decision is that the government of Russia has ordered aviation authorities to put all the scheduled flights and chartered planes to and from the country on the ground from Friday. The country will stop all international flights as a measure to limit the infection of the koronaviruset.

For despite the fact that all sports events have been cancelled or moved as a result of virusutbruddet, started kandidatturneringen where eight players compete to get to meet Magnus Carlsen for the world CHAMPIONSHIP duel, as planned in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg on Tuesday.

The international sjakkforbundet writes in the statement that the tournament cant continue without there being guarantees that players and managers get safely home.

It came as a consequence of that the russians have finally tightened into how they handle this viruskrisen. And since it will no longer be possible to get out of Russia about a couple of days, then found out that one only had to cancel so that the participants going home to their country of origin, says Nrks sjakkekspert Torstein Bae.

He believes this is a serious decision, which clearly is significant for would no longer be competitive and for the world CHAMPIONSHIP cycle.

Why should would no longer be competitive to continue with her?

Bae is critical that the tournament was cancelled on an earlier date, and was not cancelled or postponed like all other major sporting events.

It is clear there is reason to ask about it, if one in all ought to have gone in once with this tournament, when all the other sports have cancelled all their. Why should would no longer be competitive to continue with her? It was not difficult to predict that someone either could be sick, or if it would happen any further which meant that you had to break, he says to NRK.

the Battle for who will be Carlsens world cup rival will continue at a later time. When will the results from the seven rounds so far conducted will be applicable when the parties resumed.

If you start from scratch again, so they will which is the best the way to react to it. At the same time, if one is to take off at the starting point they have now, so it will be very difficult to get with the worst way. Seen this way, itd be better now if we had had a zero and only deferred to a later time, says Bae.

Protested against the tournament

the Introduction to the say the least, been chaotic.

Earlier this week selected, Teimur Radjabov, who should participate, to withdraw from the tournament after having asked The international sjakkforbundet whether to move the tournament.

Also the former toppspilleren Vladimir Kramnik, who would have commented on the tournament, withdrew from the mission in protest.

I think it is a mistake to hosting the tournament for several reasons: Both for the reputation, legal and not least the human, he wrote in a statement.

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The pursuit of Carlsens world cup rival in the chess engine is stopped - The KXAN 36 News

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