Top Machine Learning Services in the Cloud – Datamation

Machine Learning services in the cloud are a critical area of the modern computing landscape, providing a way for organizations to better analyze data and derive new insights. Accessing these service via the cloud tends to be efficient in terms of cost and staff hours.

Machine Learning (often abbreviated as ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and attempts to 'learn' from data sets in several different ways, including both supervised and unsupervised learning. There are many different technologies that can be used for machine learning, with a variety of commercial tools as well as open source framework.s

While organizations can choose to deploy machine learning frameworks on premises, it is typically a complex and resource intensive exercise. Machine Learning benefits from specialized hardware including inference chips and optimized GPUs. Machine Learning frameworks can also often be challenging to deploy and configure properly. Complexity has led to the rise of Machine Learning services in the cloud, that provide the right hardware and optimally configured software to that enable organizations to easily get started with Machine Learning.

There are several key features that are part of most machine learning cloud services.

AutoML - The automated Machine Learning feature automatically helps to build the right model.Machine Learning Studio - The studio concept is all about providing a developer environment where machine learning models and data modelling scenarios can be built.Open source framework support - The ability to support an existing framework such as TensorFlow, MXNet and Caffe is important as it helps to enable model portability.

When evaluating the different options for machine learning services in the cloud, consider the following criteria:

In this Datamation top companies list, we spotlight the vendors that offer the top machine learning services in the cloud.

Value proposition for potential buyers: Alibaba is a great option for users that have machine learning needs where data sets reside around the world and especially in Asia, where Alibaba is a leading cloud service.

Value proposition for potential buyers: Amazon Web Services has the broadest array of machine learning services in the cloud today, leading with its SageMaker portfolio that includes capabilities for building, training and deploying models in the cloud.

Value proposition for potential buyers: Google's set of Machine Learning services are also expansive and growing, with both generic as well as purpose built services for specific use-cases.

Value proposition for potential buyers: IBM Watson Machine learning enables users to run models on any cloud, or just on the the IBM Cloud

Value proposition for potential buyers: For organizations that have already bought into Microsoft Azure cloud, Azure Machine Learning is good fit, providing a cloud environment to train, deploy and manage machine learning models.

Value proposition for potential buyers: Oracle Machine learning is a useful tools for organizations already using Oracle Cloud applications, to help build data mining notebooks.

Value proposition for potential buyers: Salesforce Einstein is a purpose built machine learning platform that is tightly integrated with the Salesforce platform.

See the rest here:
Top Machine Learning Services in the Cloud - Datamation

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