Federal operations are moving to the edge. IT must follow. – Federal News Network

The federal government operatesan increasinglydistributed mission.Frombattlefields to warehouses toagricultural inspections, agencies need a technology architecturethatadaptstotheirdispersed yet complexcomputing needs.

The urgency of this need can be seen inthe astronomical rate of data growth, particularly at the edgeor beyond the traditional perimeter.By 2023,Gartnerpredictsthat over 50% of the primary responsibility of data and analytics leaders will comprise data created, managed and analyzed in edge environments.Consider sensors that monitorremote environments orwearables collecting insights fromfrontline workers; federalagenciesneedthe infrastructure to process and act on thistype ofdata, often at speed.

Edge solutions are the answer.

By combining localized computing, sophisticated Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and 5G network connectivity, edge solutions will help agencies conductdata-driven,advanced operations, no matter where the mission goes.The technology can deliver more timely analysis to soldiers on the battlefield, and can empower civilian agencies in essential mission sets, from telemedicine to disaster response.

The military recognizesthispotential. TheDefenseDepartments Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2)plans to use edge computingto connect sensorsacrossmilitarybranchesinto a single network.Thiswill givecommanders vital information to drive warfighter performance in real time.

Edge solutionscan be used tocreate aconnectedcontinuum of actionable data from the cloud all the way to theoperationaledge.The technologysgreatest potentialliesinbringingthe best of what the cloud can offer including advanced tools like artificial intelligence and machine learning to the networks last mile.

In a recent report from Accenture,Extending IT to the Missions Edge,more than nine in 10 federaltechnologyleaders say thatedgesolutions areeithervery or extremely important to meeting their agencys mission needs.

For agencies operating dispersed missions orgenerating high volumes of data, edge solutions are critical to a holistic digital transformation.Itwill takea savvy marriage of cloud and edge capabilities to ingest and operationalizeincreasing quantitiesofdataacross alluse cases.Without a focus on the edge,agenciesmay be leaving valuable databehind.

For agencies migrating to the cloud, theresat least one important reasonto consider edge solutions now:Itsmore seamlesstoincorporateedge solutionsearlier in agencies digital transformations from an IT architecture and infrastructure point of viewratherthan bolting on solutions somewhere down the line.

Inaction today also opens the door to security vulnerabilities.Newendpoints could become a cyber liability if IT leaders dont actively plan for their safeguards.More than half (54%) of those surveyedin the Accenture reportcite cyber concerns as an obstacle to edge adoption.

Theresan opportunity to architect for that risk early, by implementinga common control plane in support of cybersecurityacrossbothcloud and the edge.

Edge solutions willbecomean essential element of agencies digital transformation, but careful planning is needed today to bring that potential to fruition.

Federal leaders cantakestepstoday to beginleveragingedgesolutionsin support of improved mission outcomes.How?

Wearesoongoing tosee a divide between those who are able tounderstand and take advantage ofedge solutions, andthosewho arenot.Agencies thatmove onedge solutions will have more intelligent insights to drive action across the mission, anywhere and everywhere.

Chris Bjornson is the Cloud Practice Leadand Kyle Michl is the Chief Innovation Officerat Accenture Federal Services.

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Federal operations are moving to the edge. IT must follow. - Federal News Network

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