2022 Will Be The Most Loving Year In A Decade, Numerology Predicts – mindbodygreen.com

In numerology, the Personal Year 6 (yes, there is a personal year as well as a Universal Yearmore on that later) is known as the "marriage or divorce" year. This is because 6 is the vibration of relationships and love. This is a major love year for us as individuals, but what does it mean for the collective? Could it be that we'll finally all be able to come together to experience love and harmony like never before? Maybe

With each year there is a light and a shadow side, representing the highest vibration and the lowest vibration of that number we can experience. On the light side of a 6 Year is the ability to tap into higher ideals of love, strengthen relationships, and heal some deep wounds. But on its shadow side, the 6 Year can bring about a lot of shame, difficult emotions, and pressure to carry out responsibilities we didn't realize we had.

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2022 Will Be The Most Loving Year In A Decade, Numerology Predicts - mindbodygreen.com

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