Self-supervised learning: What is it? How does it work? – DataScientest

In the case of Natural Language Processing (NLP), we use self-supervised learning to train the model on sentences from which words have been randomly omitted. It must then predict these removed words.

This method, applied to NLP, has proved effective and highly relevant. For example, the wav2vec and BERT models developed respectively by Facebook and Google AI are among the most revolutionary in NLP. Wav2vec has proved its worth in the field of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).

In this way, certain parts of audios are masked and the model is trained to predict these parts. BERT, an acronym for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, is a Deep Learning model that currently offers the best results for most NLP tasks.

Unlike previous models, which scan text one-dimensionally to predict the next word, the BERT algorithm hides words randomly in the sentence and tries to predict them. To do this, it uses the full context of the sentence, both left and right.

Read more:
Self-supervised learning: What is it? How does it work? - DataScientest

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