Learn Quantum Computing With Spaced Repetition – Hackaday

Everyone learns differently, but cognitive research shows that you tend to remember things better if you use spaced repetition. That is, you learn something, then after a period, you are tested. If you still remember, you get tested again later with a longer interval between tests. If you get it wrong, you get tested earlier. Thats the idea behind [Andy Matuschak s]and [Michael Nielsens] quantum computing tutorial. You answer questions embedded in the text. You answer to yourself, so theres no scoring. However, once you click to reveal the answer, you report if you got the answer correct or not, and the system schedules you for retest based on your report.

Does it work? We dont know, but we have heard that spaced repetition is good for learning languages, among other things. We suspect that like most learning methods, it works better for some people than others.

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Learn Quantum Computing With Spaced Repetition - Hackaday

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