UC Riverside Wins Grant to Bring Artificial Intelligence to the Colorado River Basin – AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF THE WEST – AGInfo Ag Information…

With California Ag Today, Im Tim Hammerich.

The University of California, Riverside recently won a $10 million grant to develop artificial intelligence to improve environmental and economic stability throughout the western U.S.

Elia Scudiero is a Research Agronomist at the UC Riverside.

Scudiero So this will bring together university personnel and ag tech companies that will provide training that will serve the farming communities in California, Arizona, Colorado, and the native American communities in the Colorado River Basin. So we really hope that this is well -received by the growers and it can be useful to improve their current practices so that we can then continue this program beyond the duration of the project.

Partnering with UC Riverside on this are Colorado State, Duke, University of Georgia, and the University of Arizona. Included in the program is an undergraduate Digital Agricultural Fellowship.

Scudiero So we are going to pair these undergraduate students with a faculty advisor for over a year, creating a very tight relationship there. And these students will carry out independent research in the university lab. But at the same time, we will compliment this type of experience for the students by sending them to have industry internships at our partners in the ag tech industry.

Stay tuned for more information on this exciting project to bring more artificial intelligence to agriculture. The researchers plan to release a website in the coming year.

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UC Riverside Wins Grant to Bring Artificial Intelligence to the Colorado River Basin - AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF THE WEST - AGInfo Ag Information...

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