Archer Materials" patent application received by World Intellectual Property Organisation – Proactive Investors Australia

The company is developing materials in quantum computing, biotechnology, and lithium-ion batteries.

() has confirmed thatthe patent application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to protect and commercialise its graphene biosensor technology intellectual property has been received by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

Acknowledgement of receipt by WIPO concludes the PCT application lodgement process and confirms the International Patent Application is formally compliant with the PCT prosecution procedure and has met the deadline to avoid abandonment of the application.

The company has continued to progressthe development of its 12CQ technology and ison-track performing quantum measurements required to build an operational room-temperature qubit processor (chip) prototype.

As part of this work, the company has joined the Sydney Knowledge Hub,a co-working space for research-based organisations that collaborate with the University of Sydney,to strategically engage with researchers in the Australian quantum computing economy.

A collaboration agreement with the University of NSW Sydney also now includes access to world-class infrastructure for quantum materials characterisation.

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Archer Materials" patent application received by World Intellectual Property Organisation - Proactive Investors Australia

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