Daily Crunch: Shark Tank India host Ashneer Grover tries to get his BharatPe CEO removed from board – TechCrunch

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Hello and welcome to Daily Crunch for Friday, February 4, 2022! The TechCrunch team is getting pretty stoked for our 2022 slate of live and online events. Equity and Found are hosting live tapings for which I can confirm that tech checks are underway and weve got Early Stage coming in short order. Its going to be, if I may, a party. Alex

One recent survey of sales and marketing professionals found that only half of respondents said they were likely to attend an event in H1 2022.

Traditionally, companies hold in-person sales kickoffs (SKOs) in January and February to brief sales teams about new products and devise strategies. Today, those convention centers and hotel ballrooms are dark and quiet.

Hybrid events wont give teams a chance to bond over karaoke, but with a tight agenda and a compelling theme, you can create a virtual or hybrid SKO that people will actually want to attend.

If you lead a sales team, this post shares strategies for finding a theme that reflects your goals, as well as advice on scheduling and tips on ways to express your company culture.

Even if your team is spread across several time zones, theres still time to grab a sandwich and network, and Zoom karaoke counts as team-building.

(TechCrunch+ is our membership program, which helps founders and startup teams get ahead. You can sign up here.)

Image Credits: SEAN GLADWELL / Getty Images

TechCrunch wants you to recommend growth marketers who have expertise in SEO, social, content writing and more! If youre a growth marketer, pass this survey along to your clients; wed like to hear about why they loved working with you.

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Daily Crunch: Shark Tank India host Ashneer Grover tries to get his BharatPe CEO removed from board - TechCrunch

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