GitHub – deepmind/deepmind-research: This repository …

GitHub - deepmind/deepmind-research: This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications Files Permalink Failed to load latest commit information.



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This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompanyDeepMind publications. Along with publishing papers to accompany researchconducted at DeepMind, we release open-sourceenvironments,data sets,and code toenable the broader research community to engage with our work and build upon it,with the ultimate goal of accelerating scientific progress to benefit society.For example, you can build on our implementations of theDeep Q-Network orDifferential Neural Computer, or experimentin the same environments we use for our research, such asDeepMind Lab orStarCraft II.

If you enjoy building tools, environments, software libraries, and otherinfrastructure of the kind listed below, you can view open positions to work inrelated areas on our careers page.

For a full list of our publications, please see

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This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications

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GitHub - deepmind/deepmind-research: This repository ...

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