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Scientists use AI to update data vegetation maps for improved wildfire forecasts | NCAR & UCAR News – University Corporation for Atmospheric…

May 31, 2022 - by Laura Snider

A cabin on the shore of Grand Lake in Colorado, near the area where the East Troublesome Fire burned in 2020. Many of the lodgepole pines in the region were killed by pine beetles. (Image: Don Graham/Flickr)

A new technique developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) uses artificial intelligence to efficiently update the vegetation maps that are relied on by wildfire computer models to accurately predict fire behavior and spread.

In a recent study, scientists demonstrated the method using the 2020 East Troublesome Fire in Colorado, which burned through land that was mischaracterized in fuel inventories as being healthy forest. In fact the fire, which grew explosively, scorched a landscape that had recently been ravaged by pine beetles and windstorms, leaving significant swaths of dead and downed timber.

The research team compared simulations of the fire generated by a state-of-the-art wildfire behavior model developed at NCAR using both the standard fuel inventory for the area and one that was updated with artificial intelligence (AI). The simulations that used the AI-updated fuels did a significantly better job of predicting the area burned by the fire, which ultimately grew to more than 190,000 acres of land on both sides of the continental divide.

One of our main challenges in wildfire modeling has been to get accurate input, including fuel data, said NCAR scientist and lead author Amy DeCastro. In this study, we show that the combined use of machine learning and satellite imagery provides a viable solution.

The research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, which is NCARs sponsor. The modeling simulations were run at the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center on the Cheyenne system.

For a model to accurately simulate a wildfire, it requires detailed information about the current conditions. This includes the local weather and terrain as well as the characteristics of the plant matter that provides fuel for the flames whats actually available to burn and what condition its in. Is it dead or alive? Is it moist or dry? What type of vegetation is it? How much is there? How deep is the fuel layered on the ground?

The gold standard of fuel datasets is produced by LANDFIRE, a federal program that produces a number of geospatial datasets including information on wildfire fuels. The process of creating these wildfire fuel datasets is extensive and incorporates satellite imagery, landscape simulation, and information collected in person during surveys. However, the amount of resources necessary to produce them means that, practically speaking, they cannot be updated frequently, and disturbance events in the forest including wildfires, insect infestations, and development can radically alter the available fuels in the meantime.

In the case of the East Troublesome Fire, which began in Grand County, Colorado, and burned east into Rocky Mountain National Park, the most recent LANDFIRE fuel dataset was released in 2016. In the intervening four years, the pine beetles had caused widespread tree mortality in the area.

To update the fuel dataset, the researchers turned to the Sentinel satellites, which are part of the European Space Agencys Copernicus program. Sentinel-1 provides information about surface texture, which can be used to identify vegetation type. (Grass has a very different texture than trees, for example.) And Sentinel-2 provides information that can be used to infer the plants health from its greenness. The scientists fed the satellite data into a machine learning model known as a random forest that they had trained on the U.S. Forest Services Insect and Disease Detection Survey. The survey is conducted annually by trained staff who estimate tree mortality from the air.

The result was that the machine learning model was able to accurately update the LANDFIRE fuel data, turning the majority of the fuels categorized as timber litter or timber understory to slash blowdown, the designation used for forested regions with heavy tree mortality.

The LANDFIRE data is super valuable and provides a reliable platform to build on, DeCastro said. Artificial intelligence proved to be an effective tool for updating the data in a less resource-intensive manner.

To test the effect the updated fuel inventory would have on wildfire simulation, the scientists used a version of NCARs Weather Research and Forecasting model, known as WRF-Fire, which was specifically developed to simulate wildfire behavior.

When WRF-Fire was used to simulate the East Troublesome Fire using the unadjusted LANDFIRE fuel dataset it substantially underpredicted the amount of area the fire would burn. When the model was run again with the adjusted dataset, it was able to predict the area burned with a much greater degree of accuracy, indicating that the dead and downed timber helped fuel the fires spread much more so than if the trees had still been alive.

For now, the machine learning model is designed to update an existing fuel map, and it can do the job quickly (in a matter of minutes). But the success of the project also shows the promise of using a machine learning system to begin regularly producing and updating fuel maps from scratch over large regions at risk from wildfires.

The new research at NCAR is part of a larger trend of investigating possible AI applications for wildfire, including efforts to use AI to more quickly estimate fire perimeters. NCAR researchers are also hopeful that machine learning may be able to help solve other persistent challenges for wildfire behavior modeling. For example, machine learning may be able to improve our ability to predict the properties of the embers generated by a fire (how big, how hot, and how dense) as well as the likelihood that those embers could cause spot fires.

We have so much technology and so much computing power and so many resources at our fingertips to solve these issues and keep people safe, said NCAR scientist Timothy Juliano, a study co-author. Were well positioned to make a positive impact; we just need to keep working on it.

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Scientists use AI to update data vegetation maps for improved wildfire forecasts | NCAR & UCAR News - University Corporation for Atmospheric...

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Syapse Unveils Two New Studies on Use of Machine Learning on Real-World Data to Identify and Treat Cancer With Precision at ASCO 2022 – GlobeNewswire

SAN FRANCISCO, May 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Syapse, a leading real-world evidence company dedicated to extinguishing the fear and burden of serious diseases by advancing real-world care, today announced two new studies focused on how the use of machine learning on real-world data can be used to power precision medicine solutions. Syapse will be presenting at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting being held June 3-7, 2022 in Chicago.

This years ASCO is centered on a theme of innovation to make cancer care more equitable, convenient and efficient. Two studies that we are presenting align well with this objective, with a focus on how machine learning can be applied to real-world data to better bring identification of patient characteristics, and specific patient cohorts of interest, to scale, said Thomas Brown, MD, chief medical officer of Syapse. The transformational effort to pursue more personalized, targeted treatments for patients with cancer can be empowered by leveraging real-world data to produce insights in the form of real world evidence, as a complement to classical clinical trials.

Unveiled at ASCO, the Syapse studies include:

In addition to presenting this research at ASCO, Syapse has created an online ASCO hub with more information about its research, its interactive booth experience and how its work with real-world evidence is transforming data into answers that improve care for patients everywhere. For ASCO attendees, please visit Syapse at booth #18143 during the show.

AboutSyapseSyapse is a company dedicated to extinguishing the fear and burden of oncology and other serious diseases by advancing real-world care. By marrying clinical expertise with smart technologies, we transform data into evidenceand then into experiencein collaboration with our network of partners, who are committed to improving patients lives through community health systems. Together, we connect comprehensive patient insights to our network, to empower our partners in driving real impact and improving access to high-quality care.

Syapse ContactChristian Edgington, Media &

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Syapse Unveils Two New Studies on Use of Machine Learning on Real-World Data to Identify and Treat Cancer With Precision at ASCO 2022 - GlobeNewswire

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More Than 2 Billion Shipments of Devices with Machine Learning will Bring On-Device Learning and Inference Directly to Consumers by 2027 – PR Newswire

Federated, distributed, and few-shot learning can make consumers direct participants in Artificial Intelligence processes

NEW YORK, May 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all around us, but the processes of inference and learning that form the backbone of AI typically take place in big servers, far removed from consumers. New models are changing all that, according to ABI Research, a global technology intelligence firm, as the more recent frameworks of Federated Learning, Distributed Learning, and Few-shot Learning can be deployed directly on consumers' devices that have lower compute and smaller power budget, bringing AI to end users.

"This is the direction the market has increasingly been moving to, though it will take some time before the full benefits of these approaches become a reality, especially in the case of Few-Shot Learning, where a single individual smartphone would be able to learn from the data that it is itself collecting. This might well prove to be an attractive proposition for many, as it does not involve uploading data onto a cloud server, making for more secure and private data. In addition, devices can be highly personalized and localized as they can possess high situational awareness and better understanding of the local environments," explains David Lobina, Research Analyst at ABI Research.

ABI Research believes that it will take up to 10 years for such on-device learning and inference to be operative, and these will require adopting new technologies, such as neuromorphic chips. The shift will take place in more powerful consumer devices, such as autonomous vehicles and robots, before making its way into the likes of smartphones, wearables, and smart home devices. Big players such as Intel, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm have been working on these models in recent years, which in addition to neuromorphic chipset players such as BrainChip and GrAI Matter Labs, have provided chips that offer improved performance on a variety of training and inference tasks. The take-up is still small, but it can potentially disrupt the market.

"Indeed, these learning models have the potential to revolutionize a variety of sectors, most probably the fields of autonomous driving and the deployment of robots in public spaces, both of which are currently difficult to pull off, particularly in co-existence with other users," Lobina concludes. "Federated Learning, Distributed Learning, and Few-shot Learning reduces the reliance on cloud infrastructure, allowing AI implementers to create low latency, localized, and privacy preserving AI that can deliver much better user experience for end users."

These findings are from ABI Research's Federated, Distributed and Few-Shot Learning: From Servers to Devicesapplication analysis report.This report is part of the company'sAI and Machine Learningresearch service, which includes research, data, and ABI Insights. Application Analysisreports present in-depth analysis on key market trends and factors for a specific technology.

About ABI ResearchABI Research is a global technology intelligence firm delivering actionable research and strategic guidance to technology leaders, innovators, and decision makers around the world. Our research focuses on the transformative technologies that are dramatically reshaping industries, economies, and workforces today.

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More Than 2 Billion Shipments of Devices with Machine Learning will Bring On-Device Learning and Inference Directly to Consumers by 2027 - PR Newswire

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Artificial intelligence tool learns song of the reef to determine ecosystem health – Cosmos

Coral reefs are among Earths most stunning and biodiverse ecosystems. Yet, due to human-induced climate change resulting in warmer oceans, we are seeing growing numbers of these living habitats dying.

The urgency of the crisis facing coral reefs around the world was highlighted in a recent study that showed that 91% of Australias Great Barrier Reef had experienced coral bleaching in the summer of 202122 due to heat stress from rising water temperatures.

Determining reef health is key to gauging the extent of the problem and developing ways of intervening to save these ecosystems, and a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool has been developed to measure reef health using sound.

Research coming out of the UK is using AI to study the soundscape of Indonesian reefs to determine the health of the ecosystems. The results, published in Ecological Indicators, shows that the AI tool could learn the song of the reef and determine reef health with 92% accuracy.

The findings are being used to track the progress of reef restoration.

More on artificial intelligence: Are machine-learning tools the future of healthcare?

Coral reefs are facing multiple threats, including climate change, so monitoring their health and the success of conservation projects is vital, says lead author Ben Williams of the UKs University of Exeter.

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One major difficulty is that visual and acoustic surveys of reefs usually rely on labour-intensive methods. Visual surveys are also limited by the fact that many reef creatures conceal themselves, or are active at night, while the complexity of reef sounds has made it difficult to identify reef health using individual recordings.

Our approach to that problem was to use machine learning to see whether a computer could learn the song of the reef. Our findings show that a computer can pick up patterns that are undetectable to the human ear. It can tell us faster, and more accurately, how the reef is doing.

Fish and other creatures make a variety of sounds in coral reefs. While the meaning of many of these calls remains a mystery, the new machine-learning algorithm can distinguish overall between healthy and unhealthy reefs.

Recordings used in the study were taken at theMars Coral Reef Restoration Project, which is restoring heavily damaged reefs in Indonesia.

The studys co-author Dr Tim Lamont, a marine biologist at Lancaster University, said the AI method provides advantages in monitoring coral reefs.

This is a really exciting development, says Lamont. Sound recorders and AI could be used around the world to monitor the health of reefs, and discover whether attempts to protect and restore them are working.

In many cases its easier and cheaper to deploy an underwater hydrophone on a reef and leave it there than to have expert divers visiting the reef repeatedly to survey it, especially in remote locations.

Theres never been a more important time to explain the facts, cherish evidence-based knowledge and to showcase the latest scientific, technological and engineering breakthroughs. Cosmos is published by The Royal Institution of Australia, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the world of science. Financial contributions, however big or small, help us provide access to trusted science information at a time when the world needs it most. Please support us by making a donation or purchasing a subscription today.

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Artificial intelligence tool learns song of the reef to determine ecosystem health - Cosmos

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Multivariate statistical approach and machine learning for the evaluation of biogeographical ancestry inference in the forensic field | Scientific…

PCA, PLS-DA and XGBoost models at inter-continental level

As proposed in different papers28,69,70,71, PCA was first performed to preliminary investigate the available datasets involving the four selected AIMs panels for BGA inference. As expected, for the first level of BGA (i.e., inter-continental BGA) inference, several separate clusters corresponding to African, American, Asian, European, and Oceanian individuals were observed in the space of the first two PCs (Fig.1). This result turned straightforward for all the evaluated AIMs panels.

PCA Scores plots showing the PCA models obtained for the different evaluated AIMs panels.

After an initial PCA analysis with the Asian continent in its entirety, the Asian was subdivided into its regions due to its breadth -within our dataset, individuals were belonging to different regions of Asia- and the fact that the prediction of the biogeographical origin within the Asian continent has been and is a subject extensively studied in the forensic field25,72,73,74,75,76.

As in our dataset, if considering Asia composed by Central, East, North, and South Asia populations, PCA plot highlights that African, East Asian, Oceanian, and (partially) North Asian and European individuals showed a better differentiation from the other tested individuals, while American, South Asian, Central Asian, and Middle East subjects provided an overlap in the PCA space. In addition, better separation of the evaluated populations can be observed in Additional file 1: Fig. S1 also involving three principal components (for a total amount of CEV% equal to 83%).

All the evaluated AIMs panels show a similar degree of separation among individuals belonging to different continental areas. However, only the African individuals reveal a separate cluster in all the panels, presumably due to the history of humans in Africa that is complex and includes demographic events that influenced patterns of genetic variation across the continent, and the fact that modern humans first appeared in Africa roughly 250,000350,000years before present and subsequently migrated to other parts of the world77.

As shown in Additional file 1: Fig. S1a,b, the African individuals generate an elongated cluster (dark yellow) that extends towards the gray one corresponding to the Middle East region. By evaluating the African individuals closest to the Middle East cluster, we observed that they belong to the populations of northern Africa. The Middle East cluster is in the middle of the European and South Asian clusters and partly overlaps. The light blue cluster that corresponds to the admixed and non-admixed American population is projected toward the European cluster and partly overlaps with it, suggesting that admixed American individuals have an important proportion of European ancestry78.

As it can be observed in Fig.1 and in Additional file 1: Fig. S1, the distribution of the populations in the space of the PCs perfectly reflects the distribution of the populations in the globe: indeed, geographically distant populations are located distantly in the PCA plot, while geographically close populations, regardless of whether they belong to a continent or another, are close in the PCA plot.

Similar PCA plots were obtained by Glusman et al.79 and Haber et al.80 using a significantly greater number of SNPs, 300,000 and 240,000 respectively than those tested in all the forensic panels. Therefore, as previously highlighted28,69,70, despite the limited number of SNPs, the performance of each panel across populations was generally consistent even if some genetic markers performed more than others.

However, although PCA analysis allows us to assign an individual to his/her population of origin through a visual, intuitive, and easy to interpret approach, it does not provide significant divergence between populations, and obviously, it cannot be used alone in forensic context because it does not provide an accurate statistical estimate of the weight of the evidence69.

PLS-DA was then applied to the same experimental sets based on PCA modeling results to develop more reliable discrimination models to classify the variables. As a result, for the first level of BGA (i.e., inter-continental BGA) inference, African, American, East Asian, South Asian, Central Asian, North Asian, European, and Oceanian individuals were effectively separated using models involving two latent variables (LVs) (Fig.2). This result turned noteworthy for all the evaluated panels.

PLS-DA Scores plots showing the models obtained for the different evaluated AIMs panels.

Even if the PCA and PLS-DA plots may seem similar, the obtained Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, together with the values of sensitivity, specificity, and AUC highlight the importance of a statistical tool to infer BGA. PLS-DA models for African, American, Asian, European, and Oceanian individuals provided optimal predictions with the CEV% values higher than 98% for all populations in all panels investigated except OceaniaEuroforgen (CEV% 88%), ForenSeq (CEV% 79%), MAPlex (CEV% 86%) and Thermo Fisher (CEV% 79%), and America in ForenSeq (CEV% 95%) panel-. The Oceania population results might be affected by the small number of individuals in the dataset showing this ancestry. All the developed models provided a CEV% higher than 80%, and all the tested AIMs panels proved reliable results that remarked the necessity to use a proper classification model, rather than PCA modeling, to infer BGA robustly.

In addition, through the PLS-DA model, the MaPlex panel ability to differentiate the set of individuals from South Asian to others was estimated with a high degree of accuracy (AUC=0.9828). As expected from the preliminary assessment of MaPlex29, no other panel considered in this study was found to be comparable with it in enhancing South Asian differentiation (Fig.3). Outstanding discrimination was obtained for East Asian populations in all panels considered associated with less discrimination for Central and North Asian probably due to the limited number of Asian population samples in our dataset, the use of unsuitable markers to discriminate these areas, and the fact that Asia has been a critical hub of human migration and population admixture81,82,83.

ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for the tested continental populations.

As shown in Fig.3, there are some populations showing poor sensitivity and specificity values. As an example, South Asian individuals have low values for EUROFORGEN, ForenSeq and Thermo Fisher panels, while they are classified with promising results using the MAPlex panel. Similar behaviours are also observed for Middle East and Oceania individuals. These results reflect the fact that some panels, like MAPlex, have been developed to deeply investigate specific populations (i.e., AsiaPacific populations) and their classification might be prone to better identify such individuals29. On the other hand, some populations (like Oceanian and Middle East subjects) showed a lower number of available individuals, compared to the other tested populations, so that the classification performance are not optimal and might be improved by raising the number of investigated subjects.

In accordance with Phillips et al.29, our results indicated enhanced South Asian differentiation (AUC=0.98) using MaPlex panel compared to other forensic panels (Fig.4), but no increased differentiation between West Eurasian and East Asian populations was detected.

Comparison between AUC values of different populations obtained from PLS-DA and XGBoost model at inter-continental level considering Asian divided into regions.

Afterward, the best XGBoost model obtained after the grid search approach provided the following performances (Table 1) in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and AUC. XGBoost algorithm was tested to compare its performances with those from PLS-DA to evaluate another ML model aimed to obtain optimal and feasible inference models for BGA prediction.

As it can be seen by the values reported in Table 1, XGBoost model provides interesting results, but slightly lower than those of PLS-DA models, especially when comparing the AUC values (Fig.4).

As shown in Fig.4, optimal AUC values (close to 1) were observed for African, American, East Asian, and European populations using PLS-DA method, while lower results (around 0.8) were obtained for Central Asia, Middle East, North Asia, Oceania, and South Asia (with the exception of MAPlex panel involving a PLS-DA model) areas. The best results were achieved when using PLS-DA modeling, showing AUC values substantially higher than those obtained by XGBoost. The worst predictions were those involving the South Asian populations overall with AUC values around 0.6. In parallel, STRUCTURE software was tested as a benchmark comparison. The AUC of STRUCTURE was calculated by comparing the ancestry predictions from STRUCTURE software with the real ancestry origins of the tested populations and individuals. Firstly, the number of K clusters (i.e., populations) we selected for our comparison with STRUCTURE was equal to the number of ancestry populations we tested for the different PLS-DA and XGBoost models at inter-continental and inter-continental levels. Then, using CLUMPP together with STRUCTURE, we were able to obtain the Q-matrices containing the membership coefficients for each individual in each cluster. Therefore, each individual was assigned to the ancestry (k-th cluster) showing the highest membership coefficient: this approach allowed us to obtain ROC curves and AUC values for comparing STRUCTURE approach to the predictions and the performance provided by PLS-DA and XGBoost models.

Comparison between AUC values of different populations obtained from PLS-DA, XGBoost and STRUCTURE model at inter-continental level is reported in the Fig.5. As it can be observed in Fig.5, better performance was achieved when using PLS-DA modeling rather than STRUCTURE for diverse continents such as Africa, America, Europe and most of Asia (central, east and north Asian) for all panels investigated. Different results were observed in south Asia, Middle East and Oceania where STRUCTURE model seems to work best in almost all panels investigated with the exception of MaPlex panel in South Asia. The worst predictions were those involving XGBoost with AUC values on average lower than STRUCTURE except for Central Asian and North Asia.

Comparison of AUC values of different populations obtained from PLS-DA, XGBoost, and STRUCTURE at inter-continental level considering Asian divided into regions.

PCA model was assessed to infer BGA at continental level and, as expected28,69, unsatisfactory separations were observed (an example is shown in Fig.6 for MAPlex panel). In particular, the following countries and populations were evaluated for the different geographical areas:

Africa: African Caribbeans, Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone;

America: Colombia, Mexican Ancestry from Los Angeles, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico;

Asia: Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka;

Europe: Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Israel.

PCA Scores plots showing the PCA models obtained for the different countries and populations tested using the Maplex panel.

These countries and populations were selected since they showed more than 80 genotyped individuals in the analyzed dataset; therefore, Oceanian individuals were not considered since the number of genotyped subjects was too limited. As observed in Fig.6, no significant differences or clusters were detected when using PCA exploratory strategy. Considering Asian population plot, Japan and China provided a different cluster when compared to the other Asian countries but despite the MAPlex panel was specifically developed to provide differentiation of Asian population, can discriminate South from East Asian populations but the sub-populations in these geographical areas cannot be separated from each other. Similar results were observed for all the other BGA AIMs panels (Additional file 1: Figs. S2, S3, S4, S5).

In summary, if this traditional multivariate approach allows us to suggest the BGA of known individuals at the inter-continental level, it fails at intra-continental level, presumably due to the statistical method that is incapable to classify the variables.

Therefore, the application of the PCA model can be considered inadequate for forensic BGA inference goals. For this reason, we adopted proper classification models, such as PLS-DA and XGBoost, to improve our models performance and obtain adequate separations among the populations.

Therefore, PLS-DA and XGBoost models were evaluated at intra-continental level. Figure7 reports the models and the performance results of the PLS-DA model built to discriminate among the African population.

ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for African countries and populations.

In the African scenario, the best results were achieved by EUROFORGEN and Thermo Fisher panels, but also MAPlex panel provided interesting results.

The AUC values of the EUROFORGEN panel (Fig.7) between 0.8 and 0.9 for two out of five populations analyzed and greater than 0.9 for the remaining three, suggest an excellent capacity of discrimination and outstanding discrimination, respectively, of the SNPs in the panel. Thermo Fisher and MaPlex panel obtained similar results.

Presumably, due to the limited numbers of markers in the panel, the worst classification performances were provided by the ForenSeq panel with an average AUC value of 0.798, the lowest value compared to the other panels. These results can also be assessed from the scores plots reported in Additional file 1: Fig. S6 where several clusters are visible from the PLS-DA models built using the different AIMs panels.

The AUC value very close to 100% observed for the African population in all panels tested (Fig.3) highlights their outstanding discrimination at the inter-continental level and a slightly less capability, albeit excellent in most of the panels, at intra-continental level (Fig.7). Indeed, the average AUC values for all panels in African population range from an acceptable discrimination for Forenseq panel (average AUC value=0.798) to an outstanding discrimination for MaPlex and Thermo Fisher panel with the average AUC values equal to 0.92 and 0.91 respectively.

The XGBoost model was also performed, and Tables S1 in Additional file 1 shows the sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for African populations.

AUC values of PLS-DA and XGBoost model were compared (Fig.8).

Comparison of AUC values obtained fromPLS-DA and XGBoost model for African population.

Interesting AUC values (around 0.9) were observed for African Carribean, Gambian, Kenyan, and Nigerian individuals, while the worst results (0.8 for PLS-DA, 0.6 for XGBoost) were obtained for the subjects from Sierra Leone presumably influenced by the lower number of individuals in the population. Again, the best performances were achieved using PLS-DA modeling.

In the American framework (Fig.9), no specific panel or model outperformed the others. Good discrimination results were observed using EUROFORGEN and MAPlex panels for the individuals from Mexico and Peru, and Puerto Rico (in all cases, AUC value is higher than 0.97), and Colombia (for MAPlex only with an AUC value of 0.85). On the other hand, the Thermo Fisher panel showed the best results in discriminating the individual of Mexican ancestry living in Los Angeles (US) (AUC value of 0.88), but also ForenSeq panel provided remarkable results (AUC value of 0.84). Thermo Fisher panel also provided reliable classification results (AUC value of 0.98) when dealing with subjects from Puerto Rico (as well as EUROFORGEN (0.97) and MAPlex (0.99) panels). These results can also be observed from the scores plots reported in Additional file 1: Fig. S7, showing several clusters among the tested countries and populations.

ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for American countries and populations.

In addition, in the American scenario, all panels investigated except MaPlex show AUC values higher than 0.95 at inter-continental level (Fig.3), and a very slightly less capability of discrimination was observed at inter-continental level with the average AUC values higher than 0.90 for all panels (Fig.9). Therefore, particular attention should be paid with the MaPlex panel. In this case, the AUC value at inter-continental level is much lower (AUC=0.77) than the average value obtained at intra-continental level (AUC mean=0.93), showing a better discrimination at intra-continental level rather than at inter-continental one. This might be because there is a lower variability in the analyzed data (as well as in the number of tested populations) and, in this scenario, the algorithms are capable of predicting and inferring BGA with improved performances.

Tables S2 in additional file 1 shows the sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values of XGBoost model for American population. AUC values of PLS-DA and XGBoost models were compared (Fig.10).

Comparison of AUC values obtained from PLS-DA and XGBoost model for American population.

As shown in Fig.10, optimal AUC values (around 1 for PLS-DA) were observed when inferring the BGA for individuals from Mexico, Peru, and Puerto Rico, while lower performances (around 0.8 for PLS-DA) were obtained when evaluating Colombian and Mexican Ancestry from Los Angeles individuals. Again, the best performances were achieved using PLS-DA modeling.

In the Asian framework (Fig.11), similar results were obtained. On average, the best results were obtained when evaluating the Thermo Fisher and MAPlex panels, especially for the individuals from China, Japan, and Pakistan with AUC values equal to 0.99, 0.98 and 0.95, respectively, for Thermo panel and 0.98, 0.98 and 0.86 for MaPlex panel. Excellent discrimination was achieved also for India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka with AUC greater than 0.80, showing the ability of these two panels to differentiate sub-populations.

ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for Asian countries and populations.

The scores plot provided two separated clusters; the first one consists of China and Japan, while the second cluster reported the individuals from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (Additional file 1: Fig. S8).

Tables S3 in additional file 1 shows the sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values of XGBoost model for Asian population. AUC values of PLS-DA and XGBoost models were compared (Fig.12).

Comparison of AUC values obtained from PLS-DA and XGBoost model for Asian population.

The best AUC values (around 1 for PLS-DA) were obtained when inferring the BGA for individuals from China, Japan, and Puerto Rico, while lower results (around 0.8 for PLS-DA) were obtained when evaluating individuals from Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka. The lowest results were showed by the XGBoost model on Bangladesh subjects and, once again, the best performances were achieved with PLS-DA modeling.

Finally, no specific AIMs panel or model outperformed the others when evaluating the European countries and populations except for the ForenSeq panel that presents the worst results, presumably due to the low numbers of markers analyzed. The scores plot provided several separate clusters for all the evaluated populations, and these results can also be observed from the scores plots reported in Additional file 1: Fig. S9.

As shown in Fig.13, the best discrimination result was achieved for Finland populations (AUC0.93) for all panels investigated. It has to be noted that the best results for the French individuals were obtained with EUROFORGEN and MAPlex AIMs panels, while for the other groups (Italians, English, Spanish, and Finns) the results are comparable.

ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values for European countries and populations.

Tables S4 in additional file 1 shows the sensitivity, specificity, and AUC values of XGBoost model for European population. AUC values of PLS-DA and XGBoost models were compared (Fig.14).

Comparison of AUC values obtained from PLS-DA and XGBoost model for European population.

Optimal AUC values (around 0.91) were observed for all the PLS-DA models in this scenario, instead of the XGBoost models showing significantly lower results.

STRUCTURE approach was also compared with PLS-DA and XGBoost model at intra-continental level by evaluating the populations selected for the Africans, as an example. The results in terms of comparison of the AUC values are reported in the Fig.15. As already observed at inter-continental level, PLS-DA, and in most cases XGBoost, provided, on average, better performance in terms of accuracy when compared to STRUCTURE approach also at intra-continental level.

Comparison of AUC values obtained from PLS-DA, XGBoost and STRUCTURE model for African population.

Comparing the ROC curves of all forensic panels both at inter-continental level and at intra-continental level, a decrease in the accuracy in inferring BGA at intra-continental level was observed. This decrease may be explained by the natural geographical distribution of some populations: populations that share geographical borders and cultural practices are closely related genetically and these populations show similar genetic patterns72, by the SNPs in forensic panels, selected with the aim of discriminating populations at continental level28,69,73, and by their number which is relatively low compared to that used in other genetic fields through NGS technology.

PLS-DA and XGBoost at intra-continental level provided, on average, better performance in terms of accuracy when compared to STRUCTURE approach. In particular, the obtained results showed that PLS-DA performed better than STRUCTURE at both inter- and intra-continental level. Similar results were achieved by Jombart et al.43 when using a supervised classification approach like DAPC in comparison with STRUCTURE. Furthermore, both PLS-DA and STRUCTURE methods provide graphical outputs for interpreting the results of the obtained classification models. STRUCTURE provides the results in form of bar plot (being extremely helpful, for instance, when interpreting admixtures) while PLS-DA modelling shows a scatter plot for the tested populations, aimed to evaluate the goodness of the developed classification and allowing to project new individuals into the calculated Scores plots. On the other hand, GenoGeographer approach shows a brilliant use of Likelihood Ratio modelling, since it allows to compare the tested populations and the predictions in terms of Log10LR. Similarly, our XGBoost and PLS-DA approaches provide numerical results for the performance of the models (in terms of ROC curves) and the classifications of new individuals (in terms of probability of classification for the new tested individuals).

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Multivariate statistical approach and machine learning for the evaluation of biogeographical ancestry inference in the forensic field | Scientific...

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Risks Lurk in AI Tools that Marketers Increasingly Rely On – The Financial Brand

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How to Make the Universe Think for Us – Quanta Magazine

The group also implemented their scheme in an optical system where the input image and weights are encoded in two beams of light that get jumbled together by a crystal and in an electronic circuit capable of similarly shuffling inputs. In principle, any system with Byzantine behavior will do, though the researchers believe the optical system holds particular promise. Not only can a crystal blend light extremely quickly, but light also contains abundant data about the world. McMahon imagines miniaturized versions of his optical neural network someday serving as the eyes of self-driving cars, identifying stop signs and pedestrians before feeding that information to the vehicles computer chip, much as our retinas perform some basic visual processing on incoming light.

The Achilles heel of these systems, however, is that training them requires a return to the digital world. Backpropagation involves running a neural network in reverse, but plates and crystals dont readily unmix sounds and light. So the group constructed a digital model of each physical system. Reversing these models on a laptop, they could use the backpropagation algorithm to calculate how to adjust the weights to give accurate answers.

With this training, the plate learned to classify handwritten digits correctly 87% of the time. The circuit and laser reached 93% and 97% accuracy, respectively. The results showed that not only standard neural networks can be trained through backpropagation, said Julie Grollier, a physicist at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Thats beautiful.

The groups quivering metal plate has not yet brought computing closer to the shocking efficiency of the brain. It doesnt even approach the speed of digital neural networks. But McMahon views his devices as striking, if modest, proof that you dont need a brain or computer chip to think. Any physical system can be a neural network, he said.

Ideas abound for the other half of the puzzle getting a system to learn all by itself.

Florian Marquardt, a physicist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Germany, believes one option is to build a machine that runs backward. Last year, he and a collaborator proposed a physical analogue of the backpropagation algorithm that could run on such a system.

To show that it works, they digitally simulated a laser setup somewhat like McMahons, with the adjustable weights encoded in a light wave that mixes with another input wave (encoding, say, an image). They nudge the output to be closer to the right answer and use optical components to unmix the waves, reversing the process. The magic, Marquardt said, is that when you try the device once more with the same input, [the output] now has a tendency to be closer to where you want it to be. Next, they are collaborating with experimentalists to build such a system.

But focusing on systems that run in reverse limits the options, so other researchers are leaving backpropagation behind entirely. They take encouragement from knowing that the brain learns in some other way than standard backpropagation. The brain doesnt work like this, said Scellier. Neuron A communicates with neuron B, but its only one-way.

In 2017, Scellier and Yoshua Bengio, a computer scientist at the University of Montreal, developed a unidirectional learning method called equilibrium propagation. To get a sense of how it works, imagine a network of arrows that act like neurons, their direction indicating a 0 or 1, connected in a grid by springs that act as synaptic weights. The looser a spring, the less the linked arrows tend to snap into alignment.

First, you twist arrows in the leftmost row to reflect the pixels of your handwritten digit and hold them fixed while the disturbance ripples out through the springs, flipping other arrows. When the flipping stops, the rightmost arrows give the answer.

Crucially, you dont have to train this system by un-flipping the arrows. Instead, you connect another set of arrows showing the correct answer along the bottom of the network; these flip arrows in the upper set, and the whole grid settles into a new equilibrium. Finally, you compare the new orientations of the arrows with the old orientations and tighten or loosen each spring accordingly. Over many trials, the springs acquire smarter tensions in a way that Scellier and Bengio have shown is equivalent to backpropagation.

It was thought that there was no possible link between physical neural networks and backpropagation, said Grollier. Very recently thats what changed, and thats very exciting.

Initial work on equilibrium propagation was all theoretical. But in an upcoming publication, Grollier and Jrmie Laydevant, a physicist at CNRS, describe an execution of the algorithm on a machine called a quantum annealer, built by the company D-Wave. The apparatus has a network of thousands of interacting superconductors that can act like arrows linked by springs and naturally calculate how the springs should be updated. The system cannot update these synaptic weights automatically, though.

At least one team has gathered the pieces to build an electronic circuit that does all the heavy lifting thinking, learning and updating weights with physics. Weve been able to close the loop for a small system, said Sam Dillavou, a physicist at the University of Pennsylvania.

The goal for Dillavou and his collaborators is to emulate the brain, a literal smart substance: a relatively uniform system that learns without any single structure calling the shots. Every neuron is doing its own thing, he said.

To this end, they built a self-learning circuit, in which variable resistors act as the synaptic weights and neurons are the voltages measured between the resistors. To classify a given input, it translates the data into voltages that are applied to a few nodes. Electric current courses through the circuit, seeking the paths that dissipate the least energy and changing the voltages as it stabilizes. The answer is the voltage at specified output nodes.

Their major innovation came in the ever-challenging learning step, for which they devised a scheme similar to equilibrium propagation called coupled learning. As one circuit takes in data and thinks up a guess, an identical second circuit starts with the correct answer and incorporates it into its behavior. Finally, electronics connecting each pair of resistors automatically compare their values and adjust them to achieve a smarter configuration.

The group described their rudimentary circuit in a preprint last summer, showing that it could learn to distinguish three types of flowers with 95% accuracy. Now theyre working on a faster, more capable device.

Even that upgrade wont come close to beating a state-of-the-art silicon chip. But the physicists building these systems suspect that digital neural networks as mighty as they seem today will eventually appear slow and inadequate next to their analog cousins. Digital neural networks can only scale up so much before getting bogged down by excessive computation, but bigger physical networks need not do anything but be themselves.

Its such a big, fast-moving and varied field that I find it hard to believe that there wont be some pretty powerful computers made with these principles, Dillavou said.

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How to Make the Universe Think for Us - Quanta Magazine

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Google Cloud Storage Triggers | Cloud Functions Documentation

Cloud Functions usesevent-driven functions tohandle events from your Cloud infrastructure.For example, Cloud Functions can respond to change notifications emerging fromGoogle Cloud Storage. These notifications can be configured totrigger in response to various events inside a bucketobject creation, deletion,archiving and metadata updates.

Cloud Storage events used by Cloud Functions are based onCloud Pub/Sub Notifications for Google Cloud Storageand are provided in the Cloud Storage JSON API format.

Storage-triggered functions support four trigger types. These trigger typevalues are used upon function deployment to specify which Cloud Storage eventswill trigger your functions:

The following sample function logs relevant data when an event occurs.

You specify the trigger type when you deploy the function. For example,the deployment example below uses the function to log every timean object is created by specifying the type.

For a full tutorial on running this code, see theCloud storage tutorial:

The following gcloud command deploys the function with an object.finalizetrigger.

where YOUR_TRIGGER_BUCKET_NAME is the name of the CloudStorage bucket that the function will monitor.

Trigger type value:

This event is sent when a new object is created (or an existing object isoverwritten, and a new generation of that object is created) in the bucket.

Trigger type value:

This event is sent when an object is permanently deleted. Depending on theobject versioning setting for a bucket thismeans:

For versioning buckets, this is only sent when a version is permanentlydeleted (but not when an object is archived).

For non-versioning buckets, this is sent when an object is deleted oroverwritten.

Trigger type value:

This event is sent when alive version of an object is archived ordeleted.

This event is only sent for versioning buckets.

Trigger type value:

This event is sent when the metadataof an existing object changes.

Storage event data is delivered in the Cloud Storage objectformat.

Events are delivered usingPub/Sub notifications from Cloud Storage.Events are subject to Pub/Sub's delivery guarantees.

A bucket can have up to 10 notification configurations set to trigger for aspecific event. Setting up too many notifications for the same bucket mightexceed the notifications limit for the bucket and make it impossible to createthe function, as indicated by the following error:

If you reach the limit, you can't create a function until you take remedialaction, such as removing notifications.

Learn more about the quotas and request limits forCloud Storage.

You must have sufficient permissions on the project that will receivenotifications. This includes ensuring that you do the following:

Get the email address of the service agent associated withthe project that contains your Cloud Storage bucket.

Use the email address that you obtained in the previous step togive the service agent the IAM role pubsub.publisher for therelevant Pub/Sub topic.

Learn more aboutconfiguring Pub/Sub notificationsfor Cloud Storage.

The gcloud command below deploys a function that is triggered by legacyobject change notifications on aspecific bucket. Generally, Cloud Pub/Sub notifications areeasier to use, more flexible, and more powerful than object change notifications.However, these legacy notifications are supported for legacy functions alreadyconsuming these events.

See the Cloud Storage Tutorial for an example of how toimplement an event-driven function that is triggered by Cloud Storage.

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Google Cloud Storage Triggers | Cloud Functions Documentation

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Vote now: Do you use cloud storage? – PhoneArena

Ten years ago, storage was a huge issue, at least for me. I remember burning spindles of CDs containing music, movies, photos and everything I cherished at the time. My hard drive was constantly full, and my phone had something like 350MB of internal storage. It was a nightmare!

Now things are very different - not only because memory technology is far superior to what it used to be but also because everything is in the cloud. You could get a 1TB phone if you like but that amount of storage space is often overkill. You can also slap 4 SSDs in your PC or laptop and forget about it but again, the cost might not be justified.

Still, with the modern internet speeds, cloud storage could potentially offer the same space with some additional benefits at a lower price. Ive been using Google Drive for years now (the free version - something like 17GB), and should the need arise, Id probably buy a 100GB subscription for $20 a year. Its just so convenient.

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Vote now: Do you use cloud storage? - PhoneArena

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How Airbnb, Dropbox and Reddit Got Their First Customers – Inc.

Even when you think you have a brilliant idea, it can take some convincing to get others on board.

Just ask some of today's most successfulfounders. Airbnb, Dropbox, and Reddit are just a few companieswho used some farout-of-the-box strategies to get their very first customersbefore becoming household names. Learn from their examples. Will they work for you?

Creating a viral moment that targets a specific community

Sure, they aren't easy to pull off, but viral moments can be crafted with some strategy and dedication. WhenDropbox launched in 2007, the cloud-storage company had a hard time bringing in new users. It ran a GoogleAdSense campaign, but it barely made a difference. So, co-founder Drew Houston, 39,decided to show, not tell. He made avideo to demonstrate exactly how itsstorageworked, and posted it on the news aggregator Digg. Users on Digg quickly up-voted the video, and by the next day, the site had 70,000 new sign-ups, according to Dropbox, which notedthat the Digg community of avid internet-users was an ideal target.

Still, Houston says that it was important for the company to keep innovating for the company to gain new users. One standout strategy: Dropbox ran a campaign that offered users 128 megabitesof storage, in return for sharing a referral link on Facebook and Twitter. Within just 30 days, Dropbox users sent ouf 2.8 million invites, which greatly bolstered the site's user base.

Pulling from another company's user base

Poaching customers from another business may sound like playing dirty--but it's often a reality of business. When developing their apartment-sharing platform, Airbnb's founders thought about what alternative a prospective short-term renter might use without their service. The answer: Craigslist. The founders were confident that they could make the rental experience more pleasant for everyone involved, but they knew that, before they started any kind of customer outreach, they needed to find people who were looking for renters. So, co-founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, both 40,developed a software that allowed them to extract the contact information of property owners on Craigslist and ask them to advertise their property, according to a case study that Thales S. Teixeira and Morgan Brown wrotefor Harvard BusinessSchool.What's more, it launched witha feature that allowed users to simultaneously list their property on both Airbnb and Craigslist.

While property owners leaped at the chance toadvertise their properties on both Craigslist and Airbnb, the latter company wanted tobring in even more value to sway them. For early listings, Airbnb hired professional photographers to help photograph the rental spaces, easing the burden for property ownersandmaking the listings far more appealing to potential renters. While this tactic wasn't financially sustainablein the long run, launching the site with well-photographed listings established a precedent that other property owners would follow as the site grew, Teixeira and Brown report.

Creating the illusion of an already-existing audience

When it comes to growing a social media platform, users are critical--it's far easier to convince people to join a site that already seems popular than it is to get them to sign on to something completely new. That's why Reddit's co-founders found a way to make it seem like their website already had an active user base, even when ithad only just launched.

Co-founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanianfilled Reddit withsubmissions under fake usernames, which made the site seem more popularthan it really was. "Users like to feel a part of something," Huffman, now 38, says in a video for the online learning platform Udemy. "If they showed up to the website and the front page was blank, it just looks like a ghost town."

They also launched the Redditin a more simple form than exists today. Therewas no categorization for the links, and no comments on the site. Starting simply helped the foundersget their platform out in the worldwithout having to spend a ton of time explaining the nuances of different threads.After a few months, real Redditors had arrived and thesite took off, allowing the founders to stop backfilling submissions.

How Airbnb, Dropbox and Reddit Got Their First Customers - Inc.

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