Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over Your Job in 2022? – Digital Information World

We have been worried about artificial intelligence (AI) and other kinds of robots taking over our jobs for quite some time now. Techno paranoia is by no means a new phenomenon, and it manifests itself in a wide range of ways including situations where people will be concerned about the impact that automation might have on their careers. With the new year right around the corner, what are the chances that AI might make you unemployed in 2022? Peoples opinions on this are quite varied.

The group that is perhaps most fearful of losing their jobs to an AI based program is that of college graduates. Over 69% of people that have completed a college degree fear that they might not be able to get a job or that AI will make their job more or less redundant in the coming years since it would more than likely be able to do whatever job they can handle in a much more efficient manner and they would cost a lot less too.

If you look at all of the respondents to the survey as a whole, you would notice that the average is around 55% for people that are afraid to losing jobs to AI. Hence, college graduates seem to be disproportionately worried about this sort of thing occurring with all things having been considered and taken into account. However, if we were to break down the responses and sort them out by the category of job that we are looking at, it becomes clear that virtually everyone is fearful of the impact of AI.

For example, about 63% of respondents felt that the role of cashiers will be fulfilled by AI in the coming years. This has already started to occur, with Amazon creating stores that you can walk in and out of and your payment will be automatically calculated and deducted from your bank account or some other source of funds. The practicality of such a setup is yet to be tested, but suffice it to say that it already exists in the modern day and many fast food companies are experimenting with this as well.

52% of respondents also said that they felt that the jobs of drivers could be automated and made redundant. This might have something or the other to do with the rise of driverless cars which use a computer program and an algorithm to make it so that you dont have to take the wheel. While these types of cars still have a long way to go before they can become the global standard, they have been getting better on a regular basis and might make traffic jams less prevalent than they are right now.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that not all of the views that people have about AI are negative. If we were to take the example of the economy, around 45% of respondents felt that AI could do a lot of good in this regard. These respondents felt that if AI were made responsible for things like fiscal policy and the like it could reduce the prevalence of corruption and create a smoother type of system for everyone to enjoy.

However, that doesnt mean that everyone agrees that this is a good idea. 29% of respondents felt that doing so would be disastrous for the economy, but a plurality appear to think otherwise. The fact of the matter is that opinions regarding AI are mixed, but this has absolutely no impact on its growth this year. It will continue to grow in 2022 and the changes that are coming would need to be dealt with as and when they arrive so that people can get accustomed to a new way of living. Take a look at below charts more insights on fear of artificial intelligence and its trends, which comes courtesy of Tidio.

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Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over Your Job in 2022? - Digital Information World

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