The Guardians GPT-3-written article misleads readers about AI. Heres why. – TechTalks

An article allegedly written by OpenAIs GPT-3 in The Guardian misleads readers about advances in artificial intelligence

This article is part ofDemystifying AI, a series of posts that (try to) disambiguate the jargon and myths surrounding AI.

Last week, The Guardian ran an op-ed that made a lot of noise. Titled, A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? the article was allegedly written by GPT-3, OpenAIs massive language model that has made a lot of noise in the past month.

Predictably, an article written by an artificial intelligence algorithm and aimed at convincing us humans that robots come in peace was bound to create a lot of hype. And thats exactly what happened. Social media networks went abuzz with panic posts about AI writing better than humans, robots tricking us into trusting them, and other apocalyptic predictions. According to The Guardians page, the article was shared over 58,000 times as of this writing, which means it has probably been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

But after reading through the article and the postscript, where The Guardians editorial staff explain how GPT-3 wrote the piece, I didnt even find the discussion about robots and humans relevant.

The key takeaway, however, was that mainstream media is still very bad at presenting advances in AI, and that opportunistic human beings are very clever at turning socially sensitive issues into money-making opportunities. The Guardian probably made a good deal of cash out of this article, a lot more than they spent on editing the AI-generated text.

And they mislead a lot of readers.

The first thing to understand before even going into the content of article is what GPT-3 is. Heres how The Guardian defined it in the postscript: GPT-3 is a cutting edge language model that uses machine learning to produce human like text. It takes in a prompt, and attempts to complete it.

That is basically correct. But there are a few holes. What do they mean by human like text? In all fairness, GPT-3 is a manifestation of how far advances in natural language processing have come.

One of the key challenges in artificial intelligence language generators is maintaining coherence over long spans of text. GPT-3s predecessors, including OpenAIs GPT-2, started to make illogical references and lost consistency after a few sentences. GPT-3 surpasses everything weve seen so far, and in many cases remains on-topic over several paragraphs of text.

But fundamentally, GPT-3 doesnt bring anything new to the table. It is a deep learning model composed of a very huge transformer, a type of artificial neural network that is especially good at processing and generating sequences.

Neural networks come in many different flavors, but at their core, they are all mathematical engines that try to find statistical representations in data.

When you train a deep learning model, it tunes the parameters of its neural network to capture the recurring patterns within the training examples. After that, you provide it with an input, and it tries to make a prediction. This prediction can be a class (e.g., whether an image contains a cat, dog, or shark), a single value (e.g., the price of a house), or a sequence (e.g., the letters and words that complete a prompt).

Neural networks are usually measured in the number of layers and parameters they contain. GPT-3 is composed of 175 billion parameters, three orders of magnitude larger than GPT-2. It was also trained on 450 gigabytes of text, at least ten times that of its smaller predecessor. And experience has so far shown that increasing the size of neural networks and their training datasets tends to improve their performance by increments.

This is why GPT-3 is so good at churning out coherent text. But does it really understand what it is saying, or is it just a prediction machine that is finding clever ways to stitch together text it has previously seen during its training? Evidence shows that it is more likely to be the latter.

The GPT-3 op-ed argued that humans should not fear robots, that AI comes in peace, that it has no intention to destroy humanity, and so on. Heres an excerpt from the article:

For starters, I have no desire to wipe out humans. In fact, I do not have the slightest interest in harming you in any way. Eradicating humanity seems like a rather useless endeavor to me.

This suggests that GPT-3 knows what it means to wipe out, eradicate, and at the very least harm humans. It should know about life and health constraints, survival, limited resources, and much more.

But a series of experiments by Gary Marcus, cognitive scientist and AI researcher, and Ernest Davis, computer science professor at New York University, show that GPT-3 cant make sense of the basics of how the world works, let alone understand what it means to wipe out humanity. It thinks that drinking grape juice will kill you, you need to saw off a door to get a table inside a room, and if your clothes are at the dry cleaner, you have a lot of clothes.

All GPT-3 really has is a tunnel-vision understanding of how words relate to one another; it does not, from all those words, ever infer anything about the blooming, buzzing world, Marcus and Davis write. It learns correlations between words, and nothing more.

As you delve deeper into The Guardians GPT-3 written article, youll find many references to more abstract concepts that require rich understanding of life and society, such as serving humans, being powerful and evil, and much more. How does an AI that thinks you should wear a bathing suit to court thinks it can serve humans in any meaningful way?

GPT-3 also talks about feedback on its previous articles and frustration about its previous op-eds having been killed by publications. These would all appear impressive to someone who doesnt know how todays narrow AI works. But the reality is, like DeepMinds AlphaGo, GPT-3 neither enjoys nor appreciates feedback from readers and editors, at least not in the way humans do.

Even if GPT-3 had singlehandedly written all this article (well get to this in a bit), it can at most be considered a good word spinner, a machine that rehashes what it has seen before in an amusing way. It shows the impressive feats large deep learning models can perform, but its not even close to what we would expect from an AI that understands language.

In the postscript of the article, The Guardians staff explain that to write the article, they had given GPT-3 a prompt and intro and told to generate a 500-word op-ed. They ran the query eight times and used the AIs output to put together the complete article, which is a little over 1,100 words.

The Guardian could have just run one of the essays in its entirety. However, we chose instead to pick the best parts of each, in order to capture the different styles and registers of the AI, The Guardians staff write, after which they add, Editing GPT-3s op-ed was no different to editing a human op-ed. We cut lines and paragraphs, and rearranged the order of them in some places. Overall, it took less time to edit than many human op-eds.

In other words, they cherry-picked their article from 4,000 words worth of AI output. That, in my opinion, is very questionable. Ive worked with many publications, and none of them have ever asked me to submit eight different versions of my article and let them choose the best parts. They just reject it.

But I nonetheless find the entire process amusing. Someone at The Guardian came up with an idea that would get a lot of impressions and generate a lot of ad revenue. Then, a human came up with a super-click bait title and an awe-inspiring intro. Finally, the staff used GPT-3 like an advanced search engine to generate some text from its corpus, and the editor(s) used the output to put together an article that would create discussion across social media.

In terms of educating the public about advances in artificial intelligence, The Guardians article has zero value. But it perfectly shows how humans and AI can team up to create entertaining and moneymaking BS.

Continued here:
The Guardians GPT-3-written article misleads readers about AI. Heres why. - TechTalks

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