Top Dollar Jobs in Cloud Computing – Read IT Quik

Microsoft recently conducted a survey to identify Azure environment trends and found that the highest paid job role is that of the Azure enterprise architect. The salary ranges around $125,000 for Azure architects. Next in line are the developers and sales and marketing professionals, with salaries of around $100,000. A total of 1,136 Azure enterprises were surveyed of which about a third were US-based. The survey captured responses on the cost to company and not just the salary, indicating that the numbers are inclusive of overheads such as cost and training. The average cost for enterprise architects in the Asia Pacific region stands at $100,000, and for Western Europe at about $80,000. The global average is $80,000. Some of the important costs for various roles in the cloud computing community are as follows: Architect: $125,000 (in the US) and $80,000 (worldwide) Developer: $100,000 (in the US) and $60,000 (worldwide) Sales and marketing: $100,000 (in the US) and $60,000 (worldwide) Project services delivery: $90,000 (in the US) and $65,000 (worldwide) UI/UX designer: $82,500 (in the US) and $40,000 (worldwide) Managed services delivery: $77,500 (in the US) and $50,000 (worldwide) Tester/QA: $75,000 (in the US) and $40,000 (worldwide)

One of the major buckets in cost to company is learning and development, with 8.5% of the time of technical resources time being allocated to them.

The survey also talked about the source of talent and how companies ended up selecting talent for Azure. Referrals is the biggest source, with 70% of Azure talent coming in from this channel, while LinkedIn serves as the second largest, with a sourcing percentage of 59%. Website (47%), local universities (38%), local tech groups (36%) and competitor recruitment (30%) form the rest.

The cloud is a fast-growing field and respondents were also questioned about what cloud services their companies are engaged in over the past two years. Cloud infrastructure and management practice (78%) / cloud application development practice (53%) emerged as the dominant ones while mobility and security (46%) and data platform and analytics (43%) came next.

Out of the 1136 survey respondents, 513 were Microsoft partners. The Azure-focus for these partners is self-evidentthey reported that 20% of overall revenue was driven by the cloud. They reiterated that expectations from cloud for the future were high, and that they expect the proportion of the cloud in overall revenue to more than double in the next two years, to 47%.

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Top Dollar Jobs in Cloud Computing - Read IT Quik

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